About Me

Visit official site here: www.drmusmanjaved.com 

Hello! I'm Usman and welcome to my Health blog, here you'll find lot of articles about common health problems in our community and how to control them with professional advice.I added lot of practice questions i collected during my exam preparation for postgraduation entrance examinations like FCPS, USMLE, PLAB, MRCP. you ll find this stuff very helpful in acing your exams.

If you are like most people, you know it can be hard to stay
motivated and focused 365 days a year whether it be at work,
home, school, etc. Especially on those gloomy Monday mornings.
Some people listen to their favorite song to get them energized,
some read an uplifting story, and others may watch an inspiring
movie.. .the list goes on. I happen to like reading quotes of
successful people. I have quotes placed anywhere that I can see
them; in my bedroom, my car, and in my office. Sometimes I
come into the office and feel a little lethargic and less motivated than I should be in order to do my job effectively. I need something extra besides a cup of strong coffee to get me going. All I do is read a quote from my favorite author or businessman,and I seem to get myself back on track. I put this collection of quotes together to help you do the same. We all have the capabilities to achieve just as much success in life as anyone else.All we need to do is stay motivated and focused, have specific goals and act on them. My hope is that this collection gives all of you the extra push you need to get out there and grab life by the horns and achieve all the success life has to offer.Dont forget to follow my another blog for inspirational quotes & excerpts from great personalities.

G mail: drmusmanjaved@gmail.com   
Connect with me via linkedin:View my profile on Linkedin
Find me on Google plus:View my profile on G+
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My Other Blogs worth visiting:

This site contains cardiology educational stuff including Echocardiography, ECG, Cath, Electrophysiology and lot more.

The Pursuit Of Happiness

This site is about developing the ability to say yes to whatever happens in life – good, bad, or indifferent. It’s about being fully present, bringing the best of who we are to every situation. And it’s about being able to accept ourselves completely, warts and all.

My Inspirational Stuff
 This blog contains my little anthology of all the things that make me tick. Go ahead and make yourself motivated with inspirational quotes and excerpts from great personalities.

"My Favorite Quotations"

Getting worried for what's already happening is not gonna make it right. The best thing you can do is 'accept' what you cant change, becuz once you turn out of your self to change something,
you'll lose what you wanted it to be. So be strong and move on 'happily' becoz there's so much for you ahead even better than what you wished for.
And Remember, ALLAH is the Best Planner!

"Being integrated means being able to accept all aspects of one's self. An integrated man is able to embrace everything that makes him unique: his power, his assertiveness, his courage, and his passion as well as his imperfections, his mistakes, and his dark side."

"Those who say it’s not about being the best know they will never be the best."

"Want to know your past?  Look into your present conditions.  Want to know your future?  Look into your present actions."

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs

”Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do something’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something’, go get it. Period.” – In Pursuit Of Happyness

"Life shouldn’t be a struggle. Life should be a flowing smooth thing. This isn’t a hard world to live in, this isn’t hard dimension to live in. If you surround yourself with the right people and if you do the right things, and if you are as good of a person as you are capable of to other people; you will find that the world will make a place for you. What happens to you is dictated by the things you think about. You should always think good things and always look for the good in the world. If you look for the bad in the world, you will always find something bad. But if you look for the good you will find it, it is there."John Frusciante

Visit official site here: www.drmusmanjaved.com 


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  3. like ur writing very much...keep posting dude

  4. Nice work bro...way more to go...

  5. m in love with u ;-) :-o

  6. awesome writing potential you have created a wonderful blog..keep adding

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  8. indeed IT IS literally true..hats off bro..keep writing

  9. Assalamu'alaikum. I like your article on your blog and I like how you write it.
    I should learn from.you.
    thank for sharing good for us..keep it up..

    1. Waalaikumsalam, thanks for the compliments...may ALLAH bless you

  10. Reaaly awsum work Doctor. I am impressed by your thoughts and works for the medical profession. May ALLAH bless you and give you more power to serve the humanity,

    1. Thanks brother :-)...may ALLAH bless you also


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