Friday 28 March 2014

FCPS part 1 Medicine solved mcqs with explanation Q9

Q9: Gastroesophageal junction competence is increased by:
a) Lying supine
b) Paralysis of the diaphragm
c) Use of Morphine
d) Use of Metoclopromide
e) Increased intra-abdominal pressure

Correct Answer: d

Metoclopromide is D2 receptor antagonist that increased the resting tone of GIT, increases contractility & increases Lower esophageal junction tone. It is clinically used for Diabetic & post-surgery gastroparesis. Toxicity includes parkinsonian effects, restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue, depression, nausea, diarrhea. Contraindicated in patients with small bowel obstruction.
Other option under this question actually decrease the GE junction tone.

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