Saturday 25 January 2014

The Artist of All Artists...By Sarah Mostafa

The Artist of All Artists
You haven’t really realized your place in life until you’ve tried to describe a sunset in words. I realized this as I sat on a large rock near a creek on the University of Maryland campus and tried to describe the breathtaking view with pen and paper. I worked at it for several minutes and when I thought my list was perfect, I set my pen down and skimmed through the descriptions. At the end of my reading, I felt proud that my descriptions seemed so complete.
Then I studied the sky again.
Not even close.
The artist within each of us has an intense drive to describe what we see and feel; writers through words, painters through pigments, musicians through lyrics, poets through prose, and so on. We do not create anything new in the process; nature, emotions, and experiences already exist.  We only try to capture a fraction of their magnitude. And still, no matter how many hours someone spends describing a sunset, it’s not the same as seeing the actual sunset in person. No matter how I describe my experience walking down a dirt road towards a sparkling lake to the sound of chirping birds, you have to be there to really feel it.
And that speaks to our human limitations.
Our minds are not capable of functioning outside the paradigm we were born within. We cannot think in 4D, for instance, and we cannot make up a new primary color or a new texture. Every concept, no matter how brilliantly expressed, is an expansion of something we’ve already witnessed or understood. Even the impressionist artist, who puts a unique spin on real concepts, is constrained by his psyche.
When we produce art, we are only reflecting the artistry of the Divine, the greater Creator behind everything in the material and immaterial world. Treating our genius in the arts as proof that we are superior to the Divine or somehow self-sufficient is ridiculously backwards. Think about it: Could Monet’s famous paintings of sunsets, for example, have existed without the sunset itself?
Like science and logic, art is one of the vehicles that can help us understand our existence and the nature of God. It can lead us towards Him, or it can lead us away from Him, depending on how we approach it.  When art is approached as a goal and the means is ignored, it can also represent all that is wrong with humanity. When it breeds arrogance, or causes self-destruction or attachment to fleeting thrills, then it goes from being a useful tool to a dangerous weapon.
It’s extremely important for institutions to encourage North American Muslims to express their thoughts, ideas, struggles, and experiences creatively, authentically, and within the Islamic spirit. The Islamic spirit is not an imposition of a list of halal (permissible) and haram (prohibited). It is a worldview that understands that our very existence is to serve the Creator and spread positive messages. The emphasis should be on higher-purpose art; art that goes beyond carnal representations and actually stirs the depths of our hearts and souls—art that acknowledges that every brilliant idea that has ever crossed the human mind is owned by God.
And it is this acknowledgement that is one of the deepest forms of worship.

FCPS part 1 Medicine & Allied past MCQs...Recalls Part2

 FCPS part 1 Medicine & Allied past MCQs...Recalls Part2

1. what is true about critical temperature:
 a. applies on mixture of gas.
 b. of co2 is 31c
 c. of oxygen is 121c
 d. of nitrogen is 21c
 e. is temperature below which pressure can keep gas liquid

 2. Humidity in OT should be

 3. Ropivacaine is used for epidural anaesthesia instead of bupivacaine during labour,because
 a. it is less toxic
 b. no effect on fetus
 c. recovery is quick
 d. prolonged action

 4. half life of pseudocholine esterase is
 a. 2 hours
 b. 1 week
 c. 3 days
 d. 12 hours

 5. regarding phosphodiestease inhibitor (I can just recall there was some option regarding its inactivation of cAMP,,which I ticked..but don’t remember exactly now what the other options were )

 6. volume of distribution depends on following except
 a. age
 b. gender
 c. lipid solubility of a drug

 7. what is true about FRV volume.
 a. increased in shallow breathing
 b. nitrogen breath test can measure it
 c. it is part of minute ventilation
 d. can be measured by helium dilution metho

 8.regarding coanda effect what is true
 a. can explain ischemia of myocardium
 b. do not explains vascular flow
 c. explains unequal distribution of air in alveoli

 9. regarding flow of gas in a tube,directly proptional to
 a. radius
 b. pressure difference
 c. viscosity

 10.flow of inhalational gases across memebrane is directly propotional to..
 a. surfactant produced
 b. transalveolar pressue
 c. hypoxia

 11. which one of following anti emetic has max bioavalability
 a- ondansteron
 b- cyclizine
 c- droperidol
 d- metoclopramide
 e- porcholrperazine

 12.which one of following drug worsens angina
 b.isossorbide dinitrate

 13.which one of following used in CCF but is not a vasodilator…

 14.drug of choice in prizmental angina
 a.isosorbide dinitrate

 15.nitous oxide is a .. a.analgesic,, b.vasodilator

 16. regarding paracetamol what is true…
 a.increases PT… nephrotoxic
 c.not an anti inflammatory
 d.more potent analgesic than codeine
 e.causes met-Hb.emia more frequently than Phanacetin

 17.child with burn 6 hour back brought to ER for dressing. Family history of sibling died under GA is positive…you are cautious regarding using succinylcholine in this patient why?
 a. Chances of malignant hyper thermia increases
 b. hyperkalemia
 c. due to increased risk of prolonged muscle contractions

 18.sensory supply of dura is by all except
 a.trigeminal nerve
 b.cervical nerves
 c.vagus nerve
 d.hypoglossal nerve

 19.Mac of isoflurane is a.0.3 b.0.5 c.1.2 d.1.5

 20.mac is reduced in…
 a. duration of anaesthesia
 c. hypoxia,

 22. which one irritates larynx..
 a. desflurane
 b. isoflurane
 c. sevoflurane
 d. nitrous oxide

 23.isoflurane effects cardiac activity by: (options don’t remember exactly,but the main theme was how isoflurane actually suppresses cardiac activity,mechanism of action )
 a. decreasing AV conduction
 b. inhibiting intracellular phospateases
 c. bidirectional block (something like that ,exact term don’t remember but it was bi- )

 24. all of the following are tributaries of internal jugular vein except:
 a. sigmoid sinus
 b. lingual vein
 c. superior thyroid
 d. oocipital vein

 25. After induction of anesthesia by 10 mg/kg thiopentone, pt is hypotonic. Cause ?
a. hypersensitivity
b. dec HR
c. dec contractility

 26.which one of following has steroid nucleus.

 27.which one is potent bronchodilator,can be used in asthmatic patients

 28.regarding isoflurane one correct statement..
 a.recommended for anaesthesia induction,,

 29.thiopental effects on cvs:
 a.transient fall in bp

 30. ketorolac drug of choice in…
 a.. a patient of thoracotomy wid oozing wounds
 b. diabetic patient undergoing hemicolectomy

 31. correct statement regarding inferior vena cava …
 a.commences at L5
 b.tributaries similar to aorta
 c.lies posterior to right adrenal gland related to bare area of liver

 32. regarding left adrenal vein drains into…
 a. inferior vena cava
 b. left renal vein

 33. adrenaline is added to local anaesthetic to restrict its…

 34. regarding cvp whats true….
 a. always low in all types of shock.
 b. give accurate measurement when catheter in rt atrium
 c. gives clue about pulmonary edema
 d. reading 5cm H2o is equal to 10 mmhg

 35.patient in ot undressed..heat loss is by
 a.radiation n conduction

 36.if ventillation increasd.
 a.dead space develops

 37.laminar flow what is true….
 a. directly proportional to viscosity

 38. transducer is…
 a .convert one energy form into another

39.patient on htnsive drug now comes in shock ,known hypertensive,, Serum Potassium is 5..Diagnosis? a.hemolysis

 40. whats true about montoux test..
 a.reaction type is type 4

 41.prednisolone..( cant recall what they asked,just remember there was a question regarding it as well ) sternous exercise wats not increased….
 a.heart rate
 b.cardiac output
 c.respiratory rate
 d.blood pressure

 43.pulse pressure
 a. is differance of systolic and diastolic pressures
 b. decreases in old age

 44. cardiac index is..
 a. cardiac output to body surface area (BSA),
 b.difference of end systolic volume and end diastolic volume

 45. lysosomes
 a. produced by golgi apparatus
 b. has hydrolases n catalases
 c. has oxidases

 46.regarding carotid sheath,correct statement is:
 a.contents are carotid artery,vagus nerve,internal jugular vein
 b.formed by condensation of pretracheal fascia 

46.adenosine mode of action… a.


 48.bronchial tone circadian rhythm max at …a.early morning

 49.3rd space fluid loss.fluid of choice is…
 a. blood,plasma
 c. ringers lactate
d. normal saline

 50.class three antiarhythmic name
 a. quinidine
 b. pilocarpine
 c. lidocaine

 51.10-15% blood loss,,replace by ..
 a. whole blood
 b. three times normal saline
 c. ringers lactate
 52.pulmonary ligament is
 a. in which lung root sinks during respiration
 b. a recess in parietal pleura
 c.formed by condensation of Sibson fascia

 53.supra pleural fascia is …..
 a.thickining of pretrachial fascia
 b.attached to first rib
 c.moves with respiration,
 d.subclavian vessels crosses it superiorly

 54. chorda tympani,select one false…..
a. supplies posterior 2/3 of tongue,
b .leaves through styloid mastoid foramen.
. c. passes over upper part of medial side of tympanic membrane

 55.all are mesoderm derivative except… .

56.road traffic accident ,patient now having bleeding from left ear n left eye pupil dilated,which cranial nerve damaged

 57.thoracic part of sympathetic trunk supplies all except..
 a. heart,
 b. lungs,
 c. aorta,
 d. parietal pleura 

58.respiratory quotient is
 a.carbondioxide produced per oxygen utilization

 59.mac of sevoflurane with 60% N2O
 a. 0.66-0.68

 60.which of following joint is immoveable
 c.symphsis pubis
 d.shoulder joint

 61.dorsal rami of cervical spinal nerves supply

 62.regarding bronchopulmonary segments correct statement is
 a.has a segmental bronchus
 b.anatomical ,surgical,functional unit of lung

 63.which of following organism causes menigites sec. to pyogenic lung abcess

 64.true regarding trachea
 a. contains macrophages in alveoli
 b. incomplete cartilages in airway tract tubes
 c. cilliated epithelium uptil terminal bronchus

 65.nitrogen breath test can be used for a.measuring dead space .

 66.regarding right brachiocepahilc vein,what is true
 a. has valve
 b. right is longer than left
 c. commences at level of t4
 d. is vertical

 67.filling of ventricle produces which heart sound .

 68.lymph is drained into
 c.lymph node 

69.regarding inferior vena cava,what is true ..
 a.commences at L5
 b.lies posterior to right renal gland
 c.related to bare area of liver
 d.has tributaries similar to aorta 

70.regarding internal jugular vein
 a.continuation of sigmoid sinus,
 b.hypoglossal nerve crosses it anteriorly,,
 c.lingual nerve is its tributary,

 71.anterior inferior cerebellar artery is a branch of
 b.basillar artey
 c.vertebral artery
 d.posterior cerebral artery

 72.which of following doesn’t have any sensory supply
 a.hypoglossal nerve,
 b.vagus nerve,
 c.occulomotor nerve,,
 d.trochlear nerve

 73.a patient is inducted with an inhalational agent,he develops bronchospasm n airway irritation, (I think in question it was also mentioned about mac of that agent and it was < 0.1 ,,don’t remember exactly ) which agent is responsible for this:

 74.what is true about amide local anaesthetics: a.they are bound to albumin

 75.regarding ropivacaine what is true
 a.less cardiotoxic
 b.long duration of action
 c.equally effective than bupivacaine
 d.pKa is equal to that of bupivacaine

 76.most toxic local anaesthetic is: a.bupivacaine b.ropivacaine c.lidocaine d.dimethocaine 

77.suxamethonium causes tachycardia in a patient ,,what is the mechanism ? blocks nicotinin receptors at post synaptic junction blocks nicotinic receptors at autonomic ganglia blocks muscarinic receptors at postsynaptic terminal have given a dose of suxamethonium in a patient ,now u have to give another dose,you are very cautious regarding second dose,why ?
 a.because of hyperkalemia
 b.because of hypocalcemia

 79.regarding ropivacaine what s true:
 a.low ph increases its shelf life
 b.more toxic than bupivacaine is a recemic mixture

 80.piperacurium is preferred over pancuronium because
 a.renal excretion is less
 b.cardiovascular stability is more

 81.which local anaesthetic causes methaemoglobinemia:
 c. Prilocaine d.

 82.half life of pseudocholinesterase is:
 a.12-16 weeks
 b.3 hours
 c.2 days

 83.orifice of a tube is small,flow of gas through small orifice affected by which parameter
: a.presseure difference

 84.what is true about viscosity? decreases on increasing temperature pregnancy respiratory rate increases which hormone is responsible for that : a.estrogen b.prolactin c.thyroid d.progesterone huntingtons chorea succinyl choline is contraindicated ,why? a.pseducholine esterase is deficient

 87.ace inhibitor acts in ccf by .. a.reducing cardiac out put decreasing av conduction decreasing SA and AV conduction

 88.which one of following is correct : a. po2 90 spO2 1OO% b. po2 60 spO2 90% c. po2 50 spO2 60% how many percentage of population malignant hyperthermia chances exist? a.<50% b. 60% c. 80%

90.cis atrecurium is preferred over atricurium why? a.due to less production of metabolites b.dosesnot release histamine 91.preganglionic sympathetic supply to sublingual gland is transmitted along which cranial nerve

92.regarding why nitrous not used in abdominal surgeries correct statement is: a.distends intestine

 93. ECG of a patient shows progressively increasing PR intervals followed by dropped beat. What is the condition? a) Third degree heart block b) Mobitz Type 1 c) Sinus arrhythmia d) Mobitz Type 2 case scenerio was given in which ph was 7.4,,pCO 2 was 60,,and HCO3 was 26 a.respiratory acidosis b.type 1 respiratory failure and compensated respiratory acidosis c.type 2 respiratory failure and compensated respiratory acidosis d.metabolic alkalosis indicator of preload is: a.pulmonary capillary wedge pressue b.ventricular end diastolic volume c.end systolic volume d.organ perfusion

 96.All are the branches of Vagus nerve EXCEPT a) Auricular b) Lacrimal c)Pharyngeal d) Recurrent Laryngeal

 97.About CSF most appropriate statement is a) it is ultrafilterate of Plasma b) has more glucose than blood c) has cushioing effect d) absorbed in Choroid Plexus

 98.sodium in blood is electrically balanced by .chloride ion .bicarbonate .rest options don’t remember 

99.maximum map is in a.ivc b.svc c.pulmonary artery d.capillaries

 100.glucose tranports across membrane due to its concentration difference,it is called: a.diffusion b.facilitated diffusion tranport d.sec. active tranport

 101.cell is in complete depolarization phase in : a.qrs complex b.QT interval c.ST segment d.T wave 

102. Muscle relaxant that can be given to an asthmatic pt a. atracurium b. tubocurare c. cisatracurium d. suxa 

103.Regarding Laudanosine,all true except (exact options don’t remember but I guess they were like this ) a.metabolite of atra and cis curium b.less conc . produced by cis than atracurium c. crosses blood brain barrier d.cns depression

 104.regarding intracranial part of facial nerve what is true: a.give rise to greater petrosal nerve b.nerve to submandibular gland c.nerve to tensor tympani

FCPS part 1 Medicine & Allied past MCQs...Recalls Part 1

FCPS part 1 Medicine & Allied past MCQs

1. Tumor spread by:
a. Migration of tumor cells
b. Breakdown of e-cadherin
c. sepeation of tumor cells from one another
d. Damaging extracellular matrix

2. What is most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism:
a. Maternal iodide deficiency
b. Inborn error of metabolism
c. Defective embryogenesis
d. Antibodies against thyroid hormone crossing placenta

3. Diabetic pat taking oral hypoglycemic drugs complain of abdominal fullness, which drug can b given to decrease gastropresis
a. Omeprazol
b. Cimetidi
c. Antacids
d. Metclopramide

4. On motor bike accident fracture of neck of humerus n can,t abduct his arm.due to
a. Axillary nerve
b. Long thoracic nerve
c. Musculocutaneous nerve

5. Regarding trachea
a. Gap in the C shape cartilages are lying anteriorly
b. 15 cm in length
c. Recurrent laryngeal nerve pases anteriorly
d. Isthmus of thyroid lying in front of 4rt or 5th tracheal ring
e. Starts at the lower border of cricoid cartilage

6. Release of acid from stomach is mediated through
a. H1 receptor
b. H2 receptor
c. food in stomach

7. Diaphragm is supplied by
a. C3
b. C3,4,5
c. C4,5
d. C4,5,6

8. A female at 36weeks gestation cmwith bili;20mg/dl raised SGPT & SGOT.she has returned from remote village. What can b the cause of infection?
a. HAV
b. HBV
c. HCV
d. HEV

9. What is the structure arches around the root of left lung
a. Azygus vein
b. Arch of aorta
c. Left phrenic nerve
d. Left vagus nerve
e. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve

10. Regarding ESR decreased by increase in which of the following
a. Increase plasma globulin
b. Increase fibrinogen
c. Increase plasma Albumin
d. Increase globulin and albumin ratio
e. Temperature

11. Best example of phramacodynamics drug drug interaction:
a. Iincrease action of procain by epinephrine
b. Increase action of........... by Calcium
c. Toxicity of lithium with thiazide diuretics
d. Reverse the action of aspirin by NaHCO3
e. Reverse the action of Morphine by Naloxone

12. Following veins drain into coronay sinus, which vein continues as coronary sinus
a. Middle cardiac vein
b. Great cardiac vein
c. Anterior cardiac vein
d. Oblique vein

13. Notochord arises from
a. Ectoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Endoderm

14. Thyroid is derived from
a. Ectoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Endoderm

15. Which one of the following is a chemical carcinogen
a. Alpha 1 antitrypsin
b. Benzidine
c. Ethyl alcohol
d. Propyl alcohol

16. Contractile unit in skeletal muscle is between
a. h discs
b. z lines
c. t tubules

17. A/P radiograph of chest which structure forms right border of heart
a. SVC
b. IVC
c. Right ventricle
d. Arch of aorta
e. Left Atrium

18. 60 percent of work of breathing
a. is to overcome elastic recoil of lungs
b. Counteract chest wall compliance
c. Resistance offered by small size bronchi
d. Resistance by large bronchi

19. Regarding nerve supply to skeletal muscle contains
a. 60%motor 40%sensory fibers
b. 40%motor 60%sensory
c. 60%motor 40%sensory and few postganglionic sympathetic fibers

20. Thirst stimulated by
a. ECF volume depletion
b. ICF volume depletion
c. Salt depletion

21. Regeneration least effected by
a. Diabetes
b. Infection
c. Uv light
d. corticosteroid

22. In downs syndrome at 40 years of age
a. Alzhiemers disease
b. Stroke due to essential hypertension
c. Upper motor neuron lesion
d. Lower motor neuron lesion

23. Primary cartilaginous joint
a. Costochondral
b. Teeth and jaw
c. Inferior tibiofibular joint
d. Symphysis Pubis

24. Epinephrine reuptake by
a. Diffusion and reuptake
b. Diffusion, reuptake and enzyme catalysis
c. Diffusion
d. Reuptake
e. Enzyme catalysis

25. 2 yr old child presented with anemia and has hyper segmented neutrophil, MCV raised, how will you confirm your diagnosis
a. Intrinsic factor antibodies
b. Vit b12 level
c. Transcobalamin

26. Thrombus formation triad
a. Endothelial damage, slow blood flow, altered blood constituents
b. Endothelial damage; high blood flow, fibrin
c. Endo damage eddy blood flow
d. Plasma high blood flow

27. After 6 hours of myocardial infarction which enzyme level most raised
a. CPK
b. LDH
c. ALT
d. AST

28. In adult female breast atrophy is commonly due to decrease
a. Estrogen
b. Estrogen and progesterone
c. Progesterone
d. Prolactin

29. Patient taking MAO inhibitors, taking which of the following could cause hypertensive crisis?
a. Coffee
b. Chocolate
c. Cola
d. Pine apple
e. String beans

30. Left kidney is not related anteriorly to which of the following structures?
a. Diaphragm
b. Stomach
c. Pancrease
d. Spleen and splenic vessels
e. Splenic flexure of transverse colon

31. A 30 year man participated in marathon race the most common hormone changes you will find
a. Low Insulin, High Glucagon
b. Low Insulin, Low Glucagon
c. High Insulin, High Glucagon
d. High Insulin, Low Glucagon

32. 2x2 table in biostats?
a. T-Test
b. Chi Square Test

33. Which of the following lymphoid structure does NOT contain lymph nodules:
a. Spleen
b. Lymph node
c. Thymus
d. Payer's patches
e. Tonsils

34. A person has pH 7.48, CO2 66 and HCO3 27 . What is the diagnosis
a. Acute respiratory acidosis
b. Acute metabolic acidosis
c. Partially compensated respiratory acidosis
d. Partially compensated metabolic acidosis
e. Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis

35. A patient suffers from appendicitis. Peripheral blood shows leukocytosis. Pain will be mediated by
a. IL 1 and TNF alpha
b. Bradykinin and prostaglandin E
c. Serotonin
d. IL 6
e. enkephalin

36. In myocardial infarction, which earliest change occurs in formation of aschoff bodies
a. Fibrinoid necrosis
b. Inflamaton
c. Giant cell
d. Eosinophilia

37. Regarding movements of foot:
a. Inversion n eversion occur at subtalar joint
b. Tibialis anterior n tibialis posterior cause inversion
c. Peronei cause eversion
d. Aschli tendon plays imp role when we r standing on toes

38. 45y lady comes with vaginal bleeding doc advise her for hysterectomy due to premalignant condition which is it?
a. Atypical endometrial hyperplasia
b. Complex endometrial.....
c. Simple endometrial...
d. Squamous metaplasia

39. Child with generalized edema and proteinurea 6g per day which part of the kidney involved
a. Interstitium
b. Basement membrane
c. Collecting tubules
d. Proximal convulated tubules
e. Distal tubules

40. Young female developed acute renal failure after post partum hemorrhage. which part of the kidney is most likely damaged
a. Proximal convuluted tubules
b. Loop of henle
c. Collecting tubules
d. Dital convuluted tubules

41. Regarding neutrophil correct
a. Migrate into and out of blood stream
b. More phagocytic in bloodstream
c. Decrease in infective conditions
d. Decrease when corticosteroid given

42. Initial response to tissue injury is:
a. Vasoconstriction
b. Clot formation
c. Platelet adherence

43. Hypoxia causes vasoconstriction in
a. Pulmonary vasculature
b. Heart
c. Brain
d. Kidney

44. High levels of protein associated with
a. Chylomicrons
b. HDL
d. LDL

45. After 6 hours of myocardial infarction which enzyme level most raised
a. CPK
b. LDH
c. ALT
d. AST

46. Blood supply of motor cerebral cortex
a. Anterior and middle cerebral artery
b. Anterior and posterior cerebral artery
c. Basillar artery

47. Most common cause of promotion of liver cirrhosis in an adult male?
a. Alcoholism
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis A
e. Hepatitis D

48. What is most characteristic of cerebral motor cortex
a. is present in frontal lobe
b. Doesn't receive any sensory input
c. is essential to carry out voluntary movements
d. essential for stretch reflex

49. 3rd ventricle, what is most inappropriate
a. choroid plexus is present in its floor
b. choroid plexus is supplied by internal carotid and basillary artery
c. is connected to lateral ventricles via interventricular formina
d. is connected to 4th ventricle via cerebral acqueduct
e. present in midbrain

50. Diff b/w first n second heart sounds...
a. Frequency
b. Duration
c. With carotid pulse

51. Distribution of drug enhanced by?
a. Ionized state
b. Lipid solubility
c. Electric equivalence

52. Right bronchus
a. Is shorter
b. Is vertical
c. is infront of pulm artey
d. is infront of pulm vein

53. Fasting blood sugar of patient is 6.8 mol(122mg/dl) after 1 hour of gtt its 10.9 mol and later after 2 hours post prandial it was 10.7 mol(194 mg/dl) what is the diagnosis..
a. Diabetes mellitus
b. Impaired gluc tolerance
c. long lag phase
d. Secondary diabetes mellitus

54. Ischemia in Diabetes mellitus commonly results from
a. Dry gangrene
b. Gas gangrene
c. Endarteritis obliterans
d. Wet gangrene

55. Rods and cones wid excitatory potentials to ganglion and bipolar cells...which neurotransmitter?
b. Glycine
c. Glutamate

56. Which structure doesn’t lie deep to the parotid gland?
a. Internal jugular vein
b. Internal carotid artery
c. Pharynx
d. Parotid duct
e. x, xi nerves in the carotid sheath

57. Bad news, when delivered to patient, should ideally be
a. At bedside
b. All the staff involved in patient's care should be present
c. In front of all family members
d. In doctor's office, in a formal session, in environment of exclusivity

58. Regarding counseling, when done to pts, is good for
a. Their friends
b. Family members
c. Other pts
d. Themselves

59. Which of the following tumors doesn’t cause distant metastases?
a. basal cell Ca
b. dysgerminoma
c. verucous carcinoma
d. Squamous cell carcinoma

60. cx shows mild dysplasia with squamous vacuoles:
a. CIN 1
d. Ca in situ
e. HPV

61. Which one of the following organ is present inside the peritoneal cavity?
a. fallopian tubes
b. ovary
c. gonads
d. first part of the duodenum
e. round ligament of uterus

62. What is the most common cause of increased vascular permeability?
a. Inflammation
b. Trauma
c. Immunological
d. Allergy

63. Regarding Vitamin K
a. is a water soluble vitamin
b. produced by intestinal bacteria
c. present in large amount in human and cow's milk
d. When given in neonatal hemorrhage, prevents coagulation

64. Psoas muscle
a. originate from all lumbar vertebra
b. present b/w lumber plexus
c. passes in front of inguinal ligament

65. Half life of carboxyhaemaglobin.
a. 5 min
b. 2hr
c. 6 hr
d. 4 hr

66. Regarding icf
a. 2/3 of tbw
b. 1/3 of tbw

67. Which of the following non hairy regions does not have sebacous glands?
a. glans and prepuce of penis
b. labia minora
c. margins of lips
d. palms and soles of feet
e. nipple

68. ESR decreases with increase in:
a. cholesterol in blood
b. inc. globulin
c. plasma albumin
d. fibrinogen
e. temperature

69. Hypokalemia causes which of the following...
a. Hyperpolarization
b. Hyperexcitability
c. decrease in height of action potential

70. An alcoholic patient comes with wernikes korasakoff syndrome. It could be due to def of which of the following vitamins
a. B1
b. A
c. D
d. K
e. C

71. In 90 percent of anthrax infections
a. Hemorrhagic pneumonia
b. gatrointestinal hemorrhage
c. skin lesions
d. bacteremia

72. Not related to spinal cord
a. ant gray horn
b. latearl lemniscus
c. posterolateal sulcus
d. gray commisure

73. Patient presented with painless heamaturia along with fever, night sweats for 2 months, ultrasound abdomen plain is normal, diagnosis is
a. Renal Cell Carcinoma
b. Acute Pyelonephritis
c. Renal tuberculosis
d. Acute tubular Necrosis

74. A patient with cervical lymphadenopathy, CXR shows Bilateral Hilar Lymphadenopathy. Biopsy shows caseating granulomaous pattern, diagnosis is
a. Sarcoidosis
b. Tuberculosis

75. A 21 year old having severe Ulcerative Colitis,which of the following is indicated
a. Azathioprine
b. IV Corticosteroides
c. Sulfasalazine

76. In which of the following conditions,atrial repolarization is evident on ECG
a. 1st degree heart block
b. 3rd degree heart block
c. MI
d. Deep inspiraion

77. Which of the following suppress GH release?
a. Puberty
b. Sleep
c. Somatomedin
d. Starvation
e. Stress

78. Which organ has a highest arteriovenous shunts
a. liver
b. lungs
c. heart
d. kidneys

79. If ejection fraction is increased there will be
a. dec end-systolic volume
b. dec end-diastolic volume

80. Amoebic liver abscess spread to lungs by
a. Direct
b. Lymphatics
c. Haematogenous
d. through diaphragm

81. A pregnant lady has mitral stenosis,, to prevent atrial fibrillaton treatment is
a. im heparin
b. iv heparin
c. heparin and oral anticoagulant
d. oral anticoagulant

82. There was some question from biostats that which is most inappropriate?
a. something was abt variance
b. experimental p<0.05
c. exploratory p<0.01
d. analysis of variance that it can be done by one thing

83. Root value of knee jerk
a. L3 L4
b. s1
c. L1,2

84. A boy engulfs peanut and it got stuck in the air way where would it occlude?
a. right main bronchus
b. right middle broncus
c. right lower bronchus
d. left lower bronchus

85. Which of the following is a tumour supressor gene?
a. Ras
b. bcl2
c. ABL

86. Acidophillic cytoplasm with basophilic granules, structure less material in center, outline irregular
a. karyolysis
b. hydrops degeneration
c. apoptosis
d. hydrolysis

87. Cyclosporin acts by
a. stimulating production of NK cells
b. modifying maturation of T cells
c. inhibiting NK cells

88. How many ATPs are produced after complete metabolism of one molecule of Glucose?
a. 30
b. 32
c. 38
d. 40
e. 44

89. Female child born then sent home. 15 hours later she presented with cyanosis + weak pulse & diagnosis?
a. VSD
b. TRANSPOSITION OF GREAT VESSELS with no communication like VSD/ASD
c. hypoplastic Left ventricle
d. TOF
e. PDA

90. most powerful stimulus for rennin
a. dec NA Cocent to tbules
b. hypotention
c. sympathetic stimulation

91. Dietary fibers
a. Collagens
b. Peptidoglycans
c. Pectin
d. Starc

92. Lymph flow from the foot is
a. increased when an individual rises from the supine to the standing position
b. increased by massaging the foot
c. increased when capillary permeability is decreased
d. decreased when the valves of the leg veins are incompetent
e. decreased by exercise

93. Which of the following is not synthesized in both endocrine glands and the brain?
a. Somatostatin
b. Cortisol
c. Dopamine
e. Oxytocin

94. Regular rhythmic fluctuations in electrical activity are observed in the cerebral cortex and thalamus. In addition, they are seen in the
a. mediobasal portion of the hypothalamus
b. cerebellar cortex
c. midbrain reticular formation
d. amygdale
e. pons

95. In a healthy, alert adult sitting with the eyes closed, the dominant EEG rhythm observed with electrodes over the occipital lobes is
a. delta (0.5-4 Hz)
b. theta (4-7 Hz)
c. alpha (8-13 Hz)
d. beta (18-30 Hz)
e. fast, irregular low-voltage activity

96. A person cannot differentiate between red n green colour while making presentation on computer, what is the most likely defect in this patient ?
a. Absent rods.
b. Absent cones.
c. macula lutea

97. What will be the symptoms if there is leison in left optic radiation?
a. Blind left eye.
b. rt.homonymous hemianopia.
c. bitemporal hemianopia.
d. binasal hemianopia.
e. lt.homonymous hemianopia

98. In right shift of oxygen dissc. curve the most likely value of T50 would b?
a. 20
b. 18
c. 26
d. 35

99. The part of basal nuclei is.........?
a. putamen.
b. amygdolid.
c. Subthalamus
d. Hypothalamus

100. Isoelectric segment of ECG during which the complete ventricular depolirization occurs
a. QRS
c. ST seg

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Seeing the World in a Different Way !!! By: Jinan Bastaki

There are some people who are always able to see the positives in a situation.  Even when they get knocked down, they manage to get right back up again. They are able to do things with a wonderful spirit. The American inventor, Thomas Edison, once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

What makes some people more able to be positive, determined, and in a general state of contentment and happiness than others? There are, of course, many reasons. One major reason is often the way we view the world. According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness, this perception of reality is the precursor to happiness (or lack thereof).
Successful, happy people are able to view a reality in which happiness is possible—a positive reality. It is not because they are delusional optimists, rather, they see the whole picture, with multiple paths and options, and they choose the path that is most positive but is also true.
This immediately made me think of two things: firstly, that Allah, subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He), tells us we are what we think of Him. This is a really revolutionary way of thinking about the world. You make it good or bad. You choose to see the endless clouds or the silver lining(s). You choose to see Allah (swt) as an angry god waiting to punish His servants, or a merciful and just God, guiding His servants to be righteous custodians of this earth. And then you live in accordance with that view.
So if your view is that Allah (swt) wants good for you, and He helps those who want to do good, you will always find ways to live and be better. Something does not work out? No problem. What can you learn? Is there another way to the same goal? Have the variables changed that your goal should change too?
This is why the Prophet ï·º teaches us that if someone possesses these two characteristics, there is nothing higher than them:
  1. Thinking well of Allah (swt)
  2. Thinking well of the servants of Allah (swt)
And then there are the two worst characteristics:
  1. Thinking negatively of Allah (swt)
  2. Thinking negatively of the servants of Allah (swt)
The second related point is the life of the Prophet ï·º. How many times was he knocked down? And how many times did he get back up, his faith in God not shaken? His life really exemplifies what Achor talks about in his book, Before Happiness. In order to perceive happiness, you need to see the bigger picture. You need to have meaning. You use meaning as markers in your life, and that enables you to turn situations that could be boring or bad into things that are meaningful. Moreover, you are not rigid and stuck in one perspective. You are able to see things and are also open to being shown things from different angles, and thus you have a wider set of options to choose from.
The Prophet ï·º started off in Makkah, with the protection of his uncle Abu Talib. When his uncle passed away, he lost that protection. For someone else, this could have been the end. But the Prophet ï·º decided to seek protection at Ta’if. Over there, he was humiliated and rejected. But see how he is a person who sees the whole picture, and does not simply focus on the negative situation of the present: Ta’if didn’t work out, but there were scores of other tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. More powerful tribes were preferable, but any decent tribe that was willing to protect them would be good— because the aim at that point was leaving Makkah with the protection of a tribe. Although he was surely affected by what happened, he made a heartfelt supplication to God: “As long as You are not angry with me, then I do not care, except that Your favor is a more expansive relief for me.” He did not stop.
The Prophet ï·º focused on all his options. He was not irrationally optimistic, which would be wishing that something would come out of thin air and maybe even acting recklessly. Rather, he looked at his options and picked the ones that were positive and true/possible. He exercised patience while having complete trust in Allah (swt).
The Prophet ï·º first spoke to the tribe of Bani Shayban, during the Hajj (pilgrimage) season when all the Arab tribes would visit the Ka’ba. They were a powerful tribe, from an area that bordered modern day Iraq and Iran. They had treaties with the Persians to protect their borders, and for that they were given special privileges. While the tribe leaders liked what the Prophet ï·º had to say, they said that they would not protect them from the Persians if it came down to that. They could only protect them from the Arabs.
Now if you were in this position, what would you do? Accept the limited protection of one of the most powerful tribes in Arabia at a time when you had none, or continue your search?
The Prophet ï·º had a vision. His aim was not simply protection for the sake of it. It was protection in order to spread the message and principles of Islam, which would in turn ensure protection for the weakest members of society. He knew that if he could get that protection, and he had the freedom to tell people about the religion, Islam could flourish. So he graciously declined.
He finally met some youth from Madina who accepted his message. He had the patience and perseverance to tell them to return to their home, speak to their people, and come back the following year during Hajj to see if protection would be granted. And it was.
A pessimist would scoff. A pessimist would focus on the problems. Maybe even despair. Madina? What was Madina in relation to the powerful tribes of Makkah and other areas? They were doomed! An irrational optimist would see that they have been saved. A positive genius? He would see the whole picture. And then he would focus on what he could do in the circumstances. The Prophet ï·º was a positive genius. And we know how the story ended.
How was he able to do all of this? His perception of God, firstly. That when you are doing something for His sake, you do not fixate on the little things. You know everything is in His Hands, and He knows what is best. It is not about your pride or your ego. You have trust. We know in the story of the Prophet Musa, alayhi as-salaam (peace upon him), and al-Khidr (as), al-Khidr damages the boat of some poor people who had helped them. That damage saved them from something greater, because there was a king at the time who was seizing every boat that was in good condition for himself. This story teaches us that what we perceive as bad can actually be good. Not being given protection at Ta’if, or from Bani Shayban, was not bad at all because Madina was the best place for them.

Monday 13 January 2014

Allah is the Best Planner!

Getting worried for what's already happening is not gonna make it right.The best thing you can do is 'accept' what you cant change,
becuz once you turn out of your self to change something,
you'll lose what you wanted it to be. So be strong and move on 'happily' because there's so much for you ahead even better than what you wished for.
And Remember, Allah is the Best Planner!

Stay Strong!!!

Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it!

Friday 3 January 2014

Don't be trapped by dogma

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  ~ Steve Jobs