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Showing posts from February, 2012

Inspirational Quotes

Mandatory Skills to be learnt by Medical Graduates

1. Blood Pressure Measurement 2. Blood Sampling 3. Injections 4. Aseptic measures 5. Venous cut down 6. Foley's catheterization 7. Sutures and Knots 8. Basic Life Support & ASLT 9. Lumber Puncture 10. Venous Cannulation 11. POP & Bandages 12. FNAC 13. Episiotomy 14. Normal and Instrumental delivery 15. Breech delivery 16. Tracheotomy 17. Endotracheal intubation 18. True Cut Biopsy

Remember Me, I Will Remember You (By: Jinan Bastaki)

How to Achieve Tranquility of the Heart “Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Qur’an, 13:28 ) In the last article in this section, we wrap up the things we have to do in our journey to gain tranquility of the heart with the remembrance of Allah. When we try to figure out why we are so often bothered,  why we feel disturbed internally, or why we feel sad – we need to go back to our hearts. The Prophet ï·º (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not talk too much without remembering and mentioning Allah, for too much talk without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the person farthest from Allah is the one with a hard heart.” (Tirmidhi) SubhanAllah (glory to Allah) – our heart hardens when we do not remember Allah. The heart’s nourishment is the remembrance of Allah, and when we fail to remember Him, it is no wonder that we feel down for no apparent reason. Ibn al-Qayyim stated, “In the heart there...

Take Back Your Heart (By: Yasmin Mogahed)

 No one likes to fall. And few people would ever choose to drown. But in struggling through the ocean of this life, sometimes it’s so hard not to let the world in. Sometimes the ocean does enter us. The dunya does seep into our hearts. And like the water that breaks the boat, when dunya enters, it shatters our heart.  It shatters the boat. Recently, I was reminded of what a broken boat looks like, of what happens when you let everything in. I was reminded because I saw someone, just like me, fall in love too much with this life and seek to be filled by the creation. So the ocean of dunya shattered her boat, as it had shattered mine, and she fell out into the water.  But she stayed down too long, and didn’t know how to come back up or what to hold on to. So she drowned. If you allow dunya to own your heart, like the ocean that owns the boat, it will take over. You will sink down to the depths of the sea. You will touch the ocean floor. A...

Mnemonics Pediatric

Croup: symptoms 3 S's: S tridor S ubglottic s welling S eal-bark cough Ataxia-Telangiectasia (AT): common sign AT : A bsent T hymus Williams syndrome: features WILLIAMS : W eight (low at birth, slow to gain) I ris (stellate iris) L ong philtrum L arge mouth I ncreased Ca++ A ortic stenosis (and other stenoses) M ental retardation S welling around eyes (periorbital puffiness) Russell Silver syndrome: features ABCDEF : A symmetric limb (hemihypertrophy) B ossing (frontal) C linodactyly/ C afe au lait spots D warf (short stature) E xcretion (GU malformation) F ace (triangular face, micrognathia) Dentition: eruption times of permanent dentition " M ama I s I n P ain, P apa C an M ake M edicine": 1st M olar: 6 years 1st I ncisor: 7 years 2nd I ncisor: 8 years 1st P remolar: 9 years 2nd P remolar: 10 years C anine: 11 years 2nd M olar: 12 years 3rd M olar: 18-25 years Cyanotic heart diseases: 5 types · Us...

Mnemonics: Surgery

Post-operative fever causes Six W's: W ind: pulmonary system is primary source of fever first 48 hours, may have pneumonia W ound: infection at surgical site W ater: check IV for phlebitis W alk: deep venous thrombosis, due to pelvic pooling or restricted mobility related to pain and fatigue W hiz: urinary tract infection if urinary catheterization W onder drugs: drug-induced fever Scrotum: scrotum swelling differential THE THEATRES : T orsion H ernia E pididymytis, orchitis T rauma H ydrocoele, varicocele, hematoma E dema A ppendix testes (torsion, hemorrhage) T umour R ecurrent leukemia E pididymal cyst S yphilis, TB Post-operative complications (immediate) " P ost-op PROBS ": P ain P rimary haemorrhage R eactionary haemorrhage O liguria B asal atelectasis S hock/ S epsis Fistulas: conditions preventing closure FETID : F oreign body E pithelialization T umor I nfection D istal obstruction Oedema causes: localised...

Mnemonics: Medicine

Indications of Dialysis: AEIOU 1. Acidosis 2. Electrolyte abnormalities-hyperkalemia 3. Ingestion of substances like barbiturates, salicylates, lithium, methanlo, etc 4. Overload fluid (unresponsive to diuretics) 5. Uremia symptoms (pericarditis, encephalopathy)  MI: basic management BOOMAR : B ed rest O xygen O piate M onitor A nticoagulate R educe clot size Murmurs: questions to ask SCRIPT : S ite C haracter (eg harsh, soft, blowing) R adiation I ntensity P itch T iming   Metabolic acidosis: causes Hi Yield [ID 1873] KUSSMAL : Ketoacidosis Uraemia Sepsis Salicylates Methanol Alcohol Lactic acidosis  Days of appearance of rashes: Mnemonic: "Very Sick Patients Must Take Double Exercise" Varicella (chickenpox)- 1st day Scarlet fever – 2nd day Pox (smallpox) – 3rd day Mumps – 4th day Typhus – 5th day Dengue – 6th day Enteric fever (typhoid) – 7th day  

Misc images

Community Medicine OSPE Set 2

Community Medicine OSPE Set 1

Epidemiology MCQs with key Part 2

1.          When a new treatment is developed that delays deaths but does not produce recovery from a chronic disease, which of the following will occur. a.      Prevalence of the disease will decrease b.      Incidence of the disease will increase c.      Prevalence of the disease will increase d.      Incidence of the disease will decrease e.      Incidence & prevalence of the disease will decrease                                                                         ...