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Showing posts from October, 2013

Lumbar Stenosis

Lumbar Stenosis Stenosis, the narrowing of the bony canal that protects the spinal cord and its branching nerves, in the lower back is often characterized by radiating pain in the buttocks and legs. Signs & Symptoms Frequently people afflicted with lumbar stenosis have varying degrees of low back discomfort. The pain typically occurs most often during activities and is relieved by resting, sitting or bending forward. In some cases, the pain is centralized in the lower legs and feet. In severe cases, it also can impact continence and sexual function. Diagnosis Doctors use two kinds of tests to diagnose spinal stenosis. Some of the tests are aimed at making sure there isn’t another cause producing the symptoms. Others can indicate that the vertebral narrowing has occurred. After asking you questions about your symptoms, your doctor probably will check your reflexes, gait and other indicators of spinal problems. Tests include: X-ray – High-energy radi...

Cervical Stenosis

Cervical Stenosis Stenosis in the neck, also called the cervical spine, affects the upper part of the body including the arms and hands. Stenosis is the narrowing of the bony canal that protects the spinal cord and its branching nerves to the point where it injures the spinal cord or nerves. This may be caused by a number of conditions including bone spurs or rupture of the spinal discs, the spongy pads of tissue that keep the vertebrae from grinding against each other when you bend your back. Signs & Symptoms Cervical stenosis may even cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs. The pain may move from one part of the body to another but is often most noticeable in the neck. Diagnosis Doctors use two kinds of tests to diagnose spinal stenosis. Some of the tests are aimed at making sure there isn’t another cause producing the symptoms. Others can indicate that the vertebral narrowing has occurred. After asking you questions about your symptoms, your d...

Thoracic Disc Herniation

Thoracic Disc Herniation The thoracic spine consists of the 12 vertebrae between your neck and lower back. The ends of your ribs, although not attached to the spine, rest in indentations in the thoracic vertebrae that help support the ribs. This arrangement also makes the thoracic vertebrae more stable than other vertebrae. Disc herniation in the thoracic spine is relatively rare compared to the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back and the cervical vertebrae in the neck. Thoracic disc herniations account for less than 1 percent of all protruded discs. Signs & Symptoms Pain in the upper back Numbness, pain or tingling from the upper back and around the chest Leg weakness Chest pain Diagnosis Your doctor will examine your movements, strength and reflexes. He or she also may recommend the following tests: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) — An MRI provides detailed pictures of the spine that are produced with a powerful magnet linked to a comp...

Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar Disc Herniation The lumbar spine consists of the five vertebrae in the lower part of the spine, each separated by a disc, also called a lumbar disc. The discs in this part of the spine can be injured by certain movements, bad posture, being overweight and disc dehydration that occurs with age. Although the lumbar vertebrae are the biggest and strongest of the spinal bones, risk of lumbar injury increases with each vertebrae down the spinal column because this part of the back has to support more weight and stress than the upper spinal bones. The lumbar disc is the most frequent site of injury in several sports including gymnastics, weightlifting, swimming and golf, although athletes in general have a reduced risk of disc herniation and back problems. Signs & Symptoms Symptoms of disc herniation in the lower back are slightly different from symptoms in the cervical or thoracic parts of the spine. The spinal cord ends near the top lumbar vertebrae but t...

Cervical Disc Herniation

Cervical Disc Herniation The cervical spine consists of the top seven bones, called vertebrae, in your spine located between the skull and chest. The first symptom of cervical disc herniation is usually neck pain. Others symptoms may include: Pain in one arm or in both arms Limited head and neck motion, especially turning to the side of the herniated disc Hyperactive reflexes Spasticity Loss of bladder or bowel control, erectile dysfunction Signs & Symptoms The cervical spine consists of the top seven bones, called vertebrae, in your spine located between the skull and chest. The first symptom of cervical disc herniation is usually neck pain. Others symptoms may include: Pain in one arm or in both arms Limited head and neck motion, especially turning to the side of the herniated disc Hyperactive reflexes Spasticity Loss of bladder or bowel control, erectile dysfunction Diagnosis Your doctor will check your range o...


Scoliosis Everyone’s spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make the lower back curve slightly inward. But some people have spines that also curve from side to side, a common condition called scoliosis. On an X-ray, a spine with scoliosis looks more like an “S” or a “C” than a straight line. Some of the bones in a scoliotic spine also may have rotated slightly, making the person’s waist or shoulders appear uneven. Scoliosis affects about 2 percent of the population, including children and adults, and tends to run in families. If someone in a family has scoliosis, the likelihood of another family member having it is much higher – about 20 percent. As the population ages, adult degenerative scoliosis is becoming more common, with the condition typically developing at between age 50 to 70. The condition can have devastating effects on a person’s life in later years. Treatment in this older population presents particular changels due to othe...


Kyphosis Kyphosis describes the exaggerated curve of the spine that results in a rounded or hunched back. Kyphosis may develop for several reasons. Postural kyphosis in children and adolescents may be related to habit and posture rather than underlying spinal deformity. In contrast, structural kyphosis refers to a round-back posture that is not reversible by paying attention to your posture and making an effort to sit and stand up straight. In adolescents, structural kyphosis may be caused by initial spine development with a rounded shape that is made worse by further growth. In the elderly, compression fractures characteristically result in loss of height and kyphotic deformity. Signs & Symptoms Back pain Difficulty standing with an upright posture Early fatigue to the back and legs Diagnosis The diagnosis of kyphosis is based on physical examination of the spine and X-rays. Your doctor may ask you to bend forward so that he or she can evalua...


Spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one vertebra slips forward on the one below it. In children, spondylolisthesis may occur as the result of a birth defect that affects the back of the spine or be caused by stress fractures within the back part of the spine. Spondylolisthesis is the most common cause of low back pain in adolescent athletes. In older people, the most common cause is degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae. With aging, the discs lose moisture, dry out and flatten, bringing the bones on either side closer together to the point where one slips forward on the other. Signs & Symptoms Typical symptoms of spondylolisthesis include pain across the lower back and legs, which occurs when the slipped vertebra irritates the nerves around it. However, a person can have the condition and not have pain. Diagnosis A number of test may be used to aid in the diagnosis of spondylolisthesis and to locate the affected bone, inc...

Anklosing Spondylitis

Anklosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory condition that involves the spine and skeleton of the head and trunk. The disorder causes inflammation and pain in joints in the spine, pelvis and other parts of the skeleton. In addition, parts of the spine, the sacroiliac joints where the hips join the lower back, or the hips may fuse, or grow, together. Signs & Symptoms Pain Stiffness, especially in the morning, Functional limitation, When the disorder affects the spine, it also may result in progressive deformity including curvature of the back, called kyphosis, and the inability to stand up straight. Diagnosis The first clue in diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis is the presence of symptoms, especially back pain. In addition, X-rays are taken to look for signs of the disorder, such as fused joints. A blood test for the HLA-B27 gene, which is found in about 90 percent of the people with ankylosing spondylitis, also may be performed. Howeve...

Cervical Spine Injury Management Guidelines

Guidelines for the Treatment of Cervical Fractures with or without Spinal Cord Injury 1. Admission Guidelines: All patients with the following clinical conditions MUST be admitted to the ICU for close respiratory and neurological monitoring. The pre-printed Spinal Cord Injury Orders will be used on all patients. Radiographic evidence of unstable cervical fracture or dislocation (i.e. atlantococciptal dislocation, bilateral subaxial facet dislocation,..) and/or Clinical or radiographic evidence of spinal cord injury All field collars should be changed out to a permanent rigid collar (Aspen or Miami-J) within 6 hours of admission. Admission location and monitoring criteria for patients with documented cervical fractures without radiographic evidence of dislocation (i.e. transverse foramen fractures, spinous process fractures,.. ) and without clinical or radiographic evidence of spinal cord injury is left to the discretion of the admitting ...

Paediatrics MCQs with key

1.An eight year old boy presented to the casualty with high fever, pruritic erythematous rash, joint pain and lymph node enlargement. There is a history of upper respiratory tract infection for which he was on cefaclor – 8 days completed of a 10 day course. The most likely diagnosis is? A. Serum sickness like illness B. HSP C. Type III hypersensitivity D. Kawasaki disease Correct answer : A. Serum sickness like illness Serum sickness like reaction can occur following the use of certain drugs, especially cefaclor in children. It presents with an urticarial / purpuric rash, arthritis, lymphadenopathy and fever. But unlike true serum sickness (a type III hypersensitivity response), it is not caused by circulating immune complexes. 2.A one year old child presented to the OPD with the history of short stature, tiredness and constipation. Examination revealed a palpable goitre. Serum T4 was decreased and TSH levels were ...

GRIP Book 1 & 2 For Title Page Book 1 GRIP FOR FINAL YEAR Medicine 1 Medicine 2 Paedetric MedicineSolved SEQ papers form 2007-2013, MCQs with key, Solved Model papers, TOS, Syllabus, Most important Topics & repeated questions Q Bank University questions according to UHS pattern (University of health sciences, Lahore) By Dr Hafiz Bashir Ahmad Noor (SMC)

Title Page Book 1 GRIP FOR FINAL YEAR Medicine 1 Medicine 2 Paedetric Medicine Backcover Title Page Book 2 GRIP FOR FINAL YEAR GENERAL SURGERY SPECIAL SURGERY GYNAECOLOGY OBSTETRICS Backcover "GRIP" COMPREHENSIVE HELPING STUFF FOR ALL MEDICAL STUDENTS... IT GUIDES THE STUDENTS WHAT TOPICS THEY HAVE TO STUDY , MARKS DISTRIBUTION OF EACH UNIT AND NO OF MCQS ,SEQS FROM EACH UNIT ... SYLLABUS , TOS ...... UHS POOL OF SEQs  AND MCQs , MOST REPEATED QUESTIONS AND TOPICS EXTRACTED FROM PAS T PAPERS OF EACH SUBJECT.... Author : DR. HAFIZ BASHIR AHMAD NOOR Published by : Allied book company aminpur bazar faisalabad price : Rs 400 only edition : 1st Copies: 1000 Available now only in FAISALABAD at ALLIED BOOK COMPANY AMINPUR BAZAR BOOK will be distributed in lahore , sargodha , rawalpindi , multan , bahawalpur after Eid vacations ... most probably on saturday . process for home delivery described earlier ... value paid post by Pakistan post for booking in advan...

The secret to success is to do common things uncommonly well...

The secret to success is to do common things uncommonly well.

On The Edge: 10 Tips To Fight Stress by Shannon Clark

If it's a top-heavy number like 8 or 9, don't be ashamed. You're in the company of many high-level achievers—you know, the types whose hard work keeps everyone around them from having to experience that degree of stress. Even a mid-level number like 5-7 is nothing to sneeze at. That range, to me, signifies a dull roar of background chaos punctuated with occasional 8 or 9-level crises. It's too easy to attribute your stress to a single source like "it's my job," "relationship troubles," or just "money." The truth is that if you're a 5 or above, you probably have multiple stressors heaped up on your aching shoulders—or your neck, or wherever your body seems to "carry it." Unfortunately, for every acute headache and neck crick, there may be a host of other silent, long-term health problems to which your stress is contributing. These can include depression, anxiety, heart disease and stroke, weight gain, chr...

Anatomy MCQs Set3 with key

1.Paralysis of 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves with involvement of ophthalmic division of trigeminal, localizes the lesion to: A. Cavernous sinus B. Apex of orbit C. Brainstem D. Base of skull Correct answer : A. Cavernous sinus 3,4,5 cranial nerves pass in relation to the lateral wall of cavernous sinus. 6th cranial nerve passes through the cavernous sinus.       2.All of the following are branches of the external carotid artery except: A. Superior thyroid artery B. Anterior Ethmoidal artery C. Occipital artery D. Posterior auricular artery Correct answer : B. Anterior Ethmoidal artery Anterior ethmoidal artery arises from ophthalmic branch of internal carotid artery.       3.In an adult male, on per rectal examination, the following structures can be felt anteriorly except: A. Internal iliac lymph nodes B. Bulb of the penis C. Prostate D. Seminal vesicle when enlarged Correct answer : A. Internal iliac lymph nod...

Anatomy MCQs Set2 with key

1.The intricately and prodigiously looped system of veins and arteries that lie on the surface of the epididymis is known as : A. Choroid plexus B. Tuberal plexus C. Pampiniform plexus D. Pectiniform septum Correct answer : C. Pampiniform plexus 2.Infection / inflammation of all of the following causes, enlarged superficial inguinal lymph nodes except : A. Isthmus of uterine tube B. Inferior part of anal canal C. Big toe D. Penile urethra Correct answer : D. Penile urethra Lymphatic drainage of urethra Penile urethra – deep inguinal lymph nodes Prostatic urethra and membranous urethra  - Internal iliac nodes Entire female urethra – Internal iliac nodes     3.While exposing the kidney from behind, all of the following nerves are liable to injury except: A. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh B. Ilioinguinal nerve C. Subcostal nerve D. Iliohypogastric nerve Correct answer : A. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh Posterior relatio...

Anatomy MCQs part 1 with key

1.Which of the following gives rise to the muscular component of dorsal aorta? A. Intermediate mesoderm B. Lateral plate mesoderm C. Axial mesoderm D. Paraxial mesoderm Correct answer :  B. Lateral plate mesoderm Vascular smooth muscle cells are thought to arise from splanchnic layer of paraxial mesoderm. But recent studies have shown that the aortic smooth muscle cells arise from the lateral plate mesoderm. 2.Toynbee’s muscle is? A. Levator ani B. Tensor tympani C. Stapedius D. Scalenus minimus Correct answer :  B. Tensor tympani 3.Deepest layer of scalp is: a) Connective tissue b) Aponeurosis (Epicranial Aponeurosis) c) Loose areolar tissue (Danger area of scalp) d) None of these Correct answer: d) None of these From superficial to deep, the layers of scalp...

An algorithm to choose a medical specialty on the basis of your personality characteristics

This is an algorithm to choose your medical specialty depending upon your personality characteristics.

Understanding your body...Stress Management

Everyone experiences stress at some point in life. Hans Selye, a scientist who popularized the concept of stress, said, “Stress as a scientific concept suffers the misfortune of being too widely known and too poorly understood.” Despite the fact that stress is one of the most common human experiences, it is surprisingly difficult to define. Scientists say that stress is a force or event that impairs normal stability, balance or functioning. The following example may make stress easier to understand. The stress of a strong wind might alter the balance of a suspension bridge so that the bridge swings from side to side. Usually people do not even notice the gentle swaying as they drive across the bridge. When the wind increases, the swaying of the bridge becomes obvious to everyone. Although this swaying might make someone uncomfortable or anxious, it is actually the way that the bridge copes with stress. If the bridge did not sway at all, it would be brittle and more l...