Thursday 27 March 2014

FCPS part 1 Medicine solved mcqs with explanation Q1

FCPS part 1 Medicine solved mcqs with explanation

Q1: In kidney select the correct order of arteries:
a) Renal artery > Arcuate artery >Interlobar artery > Efferent arteriole
b) Renal artery > Interlobular artery > Interlobar artery> Arcuate artery > Efferent arteriole
c) Renal artery > Interlobar artery > Interlobular artery > Arcuate artery > Afferent arteriole
d) Renal artery > Interlobar artery> Arcuate artery > Interlobular artery> Afferent arteriole
Correct Answer: d

Renal artery gives off Interlobar arteries which run between the pyramids of medulla. Interlobar arteries give off arcuate arteries which run parallel to the junction of cortex and medulla. Arcuate arteries give Interlobular branches into the cortex which in turn give rise to the afferent arterioles.

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