We are participating in an online blackout to show support for the people of Gaza. As people of conscience, we protest the international response (or lack thereof!) to the injustice committed against the civilian population of Gaza.This is a humanitarian crisis that should pain every soul witnessing it. We unequivocally condemn, in strongest terms, the attacks on civilians from both sides, and more specifically the indiscriminate bombardment and collective punishment of the people of Gaza.
We are asking you to join us and make your voice heard. Here is what you can do:
(1) Make du`a' (pray) to Allah to defend the defenseless.
(2) Take it to Twitter.
-- Educate your network about the situation in Gaza using the hashtag #LiftTheSiege.
-- Tweet at anybody of influence (e.g. news personnel, elected officials, etc.) using the hashtag #LiftTheSiege.
(3) Contact your elected representatives and do the following:
--- Express your concern about the situation in Gaza.
--- Encourage them to support Palestinian human rights.
--- Remind them of your democratic right to vote out those who support injustice.
Talking Points:
-- Tell your elected representatives to push for an immediate end of the Israeli assault on Gaza.
-- Object to your government's unconditional support of Israel despite their illegal actions (settlements, etc.)
-- In light of recent human rights violations, demand a review of political and financial aid given to Israel by your government.
Find your representatives: US, UK and Canada.
(4) Share this page and spread the word.
We ask Allah the All-Mighty to protect the people of Gaza, ameen.
Contact Us:
- Want to blackout your site? Contact Us.
- Media professionals, see our Press Release here.
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