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FCPS Past Papers, Recalls,fcps part 1 mcqs Medicine & Allied, November 2012

FCPS Past Papers, Recalls,fcps part 1 mcqs Medicine & Allied,  20th NOVEMBER 2012

1)    A patient with a lesion in the nose,granulomas n proteinuria,most likely lesion? 
A) Wegner's granulomatosis
B) leprosy
c) sarcoidosis
D ) TB

2)    Which one is precancerous lesion?
A) cervical erosion
B) leukoplakia
C) heamarthrosis
d) duodenal ulcer

3)    cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized because it has
a) action potential with plateau
b) gap junctions
C) long duration of contraction
d) long refractory period e) automaticity

4)    In anion gap calculation NA is multiplied by 2 causes?
A) Anions
B) other cations 
C) proteins

5)    Which of the following bone is first to ossify ?
 A) sternum
B) clavicle 
C) humerus
D) femur

6)    Anterior fontanela close at ?
 A) 6 - 12 months
B) 12- 18 months
C) 18- 24 months
D) 24- 30 months

7)    Following causes activation of  Cyclic Amp mechanism ?
 A) protein pump
B) Ion channels
 C) receptors
D) hormone
E) Enzyme

8)    which of the following is not in ant. relation to left kidney
a) diaphram
b) pancreas
c) stomach
d) spleen
E) splenic flexure

9)    LIver held in its position in the body By? 
 A) diaphgram
B) peritoneal ligaments
C) inferior vena ceva
D) Falciform ligament

10) Cause of right shift of oxygen dissociation curve ?
 A) carbon monooxide
B) fetal hemoglobin
C) decrease PH
D) increase PH

11) Avidin has the greatest affinity ?
A) vitamin A
B) B1
C) biotin
D) B 12
E) vit C

12) highest caloric value ?
A) carbohydrates
B) protiens
C) fats 
D) starch

13) Specificity of a test represnts ?
A) true positive
B) true negative 
C) false positive
D) false negative

14) a know hypertensive on drug therapy..present in emergency with collapse..her plasma K is 6.1..what is the likely cause of collapse

15)  Triglycerides
a. transported by lipoproteins
b. 3 fatty acids having glucose

16) Which part of blood test should be sent for matching histo compatibility of the recipient and donor
 1. WBC
2. RBC
3. Bone Marrow
4. Serum
 5. Platelets

17) Which type of joint is Pubic Symphysis
1. Sydesmosis
 2. Fibrocartilagenous
3. Primary cartilagenous
4. Secondary cartilagenous
5. synarthrosis

18) A tumor which changes its shape size and also reversible
 1. Metaplasia
2. Anaplsia
3. Desmoplasia
4. Dysplasia
5. neoplasia

19) Pulse pressure is high in 
1. heart Failure
2. haemmorhage
3. Aortic stenosis

20) A woman of 30 years old needs renal transplantation. 5 donors came up for her. Which of the following is best match for organ transplantation
1. Her Identical twin
2. Sister
3. Husband
 4. Son
 5. Half brother

21) What is correct regarding surfactant
1. Highest concentration in amniotic fluid is in last trimester
2. It decreases lung compliance
3. It forms a layer between maccro molecules
4. it is produced by Type 1 pneumocytes in the last trimester of pregnancy
5. Its production decreases as the size of alveoli decreases

22) prostacyclin is produced by
 1. Peyer patches
2. Mast Cells
3. Fibroblasts
 4. Endothelial Cells
5. Platelets

23)Thromboxane A2 is produced by
1. Peyer patches
2. Mast Cells
3. Fibroblasts
4. Endothelial Cells
5. Platelets 

24) Which activates thirst center
1. ADH
2. Aldosterone
3. Renin
4. Angiotensin
5. ANP

25) Which of the following helps in regulation of sodium absorption
1. Atrial Natriuretic peptide
2. ADH
3. Aldosterone
4. Aldosterone + Atrial Natriuretic peptide
5. Renin

26) What is the rapidly acting antidote for Warfarin
1. VW factor
2. Platelets
3. Vit K
4. FFP
5. Factor VIII

27) Heparin is produced by 
1. Plasma Cells
2. Basophils
3. Mast Cells
4. Mesenchymal Cells
5. Fibroblasts

28) What is the treatment of choice for the meningococcal meningitis, if he has no drug allergies.
1. Sulbactum
2. cefazolin
3. penicillin G
4. Ticarcillin
5. Methicillin

29) Which one of the following is helpful in the treatment of the subarachnoid haemmorhage
 1. Nifedipine
2. Captopril
3. Nimodipine
4. Verapamil
5. Atenolol

30) In which one of the following disease there is a normal level of parathyroid hormone
1. Singers Nodule
2. Goitre
3. Osteomalacia
4. Osteoporosis
5. Hypothyroidism

31) In ECG what represents a T wave.
 1. refractory period
2. ventricular re polarization
3. atrial systole
4. Ventricle diastole
5. Atrial re polarization

32) A 20 years old male feels dypsnea on on lying supine, which one of the following causes this.
 1. puberty goitre
2. retrosternal goitre
3. thyrotoxcosis
4. toxic nodular goitre
 5. Eu thyroid

33) Which tumor derives all the 3 germ layers.
1. Adenocarcinoma
2. Teratoma
3. Rhabdomyosarcoma
4. Chancroid
5. Bronchogenic Carcinoma

34) Which type of neurotransmitter will you find during slow wave sleep
1. Serotonin
2. Enkephalin
3. Dopamine
4. Endorphin
5. Melatonin

35) Subarachnoid space ends at
1. L1
2. T12
3. L3-L4
4. S2-S3
5. L5

36) Which of the following disease is caused by the bite of mosquito
1. Ochronosis
2. Filariasis
3. Whipple
4. Ascariasis
5. Ascariasis

37) A 32 year old woman with discoid rash, arthritis, and oral ulcers. Which of the following is the choice of test.
1. Anti double strand DNA
2. ANA
3. Warm Antibody test
4. Protein C
5. HLA B 3

38)  A 40 year old man, by profession a fiherman, has following CBC report. Hb is 10.4, MCV is 60, Plt is 220. Which of the following is most likely parasite in his body.
1. Ascariasis
2. Diphyllobothrium latum
3. Hook worm
4. Strongyloides stercoralis
5. Scabies

39)   COX 2 inhibitor
 1. Ibuprofen
2. Indomethacin
3. Meloxicam
4. Piroxicam

40) A 15yr oldboy present with sudden onset generalized purpura.a diagnosis wad made.which one of the lab invt will b imp for diagnosis
1.capillary abnormality
2..platelet count 20.(10)9/L
3.platecount 90.(10)9/L

41) Secondery transport,
a. urea
b. protien
c. amino acid
d. glucose 

42) leison of pyramid at medulla cause .
1. Balancing
2. motor loss
3. propeception
4. Discrimination loss

43) the fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium receives innervation from
1.vagus nerve
2.phrenic nerve
4.intercostal nerves

44)  Increased parasympathetic stimulation wiil cause relaxation of 
1.gut walls
2.brochial smooth msc
3.GIT shincters
4.urinary bladder msc
5.pupillary shincter

45) external juguler vein is formed by
1. behind angle of mandible over the surface of sternocleidomastoid
2.union of posterior division of retromandibular vein and anterior auricular vein
3.have no tributaries

46)In insulin deficiency
 1. Liver produces ketones 

47)Which reflex in defecation
 1. anorectal
2. rectoanal 

48) Enzymes which transfer radical from one molecule to another

49) question abt igA nephropathy
* increased mesnagial mass
 * thicked Basemnt meb
*fused podocytes

50) melanoma risk increase in
*xeromantum pignosum

51) ant triangle sensory supply (dermatome)
*c2 c3
*c3 c4

52) pathologenic method of virus?
* alterations in proteins
* free radical formation

53) sicle cell disese
* hb s factor

54)  sympthetic muscrainc supply
* sweat glands 

55) glucagon increase in
* exercise
* free fatty acids

56)‎ 8th cervical sympt loss
*partial ptosis 

57) soldier came from high attitude, drug ?
* acetazolamaide(Ans)
* erythropaoitn

58) in exercise.. one of the following did nt get full blood supply ?
* kidney
* skin
* brain
 *skeletal muscles

59) cerebeelum injury will cause inabilty of following except
* rapid movements
* co ordination of shoulder joint to raise hand
*initiate the movement
* can stop finger beyond the target 

60)  basal ganglia injry ( not apropriate)
atony of bladder
 limba jerky movent swinging of hands
flat face intension tremors 

61) beta endorphins found in
* basal ganglia  

62) pharngeal swalloing
* palatophrangeal arch go lateraly
* larynx moves donward
*vocal cords approximated
*phrngeooesophageal sphincter contracts (Ans)?

63)muscular dystrophy wat is true
* duthchen type is x linke ressive 

64) blood pressure  increased frm 140/80 to 160/100/.. change in csf?
* no change in cerebralflow
* csf flow rate inc 
* csf formation inc
* cushing reaction

65)stroke vol increased by
* diastole fall presure 
* systolic pressure
* increased contraclity

66) peripheral n cns chemoreceptros 
* inc in pco2(Ans)
* dec in o2

67) major paracrine inhibition of gastric hcl
* somatostatin
* gastrin
* histamine

68) male pt with breats enlargment, with no erection , increase?
* gonadotropin realasing hormone
* prolactin

69) physiological nystagmus
*intact vestibular system
* cerebellaer sys
* slow in long component

70) myosin head covered by 
* tropomyosin( ans) ?
* tropnin C
* trop T

71) scenario... preneoplastic old male genital lesion
* balntidis ...
*lichen simplex c
* HSv

72) scenario pt unable to pass urine..
*atonia bladder
*parasym effernt to bladder
*viscearl effernt to blader

73) steroid hormone action thru
* nuclear mem changes
* genes activation
* cell mem permeabilty

74) Intestinal pain is reffered to

75) Which non vasodilator drug is effective in angina?

76) Regarding inguinal canal what is most approriate is absent in infants
 b.bounded superiorly by cojoint tendon
c.illiohypogastric n pases

78)  A man lying naked at operation table with room temprature 21.5 C” and 80% humidity by which mechanism heat transfer from body
a) By Veporization
b) Radiation and conduction (ans)
c) sweating
d) respiration

79) what is the best way of communication between a patient and doctor
a) A clean room
b) Active Listening (ans)
c ) speak Loudly
d) well furnished clinic 

80)  A man is diagnosed by a fatal illness which has v poor prognosis as a doctor what will u do
a) Hide every thing
b) tell the nature of illness to patient’s family only
c) tell the nature of illness to patient and his family only
d) tell the nature of illness only to the patient
e) Give crispy and evidence based whole information of the illness to patient

81) Atheroma...what is correct...
*core contain proteins
*only cause of ischemic heart disease
*only cause of arteriosclerosis
*More common in males than females

82) ‎20yr old male,smoker on climbing stairs c/o chest pain n dyspnea... Cause of breathlessnes in this patient
 *Ventilation perfusion mismatch 

83)sever dehydratiin...
A ecf decrease
b intracellular fluid decrease
c plasma decrease
d both ECF and ICF decrease 

84) patient known case of HIV present with abdominal distention on aus bowel sounds absent... laprotomy reveals mass in ileum.. (description of mass i dnt remember exactly). diagnosis
* large B cell lymphoma
*hodgkins lymphoma
*metastatic adenocarcinoma

85) which carcinoma do not SPREAD to bones

86)Total Peripheral resistence in a vascular system depends on
a arterial pressure
b microcircution,
c venous tone
d vasomotor tone 

87) most commonly associated with HIV
*pnemocystic carinii
*chicken pox

88) child with skin itching..stool examination reveal worms.. presence of which wd aid in diagnosis *basophils

89) a child with x linked agammaglobulinemia increase risk of infection

90) which is present in lateral sulcus of cerebral hemisphere

91) distal ileum removed..reabsorption decrease
*bile salts

92) most imp feature distinguishing malignant n benign
*invasive n infiltrative margins

93) role of granulation tissue in wound healing by secondary intention 
* wound contraction
*traps the bacteria

94) which is not true about coronary artery
*anastamose freely in wall of heart
*are first branch of aorta
*blockage result in ischemic heart disease 

95) A new borne presented with tachypnea O/E there is decrease breath sound on left side normal breath on right side, chest x ray show gut loops in left side of the pleural cavity what is the likely cause?
a) defective pleuropericardial membrane
b) atresia of lower esopahagus
c) defective pleuroperitoneal membrane
d) Hitus hernia
e) Dextrocardia

96) Which artry does not suply breast 

97) CSf reabsorption most appropriate 
Arachnoid villi
Choroid plexus

98) Child with vomitting, yellow discolaration of sclera,dark coloured urine. Relevant investigation... *hep A n B Serology
*serum bilirubin n ALT
*Alkaline phosphatase
* total bilirubin

99) In autosomal dominant disease
1.both parents of affected child have the disease
2.only one parent of affected child has the disease
3.none have the disease

100) pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
-indirectly measures left atrial pressure
-indirectly measures right atrial pressure
-is named because of wedge shape of catheter

101) most common agent of bacterial peritonitis?
a e coli 

102)   which is the short term iportant effect of angiotensin II?
a. vasoconstriction
b. stimulation of the thirst center

103)   which of the following is responsible for the net reabsorption of sodium in the kidney?
 a. aldosterone
b. atrial natriuretic peptide
c. Renin angiotensin system
d. aldosterone and ANP

104)  Most common bacteria causing meningitis secndary to lung abcess

105)   Mechanism of action of ondansetron
*5 HT3 antagonist
*dopamine antagonist at central chemoreceptor trigger zone

106)   Edema fluid in acute inflammation
*contain lymphocye
*donot contain fibrinogen
*specific gravity 1.010
*protein more than 3gm
*is a transudate

107)   Patient presented with lesion on nose. Lab shows proteinuria... Histopathology reveals granuloma vasculitis. Most likely diagnosis..
*wegener granulomatosis 

108)   Median ligament is a remanant of
 *umblical artery
*umblical vein

109)            In stress,level of all hormones increases except a GH b cortisol c ADH d insulin 

110)             A child with mental retardation,protuding tongue,umblicl hernia, upward slant of lateral canthus, hypotonia n hypermobility... Trisomy? *18 *21 *13

111)             all genetic disease have common basis,it should include the defect of 1.dna 2.rna 3.nucleotide 4.mRNA

112)             whats not correct about supra renal gland 1.both glands receives blood sypply only from aortic branches 2. inf phrenic artrery gives sup.suprenal artery 3.aorta supplies both gland 4.renal artery give branches to the gland

113)             which vein accompany the left anterior interventricular septum artery great cardiac vein oblique vein small cardiac vein

114)             nerve supply of sternocleidomastoid a)accessory b)facial c)glossopharngeal d)...

115)             propagation of action potential is bcz of a increased intracellular Na+ b depolaization of membrane c ca inlux

116)             which antacid slows gastric emptyng A.aluminium hydoxide B.magnesium hdroxide C.sodium bicarb

117)             The transitional epithelium lining the urinary bladder is derived from (A) ectoderm (B) endoderm (C) mesoderm (D) endoderm and mesoderm (E) neural crest ..

ans : A

ref : BRS Embryology

118)             Which is nt in post relatn of lesser sac *celiac ganglion *rt suprarenal gland *lt suprarenal gland *lt kidney

119)             Which one is nt ant relatn of lt kidney *splenic flexure *spleen *pancreas *diaphragm *stomach

120)             Most common acquired mutation in thrombotic disordr *antithrombin defeciency *protein c defeciency *protein s deficiency
Antiphopholipid syndrome 

121)             Which is not physiologicl function of thyroid *anabolic action on adipose tissue *catabolic action on muscle * inc metabolism of lipoprotein

122)            Which is nt function of liver *cholesterol synthesis *albumin synthesis *lipogenesis *gamma globulin synthesis 

123)            Biguanides s/e *hypoglycemia *flatulence diarrhea 

124)             Infusion of large amount of dextrose in water.wht wd b inhibited *ADH *aldosterone *vasopressin *cortisol *insulin

125)             Haemorrhage infarct seen in *spleen *lung with thromoembolism *liver

126)             Pulse pressure increase with *aortic stenosis *heart failure *hypertensn *haemorrhage

127)             Facial nerve paralysis with loss of taste sensation ant 2/3rd tongue.lesion at *facial canal *internal auditory meatus *stylomastoid foramen

128)             most of the lymph is filtered by : peyer's patches lymph nodes spleen thymus

129)            edema is caused by : Decreased hydrostatic pressure Increased osmotic pressure lymph obstruction 

130)             which route of administration of drug highly affects bio-availability? a-oral b-iv c-sc d-im e-sub lingual

131)             Permanent cells are *myocardial cells *glial cells *hepatocytes

132)             effect of clostridium botulinum toxin ingestion? a-fllacid paralysis of resp muscles b-vomiting c-fever

133)           What is most appropriate abt thyroid gland... *parathyroid lies on superolateral surface *epithelium change acc to function *isthmus lies above cricoid cartilage

134)             Patient on ATT c/o pain in joint uric acid 10 which drug must b stop *rifampicin *pyrizinamide *streptomycin

135)            Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score decrease in *CML 

136)             Heart sound produced by rapid ventricular filling *s3 *s4 *s1

137)            a pateint has glucose level of 100mg/dl but glycosuria occurs this is due to  a decrease renal threshold for glucose  b proximal tubule is unable to absorb glucose  c absorption in proximal tubule is decresed  

138)             anterior fontanelle close @ a 12 to 18 month  b 18 t0 24 months 

139)             foot drop occur by which nerve paralysis a.tibial n b,commen peronial nerve tibial n d,sciatic nerve

140)             a women has been injected ppd after 24 hours there was a scar appears,and it was surrounded by macrophages and ? A.nuetophil B.basophill c.easinophill


141)             Child with peripheral edema,enlarged liver, mcv 105,dec hb... s.albumin decreased,which nutritional deficiency is the chid suffering: -marasmus -kwashiorkor -pernicioous anemia

142)             which nerve cross cavernous sinus a,occullo b,abducent c,trochela d,trg

143)             In trigeminal neuralgia,injection is inserted into trigeminal ganglion present in: -ant cranial fossa  -post cranial fossa  -middle cranial fossa -pterigopalatine fossa

144)            T wave in ECG *at the begining of refractory period *during ventricuLar repoLarization 

145)            an elderly t, on some antihyPertensive, comes with unconj bilirubin raised! which drug is being used? methyl doPa 

146)             if the percentage of heart diseases is 10% and hyperlipidemias is 30% than wt will be the percentage of these two occurring together? a)0.35 b)1 c)0.37 d)0.33

147)         Antibodies formed in a) Thymus b) Plasma cells c) Lymphocytes d) Spleen e) liver

148)           A patient receives radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma, some time later the there is scarring & ulceration to the skin because of:

a- Damage to the squamous epithelium b- Endarteritis obliterans c- infection d- venous thrombosis

149)Bottom of Form

150)             The most significant agent in causing Cerebral Malaria:

P.vivax P.Falciparum P.malarae P.Ovale

151)         Athlete is unable to rotate his foot medially(inversion) bt turns easily laterally.cause is damage to...

a.ext haluucis longus nd flexr hallucis longus b.tibialis anterior nd hallucis longus c.tibialis posterior nd extnsr hallucis longus d.tibialis ant nd flexr hallucis longus
Tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior

152)         A patient with tumor in the Right Superior bronchus which segment is likely to be affected: a- Apical Superior b- Apical Basal c- Superior Basa

153)         effects of morphine is prefereble in which condition. A.crf B terminal stage of cancer C biliary colic

154)         Difference b/w septc and hypovolumic shock., . temperature heart rate respiratory rate pallor hypotension

155)        decreased calcium levels and increased phosphate and serium parathyroid hormone increase because of a,hypoparathyroidisam b,renal failure

156)         Diaphragm =
intercostals n phrenic nerves supply? 1. formed by somatic mesoderm, 2.esophagus pierce its central tendon, 3.some plexure or autonomic nerver pass thro/pierce it. ....

Tuberculous patient biopsy of lymph node done , diagnosis on a.epitheloid cell b.multinucled giant cell c.mono nucleitid cell
Caseous necrosis

157)           iron is stored in parenchymal cells as A...ferritin B...hemosiderin

158)           Wats true if a boy steps on needle? A. Its multisynaptic b. No interneuron c. Receptors are encapsulated

159)           aglutinogens are a.antibodies b.secreted in saliva c.enzymes

160)           auditory pathway...
amygdale is part new olfactory pathway
dendrites terminate on granule cells

161)           Not presend in axon...
         nissl bodies

162)           one q about tuberculous lesion and in option were........
        antibodies transferable
        antibody attached to mycobacterium
        cell bound..

163)           cervicl lymph nod biopsy show difus polyclonal hyperplasia
         infectious mononucleosis
         lymphocytic lymphoma

164)           diazepam cause mescl relaxation actin on nurimscular jnctn,
cerebral cortex,

165)           balance of K+ in ECF and ICF maintained by-
        Na-K ATPase pump

166)          wen will occcur bronchoconatriction morning
night sleep

167)           ‎41% hematocrit
41% RBCs

168)           .plasma flow-
    hippuric acid

169)           most impoortant for graft survuval?
          ABO compatibility
          HLA matching

170)           foam cels
       macrophages Not part of diencephelon? 

171)           Not part of diencephalon
      Superior olivery nucleus


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