Heart ausculation sites: ribs Apt. M 225A : A ortic valve P ulmonary valve T ricuspid valve M itral valve · In order they correspond with the following landmarks: 2 nd intercostal space (right) 2 nd intercostal space (left) 5 th intercostal space (left) A pex (still the 5th intercostal space) Patient's model of illness (illness history) " DC REF Fears Similar Decision At ER ": D efinition C ause R easoning E ffect F uture Fears and concerns Similar experiences Decision -making At tempts at treatment E xpectations of treatment R esults Pain history checklist DOCS ARE FIT : D uration O nset C haracter S ite A ssociatied symptoms R adiation E xacerbating and relieving factors F requency I ntensity T iming Breast history checklist LMNOP : L ump M ammary changes N ipple changes O ther symptoms P atient risk factors Pain history checklist COLDER BARS : C haracter O nset L ocation D uration E xacerbating...