Friday 28 March 2014

FCPS part 1 Medicine solved mcqs with explanation Q8

Q8: Serum Gastrin levels are increased by prolonged use of:
a) H2 Receptor blockers
b) Proton Pump Inhibitors
c) Antacids
d) Anticholinergics

Correct Answer: b

The most appropriate answer is Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) because they irreversibly inhibit H+ /K+ -ATPase in stomach parietal cells. H2 blockers on the other hand cause a reversible block of histamine H2 receptors resulting in decreased production of H+. Since the PPI are irreversible blockers of the Proton pump they cause a more sustained decrease in H+ production. This, through positive feedback increases the secretion of Gastrin. Generally increased acid (H+ ions) causes decreased production of Gastrin & decreased acid (such as through PPI use) cause increase in Gastrin secretion.

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