Saturday 2 March 2013

Medicine MCQs with answers Part 1:

1. HAM test (Acidified serum test) is done for
a) G.P.I. anchor protein
b) Complement defect
c) Spectrin defect
d) Mannose binding protein
Correct answer : a) G.P.I. anchor protein

2. A 23 year old female presenting with anemia, jaundice, for 2 years, peripheral smear showing spherocytes, the best investigation to be done
a) Reticulocyte count
b) Osmotic fragility test
c) Coombs test
d) Bone marrow aspiration
Correct answer : c) Coombs test

3.A young male patient presents with LDL 600 mg/dl, triglycerides 160 mg/dl. What would be the most likely finding on physical examination ?
a) Tendon xanthoma
b) Lipemia retinalis
c) Eruptive tuberous xanthomas
d) Xanthelasma
Correct answer : a) Tendon xanthoma

4.A patient presents with increased serum ferritin, decreased TIBC, increased serum iron, % saturation increased. Most probable diagnosis is
a) Anemia of chronic disease
b) Sideroblastic anemia
c) Iron deficiency anemia
d) Thalassemia minor
Correct answer : b) Sideroblastic anemia

5.Which of the following exclusively involve neurons :
a) Spinocerebellar ataxia
b) Supranuclear palsy
c) Corticobasilar degeneration
d) Multiple system atrophy
Correct answer : a) Spinocerebellar ataxia

6.In Beta thalassemia, the most common gene mutation is
a) Intron 1 inversion
b) Intron 22
c) 619 bp deletion
d) 3.7 bp deletion
Correct answer : a) Intron 1 inversion

7.Which of the following is the most specific test for Rheumatoid arthritis
a) Anti CCP antibody
b) Anti lgM antibody
c) Anti IgA antibody
d) Anti IgG antibody
Correct answer : a) Anti CCP antibody

8.Which of the following is not a limb girdle dystrophy
a) Sarcoglycan dystrophy
b) Dystrophin dystrophy
c) Dysferin dystrophy
d) Calpain dystrophy
Correct answer : b) Dystrophin dystrophy

9.Which is a feature of high altitude pulmonary edema
a) Associated with low cardiac output
b) Associated with pulmonary hypertension
c) Occurs only in unacclamatized persons
d) Exercise has no effect
Correct answer : b) Associated with pulmonary hypertension

10.The drug of choice for absence seizures
a) Valproate
b) Gabapentin
c) Carbamazepine
d) phenytoin
Correct answer : a) Valproate

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