Thursday 24 April 2014

FCPS part 1 Medicine solved mcqs with explanation Q18

Q18: Which muscle divides the Submandibular gland into deep & superficial parts?
a) Omohyoid
b) Sternothyroid
c) Mylohyoid
d) Anterior belly of diagastric

Correct Answer: c

Submandibular gland lies in the floor of the mouth. It has two parts, a deep part and a superficial part. The gland is hook shaped. It hooks around the origin of mylohyoid muscle from the mylohyoid line on the inner suface of body of mandible. As it hooks around this muscle, the gland is itself gets divided into a deep & superficial part. See diagram below for a conceptual view.
Mylohyoid Muscle & Submandibular gland

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