FCPS part 1 mcqs Past Papers, Recalls, Medicine & Allied march 2013
Q.no.1: Resistance is directly
proportional to ?
a) viscosity b) Haematocrit c) Length of the vessel
d) Radius of vessel e) velocity of the blood
Q.no.2: Osmotic pressure difference b/w Interstitial fluid & plasma is ?
a) 1.5 m osm b) 3 m osm c) 5 m osm d) no difference
Q.no.3: Find out correct about Cranial nerves which are para-sympathetic ? a) III,V,VII,X b) III,VII,IX,X c) II,III,XI,XII d) I,II,V,X Q.no.4: QRS complex find out wrong statement ? a) Occurs due to ventricular depolarization b) has +ve & -ve waves
c) occurs just before ventricular systole
d) Indicates atrial depolarization
Q.no.5: 65% of filtered Na is reabsorbed from ? a) PCT b) DCT c) Loop of Henle d) None Q.no.6: Venous return depends upon ? a) velocity of blood b) Increased mean systemic filling pressure
c) cardiac output d) Stiffness of vessel Q.no.7: Volume remaining in the lungs after tidal volume expiration is ?
a) residual volume b) Expiratory reserve volume c) FRC
d) Vital capacity e) TLC
Q.no.8 : Regarding Thorax find out wrong statement ?
a) pump handle increases transverse diameter
b) abdominal type of respiration is seen in children
c) Diaphragm is important muscle for respiration
d) xiphisternum is located at T9 vetebra
Q.no.9: In asthmatic patient allergen react directly with ?
a) Mast cells b) eosinophills c) macrophages d) epithelial cells
Q.no.10: PTH increases Ca re-absorption by acting on ?
a) PCT b) DCT c) Loop of Henle d) none
Q.no.11: Oxygen Hb dissociation curve shifts to left due to ?
a) Incresed CO2 b) decreased PH c) High altitude
d) Carbon mono oxide poisoning
Q.no.12: E limination of Aminoglycosides Antibiotics from the body in
Elderly is decreased due to decreased ?
a) fat metabolism b) Hepatic metabolism c) Renal excretion
d) plasma protein binding e) volume of distribution
Q.no.13: Immune mediated disorders occur due to location of genes on?
a) HLA b) RBC c) WBC d) none
Q.no.14: Gastric emptying is delayed by ?
a) Gastrin b) CCK c) Secretin d) GIP
Q.no.15: patient presented in ER with dyspnea PH 7.13 , CO2 55 , HCO3 26 , PO2 49 , he is K/C of COPD , what is most likely Diagnosis ?
a) Respiratory acidosis b) Respiratory alkalosis
c) Respiratory acidosis with type-1 respiratory failure
d) Fully compensated Respiratory acidosis
e) Respiratory acidosis with type-2 respiratory failure
Q.no.16: Hamartoma is defined as ?
a) Mass of mature dis-organized tissue indigeous to part
b) Ectopic rest of normal tissue
c) A tumor that can metastasize
d) A malignant tumor that can cause serious complications
Q.no.17: Cutting of Arcuate nucleus of Hypothalamus will predominantly
Leads to inceased level of which pituitary Hormone ?
a) GH b) Prolactin c) TSH d) ACTH e) FSH & LH
Q.no.18: L-dopa given in the Rx of Parkinson,s disease leads to
Decrease in level of which Hormone ?
a) Prolactin b) GH c) Cortisol d) Testosterone
Q.no.19: ADH increases water re-absorption by acting on ?
a) PCT b) Cortical collecting tubule c) Medullary collecting duct
d) Loop of Henle e) Early distal tubule
Q.no.20: Strong chemotactic agent is ?
a) C5a b) C5b c) C3b d) Opsonin e) platelet
Q.no.21: Carcinoma stains with which of the following ?
a) Desmin b) keratin c) vimentin d) PAS e) Congo red
Q.no.22: Which of the following malignancy is transmitted as autosomal
Dominant mode of inheritance ?
a) Ca-colon b) Retinoblastoma c) Ca-Breast d) Ca-Liver
Q.no.23: Lady is having cervical Lymph adenopathy & is dignosed as a case
Of Lymphoma , which immunological disorder she is most likely
Having ?
a) AIDS b) SLE c) PAN d) RA e) Sjogren syndrome
Q.no.24: Ist symptom that occurs due to hypopituitarism due to pituitary
Tumor would be ?
a) Hypothyroidism b) Hypogonadism c) Hypoglycemia
d) Hypoadrenalism e) Hypovolumia
Q.no.25: which of the following is benign tumor ?
a) Adenoma b) Hepatoma c) Melanoma d) Lymphoma
Q.no.26: Which of the following has least malignant potential ?
a) FAP b) Metaplastic polyp c) Tubular adenoma
d) villous adenoma
Q.no.27: Wrong about meta plasia ?
a) One adult cell type replace another cell type b) Irrevesible
c) can occur in Lungs d) can occur in epithelial cells
e) Protective change against chronic irritation
Q.no.28: Oxytocin & ADH originate in ?
a) Neuro hypophysis b) Hypothalamus c) Adeno hypophysis
d) Thalamus e) Mid Brain
Q.no.29: Bad news provided by doctor should be ?
a) Infront of nursing staff b) By Psychiatrist c) at bedside
d) Infront of all family members
e) In formal session in area of Exclusivity
Q.no.30: Best way to start Communication with patient should be ?
a) By asking cross Questions b) By asking about illness
c) By asking about Name, Age, Address & Occupation
d) By asking Leading Questions
Q.no.31: Hormone which increases protein deposition in Skeletal
Muscles ?
a) Estrogen b) Testosterone c) Cortisol d) Dihydrotestosterone
e) Progesterone
Q.no.32: Growth Hormone ?
a) Affects metabolism of Carbohydrates
b) Causes skeletal & Cartilage growth through Somatomedins
c) Has Half life of 6-20 minutes in circulation
d) Is a Hormone of Pituitary gland
e) Is a polypeptide
Q.no.33: Which of the following organ causes Bone growth by
Releasing peptide ?
a) Brain b) Liver c) Kidney d) GIT e) Adrenal cortex
Q.no.34: Formation of Interstitial fluid increases with decreased ?
a) Capillary hydrostatic pressure b) capillary permeability
c) Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
d) Lmphatic flow e) Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
Q.no.35: Tight Glucose control is essential in Diabetics patients ,
Post prandial state is characterized by ?
a) High blood levels of FFA & high levels of glucagon
b) High blood levels of FFA & low levels of glucagon
c) High blood levels of glucose & high levels of Insulin
d) High blood levels of glucose & low levels of Insulin
e) High blood levels of Insulin & glucagon
Q.no.36: Which of the following is inappropriate for Insulin ?
a) Causes entry of glucose into cells of Adipose tissue
b) Is anabolic Hormone c) decreases gluconeogenesis
d) Causes induction of lipoprotein Lipase
e) increases glycogenolysis
Q.no.37: Correct about ANS ?
a) All Smpathetics are Adrenegic
b) All Para-sympathetics are Cholinergic
c) All Sympathetics are Cholinergic
d) All Para-sympathetics are Adrenergic
e) At Autonomic Ganglia all are Adrenergic
Q.no.38: Which of the following has highest PH ?
a) Saliva b) Pancreatic Juice c) Bile d) Gastric Juice
e) Succus Entericus
Q.no.39: A 4 yr boy presented e C/O Failure to thrive , Recurrent Sinusitis ,
Otitis media & RTI , he also gives H/O chronic diarrohea, there is
Family H/O such complaints , the most relevant investigation in
This case to confirm the Diagnosis is ?
a) Chloride Sweat Test b) Fat absorption Test c) Jejunal Biopsy
d) Vit B-12 assay e) Serum Immunoglobulin level
Q.no.40: Small child present with Malabsorption , foul smelling stool ,
Steatorrhea, deficiency of the following is likely to occur in this
Patient ?
a) Folate b) Iron c) Ca d) Vit:D e) Vit:B-12
Q.no.41: Regarding active transport, find out most appropriate ?
a) Occurs up-hill in few cells b) always requires Na
c) Always requires Glucose d) Does not require energy
e) Is carrier mediated & carriers proteins are enzymatic in nature
Q.no.42: Tractus Solitarius contains ?
a) Auditory Neurons b) Ist order neurons for test
c) 2nd orders neurons for test d) None
Q.no.43: Sharp, Fast pain is mediated by which of following Fiber ?
a) C-fiber b) A-delta c) Beta d) Theta e) None
Q.no.44: Regarding Thalamus , most appropriate statement is ?
a) Associated with Behaviour & emotions
b) Associated with Temperature regulation
c) Associated with Water regulation
d) Plays key role in sexual function
e) Is relay centre for all somatic & Special senses
Q.no.45: Facial Nerve collects test information from ant: 2/3 of tongue
through its Chorda tympani branch , functional component of
test sensation is ?
a) general somatic afferent (GSA)
b) general visceral afferent (GVA)
c) general visceral efferent (GVE)
d) Special somatic afferent (SSA)
e) Special Visceral afferent (SVA)
Q.no.46: Nerve passing through foramen Ovale ?
a) Maxillary b) Mandibular c) Occulomotor d) Trochlear
Q.no.47: patient having deviation of angle of mouth , dribbling of saliva ,
Can not close eye & wrinkle forehead , nerve most likely involved?
a) Facial b) Maxillary division of Tri geminal c) Auriculo temporal
d) Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve
Q.no.48: Hairy cell Leukoplakia is associated with ?
a) HIV b) Fungus c) ALL d) CLL
Q.no.49: Histological characteristic of TB is ?
a) Acid fast Bacilli b) Caseation c) Gram+ve d) none
Q.no.50: Vibration is carried by ?
a) Pacinian corpuscles b) Meissner,s corpuscles
c) Ruffini corpuscles d) Nociceptors
Q.no51: Static pressure is carried by ?
a) Ruffini Corpuscles b) pacinian corpuscles
c) Meissner,s corpuscles d) Nociceptors
Q.no.52: Myxoid degeneration is mostly associated with ?
a) Carcinoid valve disease b) Infective endocarditis
c) Libman-sack,s endocarditis d) Marantic endocarditis
e) Mitral valve prolapse
Q.no.53: Amongst the causes of fatty changes in Liver , most frequent
Cause in our country is ?
a) Alcohol b) HBV & HCV c) Halothane
d) Obesity e) Starvation
Q.no.54: Regading Dysplasia , most appropriate ?
a) Diss-array of cells, having loss of architecture b) pleomorphism
c) increased mitotic figures d) Increase in size of cell
Q.no.55: Ischemic Heart disease with or with out sequele ?
a) Chronic IHD b) Prinzmental angina c) Stable angina
d) Unstable angina e) MI
Q.no.56: A young child on anti-malarials passed cola colored urine , what
Could be the cause ?
a) G6PD deficiency b) Drug reaction c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Thalessemia
Q.no.57: Grade-IV Encaphalopathy is caused by ?
a) Alcohol b) Paracetomol c) Ethylene glycol d) Amphetamine
Q.no.58: A 40 yr male on ATT for last 3 weeks C/O joint pains , his
Serum uric acid is raised , which is culpirit drug ?
a) Isoniazid b) Ethambutol c) Pyrazinamide
d) Rifampicin e) Streptomycin
Q.no.59: Drug of choice for Traveller,s Diarrhea ?
a) Aluminum Hydro-oxide b) Dipheno-oxylate
c) Metaclopromide d) Sucral-fate
Q.no.60: Angina may be worsened by ?
a) Atropine b) salbutamol c) Theophylline
d) vasopressin e) Verapamil
Q.no.61: Synapses are absent in ?
a) Dorsal horn of spinal cord b) Dorsal root ganglion
c) Lateral horn of spinal cord d) Smpathetic chain ganglion
e) Ventral horn of spinal cord
Q.no.62: Muscles of back are supplied by ?
a) Dorsal rami of spinal nerves b) Cervical plexus
c) Ventral rami of spinal nerve d) none
Q.no.63: Type of joint b/w two pubic bones is ?
a) Syndesmosis b) Symphysis c) Primary cartilaginous Joint
d) Fibrous joint e) none
Q.no.64: Most appropriate regarding Fibro-Cartilage ?
a) Is present in nose b) contains type-II collagen
c) Is present in Intervertebral discs d) none
Q.no.65: Junction b/w two Epithelial cells that does not allow free
Movement of substances is called ?
a) Zona adherence b) Tight Junction c) Desmosomes d) none
Q.no.66: Patient has suffered from 3rd degree burn , he is worried about
Which of the following most likely complication ?
a) Wound Dehiscence b) Contracture c) Keloid
d) Traumatic neuroma e) none
Q.no.67: Regarding Mid brain find out most appropriate ?
a) Cerebral aqueduct forms cavity of mid brain
b) Posterior surface is marked by presence of 2 colliculi
c) Tectum divides 2 crus cerebri
d) Trochlear nerve emerges from anterior surface
Q.no.68: Which of the following receives sub-capsular afferents?
a) Lymph Node b) Tonsill c) Thymus d) Spleen
e) Payer,s patch
Q.no.69: A poly morph Leukocytosis is expected in ?
a) Appendicular tumor b) Glandular Fever c) MI
d) Typhoid & Para-Typhoid e) Chronic osteomyelitis
Q.no.70: Correct about Respiratory Zone ?
a) Terminal bronchioles to Alveoli
b) Alveolar duct & Alveolar sac
c) Respiratory Bronchi to Alveoli
d) Medium size bronchi
Q.no.71: End plate fiber of Neuro muscular Junction contains ?
a) Acetylcholinestrase b) Pre-synaptic Ach vesicle
c) Post-synaptic Ca vesicle d) synthesizes Ach
Q.no.72: Hepatic Pedicle contains ?
a) Hepatic vein & CBD b) Hepatic artery & Hepatic duct
c) Portal vein & Hepatic duct d) Portal Triad
Q.no.73: Basal ganglia comlex is unique in that it contains ?
a) High Copper b) Low copper c) Manganese d) High Mg
Q.no.74: Regarding Vertebra, find out most appropriate ?
a) Lumbar is Heart shaped b) C-7 has long spinous process
c) Thoracic forms Transverse process d) thoracic is kidney shaped
Q.no.75: A young lady presented with Lump in outer lateral quadrant of
Breast, which of the following group of Lymph Node is involved ?
a) Anterior axillary b) Apical c ) Posterior d) internal Thoracic
Q.no.76: Right kidney is differentiated from Left kidney by ?
a) colour of kidney b) No: of coverings of kidney
c) Relations of structures in the Hilum
d) Surfaces & poles of kidney e) Weight & size of kidney
Q.no.77: PDA is persistent part of the Left ?
a) 4th Arch b) 5th Arch c) 6th Arch d) Dorsal Aorta e) Ventral aorta
Q.no.78: Root of Right lung is crossed by ?
a) Sub-clavian vein b) Arch of aorta c) Azygous vein
e) right pulmonary artery
Q.no.79: Vessel which supply derivatives of fore gut ?
a) Celiac artery b) SMA c) IMA d) Splenic artery
Q.no.80: Following will not form boundary of Inguinal canal ?
a) Lacunar ligament b) Ext: oblique aponeurosis
c) Transversalis Fascia d) Conjoint Tendon e) Inguinal ligament
Q.no.81: Patient treated via conservative surgery for Ca Colon , best marker
For disease progression is ?
a) Alpha feto-protein b) CEA c) B-HCG d) Erythropoeitin
Q.no.82: Structure found 2 feet away from Ileo-cecal junction , at
Anti-mesenteric border , is most likely ?
a) Omphalocele b) Meckel,s diverticulum c) Volvulus
d) Gastoschisis e) Intussuception
Q.no.83: Incorrect statement about Abdominal Aorta ?
a) Divides at level of L4 b) has Inferior vena cava on its right side
c) Gives out paired lateral branches to parieties
d) Gives out Renal arteies at level of L2
e) Lies to the right of cisterna chyli
Q.no.84: Sudden out break of some disease in School showed Dramatic
Response to 1% Permethrin Lotion , which organism most likely
Responsible for this ?
a) Pediculosis capitis b) Pthyriasis pubis c) Pediculosis pubis
d) Sarcoptes Scabies
Qno.85: Drug not used for Rx of Candida Albicans ?
a) Amphotericin-B b) Cotrimazole c) Grisofulvin d) Nystatin
Q.no.86: Patient presented with C/O vesicles on lower lip , which of the
Following is most likely responsible ?
a) HSV-1 b) HSV-2 c) VZV d) CMV
Q.no.87: Which of the followiwing is not responsible for formation of Liver
Granuloma ?
a) Gumma b) Silicosis c) T.B d) Sarcoidosis
Q.no.88: Most common risk factor for Bronchogenic Carcinoma ?
a) Asbestosis b) Silicosis c) Fungal Infection
d) Berylliosis e) Tobbaco smoking
Q.no.89: Oligo urea is clinically defined as ?
a) UOP <1oo ml/day b) UOP <500 ml/day c) UOP b/w 1-1.5 L
d) UOP of about 1L e) UOP <2L
Q.no.90: Child presented e C/O swelling in the Parotid region, O/E Clinician
Found that Right testicle was also swollen , which of the following
Is most likely ?
a) Measels b) Mumps c) Rubella d) CMV Infection
Q.no.91: Example of Type-2 Hyper sensitivity Reaction is ?
a) PSGN b) Erythroblastosis Foetalis c) T.B d) Penicillin rash
Q.no.92: Example of Type-3 Hyper sensitivity reaction is ?
a) PSGN b) Erythtoblastosis foetalis c) T.B d) Hay fever
Q.no.93: Type-3 Hypersensitivity is characterized by ?
a) Arthus phenomena b) Contact dermatitis c) koch,s phenomena
d) Hives e) Spreading cellulitis
Q.no.94: Liver is not involved in the synthesis of ?
a) Albumin b) Gamma globulin c) Protein d) Lipids e) glycogen
Q.no.95: Boy presented with gynaecomastia & dignosed as a case of
Klinefelter,s syndrome , most likely karyo type is ?
a) 45X0 b) 46XX c) 46YY d) 47XXY e) 47XYY
Q.no.96: Stored blood has one of the following disadvantages ?
a) It has un stable factor II,VII,IX,X
b) It has un stable factor VIII,IX c) platelet has half life of 5 days
d) There is risk of exaggerated hemolysis
Q.no.97: In which of the following conditions Bleeding time is prolonged?
a) Heparin Therpy b) Haemophilia C ) Warfarin Therapy
d) Von Will brand Disease
Q.no.98: In 40 yr old man with Fracture of Pelvis & Injury to Bulbar Urethra
Urine would extravasate into ?
a) Deep perineal pouch b) Ischiorectal fossa c) Paravesicle pouch
d) Retropubic space e) Superficial perineal pouch
Q.no.99: Epinephrine & Serotonin are metabolized by ?
a) COMT b) MAO c) Methyl hydro-oxylase d) none
Q.no.100: Scanty Barr-Bodies are found in ?
a) Turner syndrome b) Down syndrome c) Klinefelter,s syndrome
d) Adrenogenital syndrome e) 21-B-Hydro-oxylase deficiency
Q.no.101: Neurotransmitter for slow wave sleep is ?
a) Ach b) GABA c) Glutamate d) Serotonin e) Nor-epinephrine
Q.no.102: Regarding QRS complex , most appropriate ?
a) Indicates atrial depolarization b) Indicates atrial systole
c) Occurs prior to ventricular systole d) none
Q.no.103: Short term control of Blood pressure is done through ?
a) Baroreceptor system b) Renin-angiotensin system c) ANP
d) CNS Ischemic response
Q.no.104: During Acclimatization at High altitude , Following changes
Will occur ?
a) A marked increase in P50 value b) Acidosis
c) increase in pulmonary ventilation d) pulmonary vaso dilatation
e) Decreased Erythropoeitin secretion
Q.no.105: Patient with prolonged P-R interval & 3:1 P & QRS complex, this
Results from ?
a) Mobitz-1 block b) Mobitz-2 block c) Partial block
d) Complete A-V block
Q.no.106: During strenuous exercise blood flow to muscle is maintained by?
a) Decreased PH b) Increased arterial O2
c) Increased arterial PCO2 d) decreased arterial O2
e) Collateral signals from higher centers
Q.no.107: Regarding Isotonic Exercise , which is incorrect ?
a) Increased heart rate b) Increased stroke volume
c) Increased TPR d) Increased pulse pressure e) Increased CO
Q.no.108: Which is a key factor for maintaining cerebral blood flow
During hypovolumic state ?
a) Hypoxemia b) Arterial PCO2 c) Venous PCO2 d) none
Q.no.109: Mean arterial pressure , most appropriate ?
a) Decreases in old age b) Is normally about 80mm Hg
c) Equals the diastolic +1/3 of pulse pressure
d) Is difference b/w systolic & diastolic Blood pressure
Q.no.110: Best measure to estimate GFR is ?
a) Creatinine b) Inulin c) PAH d) Urea e) Water
Q.no.111: In 3rd Trimester of pregnancy lady comes to Dr. she experienced
Episode of faiting , Dr. advised her to get into Left Lateral
Position , this position will increase blood flow to Brain , Dr.
Advised this position to avoid compression of which important
Abdominal structure ?
a) Spleen b) Liver c) SVC d) Lungs e) IVC
Q.no.112: Which of the following is not a Bacteial disease ?
a) TB b) Histoplasmosis c) Whooping cough d) Cholera
Q.no.113: A lady brought her baby who is preferring Bottle-feed instead
Of Breast milk , what is most likely ?
a) Cleft hard & soft palate b) cleft soft palate c ) Nasal blockade
d) In adequate Hormones e) Weak Laryngeal muscles
Q.no.114: Regarding Iron Toxicity , which is inappropriate ?
a) Acute iron Toxicity causes constipation
b) chronic blood loss causes Iron deficiency anemia
c) Acute Iron toxicity causes metabolic acidosis
d) Haemolysis causes Iron over load
e) Body has no means to excrete excess iron that is why it
is usually treated medically
Q.no.115: Most likely paralysed muscle taking origin from Femur ,which
Causes instability of knee Joint is ?
a) Rectus femoris b) Sartorius c) Vastus Lateralis
c) Semi-membranosus e) Semi-tendinosus
Q.no.116: Loss of Eversion of foot occurs due to damage to which of
The following muscle ?
a) Tibialis anterior b) Tibialis posterior c) Soleus
d) Peroneus Longus
Q.no.117: Secondary oocyte is surrounded by Corona Radiata , which
Of the following layer contributes to formation of corona
Radiata ?
a) Granulosa cells b) Interstitial cells of ovary c) primary oocyte
d) Theca Externa cells e) Theca Interna cells
Q.no.118: Safest site for draining pleural effusion is ?
a) Lower border of upper rib in mid-axillary line
b) Lower border of upper in mid-clavicular line
c) Middle of Intercostal space in mid-clavicular line
d) Middle of Intercostal space in anterior axillary line
e) Upper border of lower rib at site of maximum dullness
Q.no.119: A 15 yr old boy C/O loss of appetite , vomiting & high colcoured
Urine , O/E yellow dis coloration of sclera , Investigation of
Choice ?
a) Alkaline phosphatase estimation b) Bilirubin & ALT estimation
c) Hepatitis A & B Virus d) Liver biopsy
e) Serum & Urinary bilirubin
Q.no.120: Stab wound occurs in the 4th Intercostal space , structure
Most likely damaged , would be ?
a) Intercostal membrane b) Internal intercostal muscle
b) External Intercostal muscle d) none
Q.no.121: Patient presented with repiratory depression which is not
Responding to Naloxone , Find out culprit drug ?
a) Morphine b) Methadone c) Pheno-barbitone
a) Heroin e) Pethidine
Q.no.122: An Epidemiologist was making an study for assessing the risk of
Smoking for Heart disease , 500 coronary Heart disease patients
Were asked if they smoke or not , 500 Healthy friends with
Similar age , sex & socioeconomic back ground were also asked
About their smoking habits, Result revealed that smoking is a
Risk factor for CHD , study is called ?
a) Case control b) Cohort study c) Cross sectional study
b) Prospective study e) Randomized matched controlled Trial
Q.no.123: Transmission of Infection via droplet would be possible upto
Which distance ?
a) 1-3 feet b) 3-6 feet c) 10-12 feet d) 15-20 feet
Q.no.124: Microscopic structure pf Pituitary gland reveals that ?
a) Chromophills contains few cytoplasmic granules
b) Chromophills have little affinity for basic dyes
c) Chromophobes are smallest cell types in anterior pituitary
d) Corticotrophs constitute about 50% of anterior pituitary mass
e) Somatotrophs represent the basophills of traditional light
Q.no.125: Left axis deviation occurs in ?
a) RBB b) Tricuspid stenosis c) Pulmonary stenosis
d) Shifting of apex to right side e) MI
Q.no.126: During 2nd week which is appropriate test for Typhoid fever ?
a) Widal+Blood culture b) Blood culture only c) Stool culture only
d) Bone marrow culture e) none
Q.no.127: Positive predictive value of test indicates ?
a) Same as sensitivity
b) same as specificity
c) proportion of true negatives among all negatives
d) proportion of true negatives among all positives
e) proportion of true positives among all positives
Q.no.128: 21 yr old male comes with H/O mild intermittent Jaundice ,
Increased un-conjugated bilirubin , normal albumin levels ,
He might be suffering from ?
a) crigglar Najjar syndrome b) Gilbert syndrome
b) Rotor Syndrome d) Dubin Jhonson syndrome
Q.no.129: patient having loss of sensation in the region b/w Eye & Mouth
Extending as for as Ear , most likely damaged nerve is ?
a) Posterior Auricular Nerve b) Facial Nerve
c) Maxillary division of Trigeminal Nerve
d) Auriculo temporal Nerve
Q.no.130: Patient has pain in parotid region , which aggravates by chewing ,
Nerve most likely involved ?
a) Facial b) Auriculo temporal c) Maxillary d) Opthalmic
Q.no.131: A 20 yr old male during a test for driving was unable to
Distinguish b/w red & green , most likely defect is ?
a) Deutranomolus b) Protanomolous c) Protanopia
c) Tritanomolus e) Tritanopia
Q.no.132: Digastric Triangle of neck is bounded by ?
a) Anterior & posterior belly of digastric & mandible
b) Body of hyoid bone, anterior belly of digastric & mid line
c) Clavicle , Trapezius & Sternocleidomastoid
d) Sternocleidomastoid , mid line & Mylohyoid
e) Superior belly of omohyoid, Sternocleidomastoid & mid line
Q.no.133: An elderly patient fell on his elbow & was brought to ER ,
Radiograph revealed fracture of surgical neck of Humerus , He
Could not raise his arm & had loss of sensation over the lateral
Side of proximal part of arm , Nerve most likely involved ?
a) Axillary Nerve b) Lower subscapular Nerve c) Radial Nerve
d) Thoracodorsal Nerve e) Upper subscapular Nerve
Q.no.134: Earliest change in Retina in Diabetic Retinopathy ?
a) Dilatation of Retinal arteries b) Lipid deposition in Arterioles
c) Vitreous Haemorrhage d) Retinal detachement
e) Vitreous bands
Q.no.135: Which of following microorganism is not transmitted by food ?
a) Clostridium perferinges b) Clostridium Botulinism
c) Mycobacterium Avium d) Staphylococcus e) Giardia
Q.no.136: Regarding Neurogenic Shock , most appropriate ?
a) Cold & clammy peripheries b) Hypovolumia
c) decreased peripheral vascular resistance
d) decreased functioning of Heart e) none
Q.no.137: Heart rate is decreased by ?
a) Bain-Bridge reflex b) Occulo cardiac reflex c) Left atrial reflex
d) CNS Ischemic response d) none
Q.no.138: Area to be auscultated for Tricuspid valve ?
a) Left 2nd I/C space b) Right 2nd I/C space
c) 4th left I/C space in mid clavicular line
d) 5th left I/C space in mid clavicular line
e) Right side of lower half of body of sternum
Q.no.139: Local cause of delayed wound healing ?
a) Infection b) Ischemia c) Vit:C deficiency d) cortisol
Q.no.140: In Acetylsalisylic acid poisoning which is incorrect ?
a) increased PH b) Increased Ventilation c) decreased PH
d) Right shift of O2 Hb dissociation Curve e) none
Q.no.141: Increased risk of transmissibility of HBV infection is shown by ?
a) HBsAg +ve & HBsAb+ve b) HBeAg+ve & HBeAb-ve
c) HBcAg+ve & HBcAb –ve d) none
Q.no.142: which Autonomic receptor mediates secretion of Epinephrine by
Adrenal Medulla ?
a) Adrenergic alpha receptor b) Adrenergic B-1 receptors
c) Adrenegic B-2 receptors d) Cholinergic Muscarinic receptors
e) cholinergic Nicotinic receptors
Q.no.143: structure derived from 2nd pharyngeal Arch is ?
a) Body of thyroid bone b) Cricoid cartilage c) pertien of mandible
d) Stylohyoid ligament e) Sphenomandibular ligament
Q.no.144: Regarding throid gland which is incorrect ?
a) Moves on deglutition b) Surrounded by pre-tracheal Fascia
c) Related to RLN d) Isthmus lies at level of Throid cartilage
Q.no.145: Anomic Aphasia occurs due to Lesion in ?
a) Angular gyrus , Area 39 b) Broca,s Area c) Frontal lobe
d) Wernicke,s area
Q.no.146: Which of the following has pre-potent potential ?
a) SA Node b) AV Node c) Purkinje Fiber d) Ventricular muscle
Q.no.147: Phase of cardiac cycle during which 2/3 of Ventricular filling
Occurs & 3rd Heart sound is produced ?
a) Isovolumetric contraction b) Isovolumetric relaxation
c) rapid filling d) Slow filling
Q.no.148: 60 yr old male Farm worker presented with ascites , Ascitic fluid
Was Haemorrhagic & contained malignant cells, Liver biopsy
Showed Angiosarcoma , what is most likely cause ?
a) Aflatoxin b) Aromatic amines c) Arsenic
d) Hydrocarbon e) Vinyl chloride
Q.no.149: 5 yr old baby,s Blood CP shows Hb 7g/dl,
TLC: 3000(88% Lymphocytes), 5000 Platelets , which is most
Appropriate Investigation ?
a) Bone marrow aspiration b) Serum Iron level c) Hepatitis profile
d) TIBC e) Ferretin level
Q.no.150: Translocation of 9:22 is characteristics of ?
a) AML b) CML c) Hairy Leukemia d) Buirkit Lymphoma
Q.no.151: 60 yr old male presented with gum hypertrophy & Epistaxis ,
His Blood picture shows TLC: 59×109, mostly mature
Lymphocytes , he is suffering from ?
a) AML b) CML c) CLL d) ALL
Q.no.152: Regarding Total Par-Entral Nutrition, most appropriate ?
a) whole of the energy need can be provided by Glucose
b) Glutamine is present in most synthetic preparations
c) Aminoacids should be given as Dextro-isomers
d) Entral nutrition has less chance of infection
Q.no.153: Nerve which exits from Skull & does not become content of
Carotid sheath ?
a) Hypoglossal b) Auditory c) Glossopharyngeal d) Vagus
Q.no.154: Cancer occurs due to ?
a) Over expression of anti-oncogenes b) P53
c) Over expression of proto-oncogenes d) none
Q.no.155: Plasma colloid Osmotic Pressure is maintained by ?
a) Albumin fraction b) Globulin c) Fibrinogen d) none
Q.no.156: Regarding SLE most sensitive initial screening test is ?
a) ANA b) Anti DS DNA c) Anti-La d) Anti-smith e) AMA
Q.no.157: Insulin increases entry of glucose into ?
a) Brain b) Skeletal muscles c) Intestine d) RBC e) Kidney
Q.no.158: Immediate response of body to heat production by cold is ?
a) Hunger b) Shivering c) Increased release of Catecholamines
Q.no.159: BMR is increased by ?
a) High Thyroxine Level b) decreased sympathetic activity
c) Sleep d) Eating e) none
Q.no.160: Jaundice is caused by ?
a) Obstructive jaundice causes Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia
b) Hemolysis due to un-conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
c) In Hemolysis un-conjugated Bilirubin appears in urine
d) Hepatitis due to un-conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Q.no.161: Effects of Chlorpromazine resulting from Dopamie receptor
Blockade include all of the following except ?
a) amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome in women
b) anti-emetic action c) Anti-psychotic action
d) parkinson,s Syndrome e) Postural Hypotension
Q.no.162: Levodopa is given along Carbidopa in Rx of Parkinson,s
Disease b/c ?
a) carbidopa decreases its peripheral activation
b) Facilitates its entry into Brain
c) potentiates its effects on Brain
d) increases its GIT absorption
Q.no.163: Ranitidine differs from Cemitidine in ?
a) Less potent b) Less CNS toxicity c) decreases LES tone
d) decreases Stomach motility
e) Decreased peripheral venous conversion
Q.no.164: Disease in which Immunological Test is of diagnostic Value ?
a) Malaria b) Kalazar c) Hydatid cyst d) Amoebic Liver abscess
Q.no.165: Digoxin Toxicity can be precipitated by ?
a) Patient taking Digoxin with Quinidine
b) Patient taking Digoxin with Captopril
c) Patient taking Digoxin with Hyperkalemia
d) Patient taking Digoxin with Hypermagnesemia
e) Patient taking Digoxin with Hypocalcemia
Q.no.166: An old aged bed-ridden patient K/C of COPD suddenly
Develops SOB & Tachycardia , what is most likely ?
a) MI b) Spontaneous pneumothorax c) Pulmonary Embolism
b) AECOPD e) none
Q.no.167: A patient has a Blood Pressure of 70/40 mmHg & serum Lactate
Of 30mg/100ml (Normal 6 to 16) . Cardiac output is 2L/min &
CVP is 2cms of water. Most likeky cause of this condition is ?
a) Cardiac Tamponade b) CCF c) Hypovolumic Shock
b) Pulmonary Embolism e) Septicemic shock
Q.no.168: Most Intense response to Hypovolumia is ?
a) Baroreceptor response b) CNS Ischemic response
c) Occulo cardiac reflex d) Bain-bridge reflex
Q.no.169: In Hypoxemic state , Respiratory centre is stimulated through ?
a) Aortic Sinus b) Carotid body c) Arterial PCO2
d) Carotid Sinus e) none
Q.no.170: In cells Enzymes Oxidases are present in ?
a) Cytoplasm b) Golgi apparatus c) Lysososomes
d) Mitochondria e) peroxisomes
Q.no.171: Iron deficiency Anemia occurs due to ?
a) Vit:B-12 deficiency b) Folate deficiency
c) Iron over load d) Chronic blood loss from GIT
Q.no.172: Vit:B-12 is absorbed from ?
a) Jejunum b) Duodenum c) Terminal Ileum d) colon e) Stomach
Q.no.173: 40 yr old male presented with weakness & numbness of limbs ,
MCV 112 , what is most likely ?
a) Folate deficiency b) Pernicious anemia c) Scurvy
b) Syringomyelia e) none
Q.no.174: Patient on investigation having following Laboratory Report ,
MCV 126 , Hypersegmented Neutrophills , what is most likely ?
a) Vit:B-12 deficiency b) Iron deficiency
c) Anemia of Chronic Diseases d) none
Q.no.175: Resection of terminal Ileum will lead to deficiency of ?
a) Folate b) Iron c) Vit:B-12 d) Ca e) Vit: C
Q.no.176: Patient taking Aspirin for prophylaxis of Atherosclerosis in order
To decrease platelet aggregation , Aspirin will do so by ?
a) decreasing Leukotriens b) Thromboxane A2 c) Prostacyclins
c) Protein C e) protein S
Q.no.177: Which is slow growing tumor of Thyroid gland ?
a) Papillary b) Medullary c) Follicular d) Anaplastic e)Lymphoma
Q.no.178: Most common cause of Edema in Nephrotic Syndrome ?
a) Hyperkalemia b) Hypo-albuminemia c) Lymphatic Obstruction
d) Increased capillary permeability
e) Increased Hydrostatic pressure of Blood
Q.no.179: Patient on ATT , unable to differentiate different colours , find out
Culpirit Drug ?
a) Pyrazinamide b) Ethambutol c) Rifampicin
d) Streptomycin e) INH
Q.no.180: Baroreceptor respond to ?
a) Hypotension b) Hypertension
c) Rapidly decreasing arterial pressure
d) Rapidly increasing arterial pressure
Q.no.181: Regarding Scalenus Anterior Muscle , most appropriate ?
a) Inserts into outer border of 1st Rib
b) Gets origin from 3-6 cervical vertebrae
c) Forms posterior relation of Brachial plexus
d) Lies anteriorly to subclavian vein
e) Is crossed anteriorly by Phrenic Nerve
Q.no.182: Regarding Eating behaviour , most appropriate ?
a) decreased by Leptin released from Adipocytes
b) decreased by Leptin released from Muscle cells
c) Savage if feeding centre is damaged
d) decreased if satiety centre is damaged
Q.no.183: Best classical Example of Auto-Immunity against single organ ?
a) Hashimoto Thyroiditis b) RA c) SLE d) PAN
e) Systemic sclerosis
Q.no.184: An old aged patient having increased Translucency of Lungs in
Upper fields , flattened diaphragms, no evidence of infiltration ,
No H/O of fever , prominent both pulmonary arteries ,
Prominent right border of Heart , what is most likely finding in
Pulmonary arteries ?
a) Granulomatous vasculitis b) Atherosclerosis c) Aneurysm
e) Medial dissection e) none
Q.no.185: A 5 yr old baby comes with Recurrent cervical Lymphadenitis ,
Klebsiella Pneumoniae is isolated on each occasion , he is most
Likely suffering from Immunodeficient status of ?
a) chronic granulomatous disease b) T-cell function defect
c) common variable agammaglobulinemia
d) severe combined agammaglobulinemia
e) X-linked agammaglobulinemia of Bruton
Q.no.186: which of the following is not Anthropozoonotic disease ?
a) Anthrax b) T.B c) Rabies d) Plague
Q.no.187: Regarding Mycobacteria ?
a) It is only acid fast Bacilli
b) Non-tuberculous disease is as contagious as Tuberculous
c) Mycobacterium avium infection occurs only in AIDS patients
d) Non-mycobacterial disease is caused by M.Bovis
e) Non-tuberculous disease is transmitted through water
Q.no.188: Erythropoeitin is secreted by ?
a) Mesengial cells b) JG cells c) Macula Densa d) PCT
e) Tubular epithelial cells
Q.no.189: Regarding Coronaries Arteries , most appropriate ?
a) Anastomosis occur at arterial level
b) Arteries run in their respective grooves
c) Venous drainage system carries same names as arteries
d) SA Node is supplied by Left coronary Artery
Q.no.190: Poor prognostic feature of Sepsis ?
a) Diffuse Tissue Hypoxia b) DIC
c) Diffuse Tissue Injury d) none
Q.no.191: In the plasma of Blood group A person there are ?
a) Anti-A antibodies b) Anti-AB antibodies c) Anti-B antibodies
d) IgG antibodies e) No antibodies
Q.no.192: Withdrawl reflexes are mediated by ?
a) Meissner,s Corpuscles b) Pacinian Corpuscles c) Nociceptors
d) Golgi Tendon Organ e) Merckle,s Disc
Q.no.193: Patient presented with C/O cough for last one month , associated
With fever, Lungs having Infiltrates & multiple opacities, biopsy
Shows Epitheloid cells , what is most likely Diagnosis ?
a) Asthma b) T.B c) Fungal Infection d) none
Q.no,194: Diffusion depends on ?
a) Molecular weight of substance b) charge of substance
c) No; of solute particles d) none
Q.no.195: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is mot likely due to ?
a) Endocardial Fibroelastosis b) Myocyte degeneration
c) Myocyte disarray d) Non-necrotising granulomas
e) Sarcoplasmic tubule dilatation
.Q:no.196: Ragarding Pheromones ?
a) are substances produced by animals that act at a distance to
produce behavioural response or other physiologic changes
in another animal of the same species
b) Produced by one specie & act on other specie
c) Not well developed in Humans d) none
Q.no.197: Which of the following is most likely to bring about improvement
In Exopthalmos ?
a) Administration of T4 b) Administration of Testosterone
c) Administation of drugs that inhibit the production of T- Lymphocytes d) Hypophysectomy e) Thyroidectomy
Q.no.198: In RTA , man suffered from Fracture of Femurr & died after 3
Days ,at autosy Brain showed Necrotic changes, what is likely ?
a) Fat Embolism b) Coagulative Necrosis c) Sepsis d) none
a) viscosity b) Haematocrit c) Length of the vessel
d) Radius of vessel e) velocity of the blood
Q.no.2: Osmotic pressure difference b/w Interstitial fluid & plasma is ?
a) 1.5 m osm b) 3 m osm c) 5 m osm d) no difference
Q.no.3: Find out correct about Cranial nerves which are para-sympathetic ? a) III,V,VII,X b) III,VII,IX,X c) II,III,XI,XII d) I,II,V,X Q.no.4: QRS complex find out wrong statement ? a) Occurs due to ventricular depolarization b) has +ve & -ve waves
c) occurs just before ventricular systole
d) Indicates atrial depolarization
Q.no.5: 65% of filtered Na is reabsorbed from ? a) PCT b) DCT c) Loop of Henle d) None Q.no.6: Venous return depends upon ? a) velocity of blood b) Increased mean systemic filling pressure
c) cardiac output d) Stiffness of vessel Q.no.7: Volume remaining in the lungs after tidal volume expiration is ?
a) residual volume b) Expiratory reserve volume c) FRC
d) Vital capacity e) TLC
Q.no.8 : Regarding Thorax find out wrong statement ?
a) pump handle increases transverse diameter
b) abdominal type of respiration is seen in children
c) Diaphragm is important muscle for respiration
d) xiphisternum is located at T9 vetebra
Q.no.9: In asthmatic patient allergen react directly with ?
a) Mast cells b) eosinophills c) macrophages d) epithelial cells
Q.no.10: PTH increases Ca re-absorption by acting on ?
a) PCT b) DCT c) Loop of Henle d) none
Q.no.11: Oxygen Hb dissociation curve shifts to left due to ?
a) Incresed CO2 b) decreased PH c) High altitude
d) Carbon mono oxide poisoning
Q.no.12: E limination of Aminoglycosides Antibiotics from the body in
Elderly is decreased due to decreased ?
a) fat metabolism b) Hepatic metabolism c) Renal excretion
d) plasma protein binding e) volume of distribution
Q.no.13: Immune mediated disorders occur due to location of genes on?
a) HLA b) RBC c) WBC d) none
Q.no.14: Gastric emptying is delayed by ?
a) Gastrin b) CCK c) Secretin d) GIP
Q.no.15: patient presented in ER with dyspnea PH 7.13 , CO2 55 , HCO3 26 , PO2 49 , he is K/C of COPD , what is most likely Diagnosis ?
a) Respiratory acidosis b) Respiratory alkalosis
c) Respiratory acidosis with type-1 respiratory failure
d) Fully compensated Respiratory acidosis
e) Respiratory acidosis with type-2 respiratory failure
Q.no.16: Hamartoma is defined as ?
a) Mass of mature dis-organized tissue indigeous to part
b) Ectopic rest of normal tissue
c) A tumor that can metastasize
d) A malignant tumor that can cause serious complications
Q.no.17: Cutting of Arcuate nucleus of Hypothalamus will predominantly
Leads to inceased level of which pituitary Hormone ?
a) GH b) Prolactin c) TSH d) ACTH e) FSH & LH
Q.no.18: L-dopa given in the Rx of Parkinson,s disease leads to
Decrease in level of which Hormone ?
a) Prolactin b) GH c) Cortisol d) Testosterone
Q.no.19: ADH increases water re-absorption by acting on ?
a) PCT b) Cortical collecting tubule c) Medullary collecting duct
d) Loop of Henle e) Early distal tubule
Q.no.20: Strong chemotactic agent is ?
a) C5a b) C5b c) C3b d) Opsonin e) platelet
Q.no.21: Carcinoma stains with which of the following ?
a) Desmin b) keratin c) vimentin d) PAS e) Congo red
Q.no.22: Which of the following malignancy is transmitted as autosomal
Dominant mode of inheritance ?
a) Ca-colon b) Retinoblastoma c) Ca-Breast d) Ca-Liver
Q.no.23: Lady is having cervical Lymph adenopathy & is dignosed as a case
Of Lymphoma , which immunological disorder she is most likely
Having ?
a) AIDS b) SLE c) PAN d) RA e) Sjogren syndrome
Q.no.24: Ist symptom that occurs due to hypopituitarism due to pituitary
Tumor would be ?
a) Hypothyroidism b) Hypogonadism c) Hypoglycemia
d) Hypoadrenalism e) Hypovolumia
Q.no.25: which of the following is benign tumor ?
a) Adenoma b) Hepatoma c) Melanoma d) Lymphoma
Q.no.26: Which of the following has least malignant potential ?
a) FAP b) Metaplastic polyp c) Tubular adenoma
d) villous adenoma
Q.no.27: Wrong about meta plasia ?
a) One adult cell type replace another cell type b) Irrevesible
c) can occur in Lungs d) can occur in epithelial cells
e) Protective change against chronic irritation
Q.no.28: Oxytocin & ADH originate in ?
a) Neuro hypophysis b) Hypothalamus c) Adeno hypophysis
d) Thalamus e) Mid Brain
Q.no.29: Bad news provided by doctor should be ?
a) Infront of nursing staff b) By Psychiatrist c) at bedside
d) Infront of all family members
e) In formal session in area of Exclusivity
Q.no.30: Best way to start Communication with patient should be ?
a) By asking cross Questions b) By asking about illness
c) By asking about Name, Age, Address & Occupation
d) By asking Leading Questions
Q.no.31: Hormone which increases protein deposition in Skeletal
Muscles ?
a) Estrogen b) Testosterone c) Cortisol d) Dihydrotestosterone
e) Progesterone
Q.no.32: Growth Hormone ?
a) Affects metabolism of Carbohydrates
b) Causes skeletal & Cartilage growth through Somatomedins
c) Has Half life of 6-20 minutes in circulation
d) Is a Hormone of Pituitary gland
e) Is a polypeptide
Q.no.33: Which of the following organ causes Bone growth by
Releasing peptide ?
a) Brain b) Liver c) Kidney d) GIT e) Adrenal cortex
Q.no.34: Formation of Interstitial fluid increases with decreased ?
a) Capillary hydrostatic pressure b) capillary permeability
c) Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
d) Lmphatic flow e) Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
Q.no.35: Tight Glucose control is essential in Diabetics patients ,
Post prandial state is characterized by ?
a) High blood levels of FFA & high levels of glucagon
b) High blood levels of FFA & low levels of glucagon
c) High blood levels of glucose & high levels of Insulin
d) High blood levels of glucose & low levels of Insulin
e) High blood levels of Insulin & glucagon
Q.no.36: Which of the following is inappropriate for Insulin ?
a) Causes entry of glucose into cells of Adipose tissue
b) Is anabolic Hormone c) decreases gluconeogenesis
d) Causes induction of lipoprotein Lipase
e) increases glycogenolysis
Q.no.37: Correct about ANS ?
a) All Smpathetics are Adrenegic
b) All Para-sympathetics are Cholinergic
c) All Sympathetics are Cholinergic
d) All Para-sympathetics are Adrenergic
e) At Autonomic Ganglia all are Adrenergic
Q.no.38: Which of the following has highest PH ?
a) Saliva b) Pancreatic Juice c) Bile d) Gastric Juice
e) Succus Entericus
Q.no.39: A 4 yr boy presented e C/O Failure to thrive , Recurrent Sinusitis ,
Otitis media & RTI , he also gives H/O chronic diarrohea, there is
Family H/O such complaints , the most relevant investigation in
This case to confirm the Diagnosis is ?
a) Chloride Sweat Test b) Fat absorption Test c) Jejunal Biopsy
d) Vit B-12 assay e) Serum Immunoglobulin level
Q.no.40: Small child present with Malabsorption , foul smelling stool ,
Steatorrhea, deficiency of the following is likely to occur in this
Patient ?
a) Folate b) Iron c) Ca d) Vit:D e) Vit:B-12
Q.no.41: Regarding active transport, find out most appropriate ?
a) Occurs up-hill in few cells b) always requires Na
c) Always requires Glucose d) Does not require energy
e) Is carrier mediated & carriers proteins are enzymatic in nature
Q.no.42: Tractus Solitarius contains ?
a) Auditory Neurons b) Ist order neurons for test
c) 2nd orders neurons for test d) None
Q.no.43: Sharp, Fast pain is mediated by which of following Fiber ?
a) C-fiber b) A-delta c) Beta d) Theta e) None
Q.no.44: Regarding Thalamus , most appropriate statement is ?
a) Associated with Behaviour & emotions
b) Associated with Temperature regulation
c) Associated with Water regulation
d) Plays key role in sexual function
e) Is relay centre for all somatic & Special senses
Q.no.45: Facial Nerve collects test information from ant: 2/3 of tongue
through its Chorda tympani branch , functional component of
test sensation is ?
a) general somatic afferent (GSA)
b) general visceral afferent (GVA)
c) general visceral efferent (GVE)
d) Special somatic afferent (SSA)
e) Special Visceral afferent (SVA)
Q.no.46: Nerve passing through foramen Ovale ?
a) Maxillary b) Mandibular c) Occulomotor d) Trochlear
Q.no.47: patient having deviation of angle of mouth , dribbling of saliva ,
Can not close eye & wrinkle forehead , nerve most likely involved?
a) Facial b) Maxillary division of Tri geminal c) Auriculo temporal
d) Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve
Q.no.48: Hairy cell Leukoplakia is associated with ?
a) HIV b) Fungus c) ALL d) CLL
Q.no.49: Histological characteristic of TB is ?
a) Acid fast Bacilli b) Caseation c) Gram+ve d) none
Q.no.50: Vibration is carried by ?
a) Pacinian corpuscles b) Meissner,s corpuscles
c) Ruffini corpuscles d) Nociceptors
Q.no51: Static pressure is carried by ?
a) Ruffini Corpuscles b) pacinian corpuscles
c) Meissner,s corpuscles d) Nociceptors
Q.no.52: Myxoid degeneration is mostly associated with ?
a) Carcinoid valve disease b) Infective endocarditis
c) Libman-sack,s endocarditis d) Marantic endocarditis
e) Mitral valve prolapse
Q.no.53: Amongst the causes of fatty changes in Liver , most frequent
Cause in our country is ?
a) Alcohol b) HBV & HCV c) Halothane
d) Obesity e) Starvation
Q.no.54: Regading Dysplasia , most appropriate ?
a) Diss-array of cells, having loss of architecture b) pleomorphism
c) increased mitotic figures d) Increase in size of cell
Q.no.55: Ischemic Heart disease with or with out sequele ?
a) Chronic IHD b) Prinzmental angina c) Stable angina
d) Unstable angina e) MI
Q.no.56: A young child on anti-malarials passed cola colored urine , what
Could be the cause ?
a) G6PD deficiency b) Drug reaction c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Thalessemia
Q.no.57: Grade-IV Encaphalopathy is caused by ?
a) Alcohol b) Paracetomol c) Ethylene glycol d) Amphetamine
Q.no.58: A 40 yr male on ATT for last 3 weeks C/O joint pains , his
Serum uric acid is raised , which is culpirit drug ?
a) Isoniazid b) Ethambutol c) Pyrazinamide
d) Rifampicin e) Streptomycin
Q.no.59: Drug of choice for Traveller,s Diarrhea ?
a) Aluminum Hydro-oxide b) Dipheno-oxylate
c) Metaclopromide d) Sucral-fate
Q.no.60: Angina may be worsened by ?
a) Atropine b) salbutamol c) Theophylline
d) vasopressin e) Verapamil
Q.no.61: Synapses are absent in ?
a) Dorsal horn of spinal cord b) Dorsal root ganglion
c) Lateral horn of spinal cord d) Smpathetic chain ganglion
e) Ventral horn of spinal cord
Q.no.62: Muscles of back are supplied by ?
a) Dorsal rami of spinal nerves b) Cervical plexus
c) Ventral rami of spinal nerve d) none
Q.no.63: Type of joint b/w two pubic bones is ?
a) Syndesmosis b) Symphysis c) Primary cartilaginous Joint
d) Fibrous joint e) none
Q.no.64: Most appropriate regarding Fibro-Cartilage ?
a) Is present in nose b) contains type-II collagen
c) Is present in Intervertebral discs d) none
Q.no.65: Junction b/w two Epithelial cells that does not allow free
Movement of substances is called ?
a) Zona adherence b) Tight Junction c) Desmosomes d) none
Q.no.66: Patient has suffered from 3rd degree burn , he is worried about
Which of the following most likely complication ?
a) Wound Dehiscence b) Contracture c) Keloid
d) Traumatic neuroma e) none
Q.no.67: Regarding Mid brain find out most appropriate ?
a) Cerebral aqueduct forms cavity of mid brain
b) Posterior surface is marked by presence of 2 colliculi
c) Tectum divides 2 crus cerebri
d) Trochlear nerve emerges from anterior surface
Q.no.68: Which of the following receives sub-capsular afferents?
a) Lymph Node b) Tonsill c) Thymus d) Spleen
e) Payer,s patch
Q.no.69: A poly morph Leukocytosis is expected in ?
a) Appendicular tumor b) Glandular Fever c) MI
d) Typhoid & Para-Typhoid e) Chronic osteomyelitis
Q.no.70: Correct about Respiratory Zone ?
a) Terminal bronchioles to Alveoli
b) Alveolar duct & Alveolar sac
c) Respiratory Bronchi to Alveoli
d) Medium size bronchi
Q.no.71: End plate fiber of Neuro muscular Junction contains ?
a) Acetylcholinestrase b) Pre-synaptic Ach vesicle
c) Post-synaptic Ca vesicle d) synthesizes Ach
Q.no.72: Hepatic Pedicle contains ?
a) Hepatic vein & CBD b) Hepatic artery & Hepatic duct
c) Portal vein & Hepatic duct d) Portal Triad
Q.no.73: Basal ganglia comlex is unique in that it contains ?
a) High Copper b) Low copper c) Manganese d) High Mg
Q.no.74: Regarding Vertebra, find out most appropriate ?
a) Lumbar is Heart shaped b) C-7 has long spinous process
c) Thoracic forms Transverse process d) thoracic is kidney shaped
Q.no.75: A young lady presented with Lump in outer lateral quadrant of
Breast, which of the following group of Lymph Node is involved ?
a) Anterior axillary b) Apical c ) Posterior d) internal Thoracic
Q.no.76: Right kidney is differentiated from Left kidney by ?
a) colour of kidney b) No: of coverings of kidney
c) Relations of structures in the Hilum
d) Surfaces & poles of kidney e) Weight & size of kidney
Q.no.77: PDA is persistent part of the Left ?
a) 4th Arch b) 5th Arch c) 6th Arch d) Dorsal Aorta e) Ventral aorta
Q.no.78: Root of Right lung is crossed by ?
a) Sub-clavian vein b) Arch of aorta c) Azygous vein
e) right pulmonary artery
Q.no.79: Vessel which supply derivatives of fore gut ?
a) Celiac artery b) SMA c) IMA d) Splenic artery
Q.no.80: Following will not form boundary of Inguinal canal ?
a) Lacunar ligament b) Ext: oblique aponeurosis
c) Transversalis Fascia d) Conjoint Tendon e) Inguinal ligament
Q.no.81: Patient treated via conservative surgery for Ca Colon , best marker
For disease progression is ?
a) Alpha feto-protein b) CEA c) B-HCG d) Erythropoeitin
Q.no.82: Structure found 2 feet away from Ileo-cecal junction , at
Anti-mesenteric border , is most likely ?
a) Omphalocele b) Meckel,s diverticulum c) Volvulus
d) Gastoschisis e) Intussuception
Q.no.83: Incorrect statement about Abdominal Aorta ?
a) Divides at level of L4 b) has Inferior vena cava on its right side
c) Gives out paired lateral branches to parieties
d) Gives out Renal arteies at level of L2
e) Lies to the right of cisterna chyli
Q.no.84: Sudden out break of some disease in School showed Dramatic
Response to 1% Permethrin Lotion , which organism most likely
Responsible for this ?
a) Pediculosis capitis b) Pthyriasis pubis c) Pediculosis pubis
d) Sarcoptes Scabies
Qno.85: Drug not used for Rx of Candida Albicans ?
a) Amphotericin-B b) Cotrimazole c) Grisofulvin d) Nystatin
Q.no.86: Patient presented with C/O vesicles on lower lip , which of the
Following is most likely responsible ?
a) HSV-1 b) HSV-2 c) VZV d) CMV
Q.no.87: Which of the followiwing is not responsible for formation of Liver
Granuloma ?
a) Gumma b) Silicosis c) T.B d) Sarcoidosis
Q.no.88: Most common risk factor for Bronchogenic Carcinoma ?
a) Asbestosis b) Silicosis c) Fungal Infection
d) Berylliosis e) Tobbaco smoking
Q.no.89: Oligo urea is clinically defined as ?
a) UOP <1oo ml/day b) UOP <500 ml/day c) UOP b/w 1-1.5 L
d) UOP of about 1L e) UOP <2L
Q.no.90: Child presented e C/O swelling in the Parotid region, O/E Clinician
Found that Right testicle was also swollen , which of the following
Is most likely ?
a) Measels b) Mumps c) Rubella d) CMV Infection
Q.no.91: Example of Type-2 Hyper sensitivity Reaction is ?
a) PSGN b) Erythroblastosis Foetalis c) T.B d) Penicillin rash
Q.no.92: Example of Type-3 Hyper sensitivity reaction is ?
a) PSGN b) Erythtoblastosis foetalis c) T.B d) Hay fever
Q.no.93: Type-3 Hypersensitivity is characterized by ?
a) Arthus phenomena b) Contact dermatitis c) koch,s phenomena
d) Hives e) Spreading cellulitis
Q.no.94: Liver is not involved in the synthesis of ?
a) Albumin b) Gamma globulin c) Protein d) Lipids e) glycogen
Q.no.95: Boy presented with gynaecomastia & dignosed as a case of
Klinefelter,s syndrome , most likely karyo type is ?
a) 45X0 b) 46XX c) 46YY d) 47XXY e) 47XYY
Q.no.96: Stored blood has one of the following disadvantages ?
a) It has un stable factor II,VII,IX,X
b) It has un stable factor VIII,IX c) platelet has half life of 5 days
d) There is risk of exaggerated hemolysis
Q.no.97: In which of the following conditions Bleeding time is prolonged?
a) Heparin Therpy b) Haemophilia C ) Warfarin Therapy
d) Von Will brand Disease
Q.no.98: In 40 yr old man with Fracture of Pelvis & Injury to Bulbar Urethra
Urine would extravasate into ?
a) Deep perineal pouch b) Ischiorectal fossa c) Paravesicle pouch
d) Retropubic space e) Superficial perineal pouch
Q.no.99: Epinephrine & Serotonin are metabolized by ?
a) COMT b) MAO c) Methyl hydro-oxylase d) none
Q.no.100: Scanty Barr-Bodies are found in ?
a) Turner syndrome b) Down syndrome c) Klinefelter,s syndrome
d) Adrenogenital syndrome e) 21-B-Hydro-oxylase deficiency
Q.no.101: Neurotransmitter for slow wave sleep is ?
a) Ach b) GABA c) Glutamate d) Serotonin e) Nor-epinephrine
Q.no.102: Regarding QRS complex , most appropriate ?
a) Indicates atrial depolarization b) Indicates atrial systole
c) Occurs prior to ventricular systole d) none
Q.no.103: Short term control of Blood pressure is done through ?
a) Baroreceptor system b) Renin-angiotensin system c) ANP
d) CNS Ischemic response
Q.no.104: During Acclimatization at High altitude , Following changes
Will occur ?
a) A marked increase in P50 value b) Acidosis
c) increase in pulmonary ventilation d) pulmonary vaso dilatation
e) Decreased Erythropoeitin secretion
Q.no.105: Patient with prolonged P-R interval & 3:1 P & QRS complex, this
Results from ?
a) Mobitz-1 block b) Mobitz-2 block c) Partial block
d) Complete A-V block
Q.no.106: During strenuous exercise blood flow to muscle is maintained by?
a) Decreased PH b) Increased arterial O2
c) Increased arterial PCO2 d) decreased arterial O2
e) Collateral signals from higher centers
Q.no.107: Regarding Isotonic Exercise , which is incorrect ?
a) Increased heart rate b) Increased stroke volume
c) Increased TPR d) Increased pulse pressure e) Increased CO
Q.no.108: Which is a key factor for maintaining cerebral blood flow
During hypovolumic state ?
a) Hypoxemia b) Arterial PCO2 c) Venous PCO2 d) none
Q.no.109: Mean arterial pressure , most appropriate ?
a) Decreases in old age b) Is normally about 80mm Hg
c) Equals the diastolic +1/3 of pulse pressure
d) Is difference b/w systolic & diastolic Blood pressure
Q.no.110: Best measure to estimate GFR is ?
a) Creatinine b) Inulin c) PAH d) Urea e) Water
Q.no.111: In 3rd Trimester of pregnancy lady comes to Dr. she experienced
Episode of faiting , Dr. advised her to get into Left Lateral
Position , this position will increase blood flow to Brain , Dr.
Advised this position to avoid compression of which important
Abdominal structure ?
a) Spleen b) Liver c) SVC d) Lungs e) IVC
Q.no.112: Which of the following is not a Bacteial disease ?
a) TB b) Histoplasmosis c) Whooping cough d) Cholera
Q.no.113: A lady brought her baby who is preferring Bottle-feed instead
Of Breast milk , what is most likely ?
a) Cleft hard & soft palate b) cleft soft palate c ) Nasal blockade
d) In adequate Hormones e) Weak Laryngeal muscles
Q.no.114: Regarding Iron Toxicity , which is inappropriate ?
a) Acute iron Toxicity causes constipation
b) chronic blood loss causes Iron deficiency anemia
c) Acute Iron toxicity causes metabolic acidosis
d) Haemolysis causes Iron over load
e) Body has no means to excrete excess iron that is why it
is usually treated medically
Q.no.115: Most likely paralysed muscle taking origin from Femur ,which
Causes instability of knee Joint is ?
a) Rectus femoris b) Sartorius c) Vastus Lateralis
c) Semi-membranosus e) Semi-tendinosus
Q.no.116: Loss of Eversion of foot occurs due to damage to which of
The following muscle ?
a) Tibialis anterior b) Tibialis posterior c) Soleus
d) Peroneus Longus
Q.no.117: Secondary oocyte is surrounded by Corona Radiata , which
Of the following layer contributes to formation of corona
Radiata ?
a) Granulosa cells b) Interstitial cells of ovary c) primary oocyte
d) Theca Externa cells e) Theca Interna cells
Q.no.118: Safest site for draining pleural effusion is ?
a) Lower border of upper rib in mid-axillary line
b) Lower border of upper in mid-clavicular line
c) Middle of Intercostal space in mid-clavicular line
d) Middle of Intercostal space in anterior axillary line
e) Upper border of lower rib at site of maximum dullness
Q.no.119: A 15 yr old boy C/O loss of appetite , vomiting & high colcoured
Urine , O/E yellow dis coloration of sclera , Investigation of
Choice ?
a) Alkaline phosphatase estimation b) Bilirubin & ALT estimation
c) Hepatitis A & B Virus d) Liver biopsy
e) Serum & Urinary bilirubin
Q.no.120: Stab wound occurs in the 4th Intercostal space , structure
Most likely damaged , would be ?
a) Intercostal membrane b) Internal intercostal muscle
b) External Intercostal muscle d) none
Q.no.121: Patient presented with repiratory depression which is not
Responding to Naloxone , Find out culprit drug ?
a) Morphine b) Methadone c) Pheno-barbitone
a) Heroin e) Pethidine
Q.no.122: An Epidemiologist was making an study for assessing the risk of
Smoking for Heart disease , 500 coronary Heart disease patients
Were asked if they smoke or not , 500 Healthy friends with
Similar age , sex & socioeconomic back ground were also asked
About their smoking habits, Result revealed that smoking is a
Risk factor for CHD , study is called ?
a) Case control b) Cohort study c) Cross sectional study
b) Prospective study e) Randomized matched controlled Trial
Q.no.123: Transmission of Infection via droplet would be possible upto
Which distance ?
a) 1-3 feet b) 3-6 feet c) 10-12 feet d) 15-20 feet
Q.no.124: Microscopic structure pf Pituitary gland reveals that ?
a) Chromophills contains few cytoplasmic granules
b) Chromophills have little affinity for basic dyes
c) Chromophobes are smallest cell types in anterior pituitary
d) Corticotrophs constitute about 50% of anterior pituitary mass
e) Somatotrophs represent the basophills of traditional light
Q.no.125: Left axis deviation occurs in ?
a) RBB b) Tricuspid stenosis c) Pulmonary stenosis
d) Shifting of apex to right side e) MI
Q.no.126: During 2nd week which is appropriate test for Typhoid fever ?
a) Widal+Blood culture b) Blood culture only c) Stool culture only
d) Bone marrow culture e) none
Q.no.127: Positive predictive value of test indicates ?
a) Same as sensitivity
b) same as specificity
c) proportion of true negatives among all negatives
d) proportion of true negatives among all positives
e) proportion of true positives among all positives
Q.no.128: 21 yr old male comes with H/O mild intermittent Jaundice ,
Increased un-conjugated bilirubin , normal albumin levels ,
He might be suffering from ?
a) crigglar Najjar syndrome b) Gilbert syndrome
b) Rotor Syndrome d) Dubin Jhonson syndrome
Q.no.129: patient having loss of sensation in the region b/w Eye & Mouth
Extending as for as Ear , most likely damaged nerve is ?
a) Posterior Auricular Nerve b) Facial Nerve
c) Maxillary division of Trigeminal Nerve
d) Auriculo temporal Nerve
Q.no.130: Patient has pain in parotid region , which aggravates by chewing ,
Nerve most likely involved ?
a) Facial b) Auriculo temporal c) Maxillary d) Opthalmic
Q.no.131: A 20 yr old male during a test for driving was unable to
Distinguish b/w red & green , most likely defect is ?
a) Deutranomolus b) Protanomolous c) Protanopia
c) Tritanomolus e) Tritanopia
Q.no.132: Digastric Triangle of neck is bounded by ?
a) Anterior & posterior belly of digastric & mandible
b) Body of hyoid bone, anterior belly of digastric & mid line
c) Clavicle , Trapezius & Sternocleidomastoid
d) Sternocleidomastoid , mid line & Mylohyoid
e) Superior belly of omohyoid, Sternocleidomastoid & mid line
Q.no.133: An elderly patient fell on his elbow & was brought to ER ,
Radiograph revealed fracture of surgical neck of Humerus , He
Could not raise his arm & had loss of sensation over the lateral
Side of proximal part of arm , Nerve most likely involved ?
a) Axillary Nerve b) Lower subscapular Nerve c) Radial Nerve
d) Thoracodorsal Nerve e) Upper subscapular Nerve
Q.no.134: Earliest change in Retina in Diabetic Retinopathy ?
a) Dilatation of Retinal arteries b) Lipid deposition in Arterioles
c) Vitreous Haemorrhage d) Retinal detachement
e) Vitreous bands
Q.no.135: Which of following microorganism is not transmitted by food ?
a) Clostridium perferinges b) Clostridium Botulinism
c) Mycobacterium Avium d) Staphylococcus e) Giardia
Q.no.136: Regarding Neurogenic Shock , most appropriate ?
a) Cold & clammy peripheries b) Hypovolumia
c) decreased peripheral vascular resistance
d) decreased functioning of Heart e) none
Q.no.137: Heart rate is decreased by ?
a) Bain-Bridge reflex b) Occulo cardiac reflex c) Left atrial reflex
d) CNS Ischemic response d) none
Q.no.138: Area to be auscultated for Tricuspid valve ?
a) Left 2nd I/C space b) Right 2nd I/C space
c) 4th left I/C space in mid clavicular line
d) 5th left I/C space in mid clavicular line
e) Right side of lower half of body of sternum
Q.no.139: Local cause of delayed wound healing ?
a) Infection b) Ischemia c) Vit:C deficiency d) cortisol
Q.no.140: In Acetylsalisylic acid poisoning which is incorrect ?
a) increased PH b) Increased Ventilation c) decreased PH
d) Right shift of O2 Hb dissociation Curve e) none
Q.no.141: Increased risk of transmissibility of HBV infection is shown by ?
a) HBsAg +ve & HBsAb+ve b) HBeAg+ve & HBeAb-ve
c) HBcAg+ve & HBcAb –ve d) none
Q.no.142: which Autonomic receptor mediates secretion of Epinephrine by
Adrenal Medulla ?
a) Adrenergic alpha receptor b) Adrenergic B-1 receptors
c) Adrenegic B-2 receptors d) Cholinergic Muscarinic receptors
e) cholinergic Nicotinic receptors
Q.no.143: structure derived from 2nd pharyngeal Arch is ?
a) Body of thyroid bone b) Cricoid cartilage c) pertien of mandible
d) Stylohyoid ligament e) Sphenomandibular ligament
Q.no.144: Regarding throid gland which is incorrect ?
a) Moves on deglutition b) Surrounded by pre-tracheal Fascia
c) Related to RLN d) Isthmus lies at level of Throid cartilage
Q.no.145: Anomic Aphasia occurs due to Lesion in ?
a) Angular gyrus , Area 39 b) Broca,s Area c) Frontal lobe
d) Wernicke,s area
Q.no.146: Which of the following has pre-potent potential ?
a) SA Node b) AV Node c) Purkinje Fiber d) Ventricular muscle
Q.no.147: Phase of cardiac cycle during which 2/3 of Ventricular filling
Occurs & 3rd Heart sound is produced ?
a) Isovolumetric contraction b) Isovolumetric relaxation
c) rapid filling d) Slow filling
Q.no.148: 60 yr old male Farm worker presented with ascites , Ascitic fluid
Was Haemorrhagic & contained malignant cells, Liver biopsy
Showed Angiosarcoma , what is most likely cause ?
a) Aflatoxin b) Aromatic amines c) Arsenic
d) Hydrocarbon e) Vinyl chloride
Q.no.149: 5 yr old baby,s Blood CP shows Hb 7g/dl,
TLC: 3000(88% Lymphocytes), 5000 Platelets , which is most
Appropriate Investigation ?
a) Bone marrow aspiration b) Serum Iron level c) Hepatitis profile
d) TIBC e) Ferretin level
Q.no.150: Translocation of 9:22 is characteristics of ?
a) AML b) CML c) Hairy Leukemia d) Buirkit Lymphoma
Q.no.151: 60 yr old male presented with gum hypertrophy & Epistaxis ,
His Blood picture shows TLC: 59×109, mostly mature
Lymphocytes , he is suffering from ?
a) AML b) CML c) CLL d) ALL
Q.no.152: Regarding Total Par-Entral Nutrition, most appropriate ?
a) whole of the energy need can be provided by Glucose
b) Glutamine is present in most synthetic preparations
c) Aminoacids should be given as Dextro-isomers
d) Entral nutrition has less chance of infection
Q.no.153: Nerve which exits from Skull & does not become content of
Carotid sheath ?
a) Hypoglossal b) Auditory c) Glossopharyngeal d) Vagus
Q.no.154: Cancer occurs due to ?
a) Over expression of anti-oncogenes b) P53
c) Over expression of proto-oncogenes d) none
Q.no.155: Plasma colloid Osmotic Pressure is maintained by ?
a) Albumin fraction b) Globulin c) Fibrinogen d) none
Q.no.156: Regarding SLE most sensitive initial screening test is ?
a) ANA b) Anti DS DNA c) Anti-La d) Anti-smith e) AMA
Q.no.157: Insulin increases entry of glucose into ?
a) Brain b) Skeletal muscles c) Intestine d) RBC e) Kidney
Q.no.158: Immediate response of body to heat production by cold is ?
a) Hunger b) Shivering c) Increased release of Catecholamines
Q.no.159: BMR is increased by ?
a) High Thyroxine Level b) decreased sympathetic activity
c) Sleep d) Eating e) none
Q.no.160: Jaundice is caused by ?
a) Obstructive jaundice causes Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia
b) Hemolysis due to un-conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
c) In Hemolysis un-conjugated Bilirubin appears in urine
d) Hepatitis due to un-conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia
Q.no.161: Effects of Chlorpromazine resulting from Dopamie receptor
Blockade include all of the following except ?
a) amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome in women
b) anti-emetic action c) Anti-psychotic action
d) parkinson,s Syndrome e) Postural Hypotension
Q.no.162: Levodopa is given along Carbidopa in Rx of Parkinson,s
Disease b/c ?
a) carbidopa decreases its peripheral activation
b) Facilitates its entry into Brain
c) potentiates its effects on Brain
d) increases its GIT absorption
Q.no.163: Ranitidine differs from Cemitidine in ?
a) Less potent b) Less CNS toxicity c) decreases LES tone
d) decreases Stomach motility
e) Decreased peripheral venous conversion
Q.no.164: Disease in which Immunological Test is of diagnostic Value ?
a) Malaria b) Kalazar c) Hydatid cyst d) Amoebic Liver abscess
Q.no.165: Digoxin Toxicity can be precipitated by ?
a) Patient taking Digoxin with Quinidine
b) Patient taking Digoxin with Captopril
c) Patient taking Digoxin with Hyperkalemia
d) Patient taking Digoxin with Hypermagnesemia
e) Patient taking Digoxin with Hypocalcemia
Q.no.166: An old aged bed-ridden patient K/C of COPD suddenly
Develops SOB & Tachycardia , what is most likely ?
a) MI b) Spontaneous pneumothorax c) Pulmonary Embolism
b) AECOPD e) none
Q.no.167: A patient has a Blood Pressure of 70/40 mmHg & serum Lactate
Of 30mg/100ml (Normal 6 to 16) . Cardiac output is 2L/min &
CVP is 2cms of water. Most likeky cause of this condition is ?
a) Cardiac Tamponade b) CCF c) Hypovolumic Shock
b) Pulmonary Embolism e) Septicemic shock
Q.no.168: Most Intense response to Hypovolumia is ?
a) Baroreceptor response b) CNS Ischemic response
c) Occulo cardiac reflex d) Bain-bridge reflex
Q.no.169: In Hypoxemic state , Respiratory centre is stimulated through ?
a) Aortic Sinus b) Carotid body c) Arterial PCO2
d) Carotid Sinus e) none
Q.no.170: In cells Enzymes Oxidases are present in ?
a) Cytoplasm b) Golgi apparatus c) Lysososomes
d) Mitochondria e) peroxisomes
Q.no.171: Iron deficiency Anemia occurs due to ?
a) Vit:B-12 deficiency b) Folate deficiency
c) Iron over load d) Chronic blood loss from GIT
Q.no.172: Vit:B-12 is absorbed from ?
a) Jejunum b) Duodenum c) Terminal Ileum d) colon e) Stomach
Q.no.173: 40 yr old male presented with weakness & numbness of limbs ,
MCV 112 , what is most likely ?
a) Folate deficiency b) Pernicious anemia c) Scurvy
b) Syringomyelia e) none
Q.no.174: Patient on investigation having following Laboratory Report ,
MCV 126 , Hypersegmented Neutrophills , what is most likely ?
a) Vit:B-12 deficiency b) Iron deficiency
c) Anemia of Chronic Diseases d) none
Q.no.175: Resection of terminal Ileum will lead to deficiency of ?
a) Folate b) Iron c) Vit:B-12 d) Ca e) Vit: C
Q.no.176: Patient taking Aspirin for prophylaxis of Atherosclerosis in order
To decrease platelet aggregation , Aspirin will do so by ?
a) decreasing Leukotriens b) Thromboxane A2 c) Prostacyclins
c) Protein C e) protein S
Q.no.177: Which is slow growing tumor of Thyroid gland ?
a) Papillary b) Medullary c) Follicular d) Anaplastic e)Lymphoma
Q.no.178: Most common cause of Edema in Nephrotic Syndrome ?
a) Hyperkalemia b) Hypo-albuminemia c) Lymphatic Obstruction
d) Increased capillary permeability
e) Increased Hydrostatic pressure of Blood
Q.no.179: Patient on ATT , unable to differentiate different colours , find out
Culpirit Drug ?
a) Pyrazinamide b) Ethambutol c) Rifampicin
d) Streptomycin e) INH
Q.no.180: Baroreceptor respond to ?
a) Hypotension b) Hypertension
c) Rapidly decreasing arterial pressure
d) Rapidly increasing arterial pressure
Q.no.181: Regarding Scalenus Anterior Muscle , most appropriate ?
a) Inserts into outer border of 1st Rib
b) Gets origin from 3-6 cervical vertebrae
c) Forms posterior relation of Brachial plexus
d) Lies anteriorly to subclavian vein
e) Is crossed anteriorly by Phrenic Nerve
Q.no.182: Regarding Eating behaviour , most appropriate ?
a) decreased by Leptin released from Adipocytes
b) decreased by Leptin released from Muscle cells
c) Savage if feeding centre is damaged
d) decreased if satiety centre is damaged
Q.no.183: Best classical Example of Auto-Immunity against single organ ?
a) Hashimoto Thyroiditis b) RA c) SLE d) PAN
e) Systemic sclerosis
Q.no.184: An old aged patient having increased Translucency of Lungs in
Upper fields , flattened diaphragms, no evidence of infiltration ,
No H/O of fever , prominent both pulmonary arteries ,
Prominent right border of Heart , what is most likely finding in
Pulmonary arteries ?
a) Granulomatous vasculitis b) Atherosclerosis c) Aneurysm
e) Medial dissection e) none
Q.no.185: A 5 yr old baby comes with Recurrent cervical Lymphadenitis ,
Klebsiella Pneumoniae is isolated on each occasion , he is most
Likely suffering from Immunodeficient status of ?
a) chronic granulomatous disease b) T-cell function defect
c) common variable agammaglobulinemia
d) severe combined agammaglobulinemia
e) X-linked agammaglobulinemia of Bruton
Q.no.186: which of the following is not Anthropozoonotic disease ?
a) Anthrax b) T.B c) Rabies d) Plague
Q.no.187: Regarding Mycobacteria ?
a) It is only acid fast Bacilli
b) Non-tuberculous disease is as contagious as Tuberculous
c) Mycobacterium avium infection occurs only in AIDS patients
d) Non-mycobacterial disease is caused by M.Bovis
e) Non-tuberculous disease is transmitted through water
Q.no.188: Erythropoeitin is secreted by ?
a) Mesengial cells b) JG cells c) Macula Densa d) PCT
e) Tubular epithelial cells
Q.no.189: Regarding Coronaries Arteries , most appropriate ?
a) Anastomosis occur at arterial level
b) Arteries run in their respective grooves
c) Venous drainage system carries same names as arteries
d) SA Node is supplied by Left coronary Artery
Q.no.190: Poor prognostic feature of Sepsis ?
a) Diffuse Tissue Hypoxia b) DIC
c) Diffuse Tissue Injury d) none
Q.no.191: In the plasma of Blood group A person there are ?
a) Anti-A antibodies b) Anti-AB antibodies c) Anti-B antibodies
d) IgG antibodies e) No antibodies
Q.no.192: Withdrawl reflexes are mediated by ?
a) Meissner,s Corpuscles b) Pacinian Corpuscles c) Nociceptors
d) Golgi Tendon Organ e) Merckle,s Disc
Q.no.193: Patient presented with C/O cough for last one month , associated
With fever, Lungs having Infiltrates & multiple opacities, biopsy
Shows Epitheloid cells , what is most likely Diagnosis ?
a) Asthma b) T.B c) Fungal Infection d) none
Q.no,194: Diffusion depends on ?
a) Molecular weight of substance b) charge of substance
c) No; of solute particles d) none
Q.no.195: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is mot likely due to ?
a) Endocardial Fibroelastosis b) Myocyte degeneration
c) Myocyte disarray d) Non-necrotising granulomas
e) Sarcoplasmic tubule dilatation
.Q:no.196: Ragarding Pheromones ?
a) are substances produced by animals that act at a distance to
produce behavioural response or other physiologic changes
in another animal of the same species
b) Produced by one specie & act on other specie
c) Not well developed in Humans d) none
Q.no.197: Which of the following is most likely to bring about improvement
In Exopthalmos ?
a) Administration of T4 b) Administration of Testosterone
c) Administation of drugs that inhibit the production of T- Lymphocytes d) Hypophysectomy e) Thyroidectomy
Q.no.198: In RTA , man suffered from Fracture of Femurr & died after 3
Days ,at autosy Brain showed Necrotic changes, what is likely ?
a) Fat Embolism b) Coagulative Necrosis c) Sepsis d) none
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