Saturday 2 March 2013

Medicine MCQs with answers Part 3:

1.A.M.L. with worst prognosis
a) 8/21 translocation
b) Inversion 16
c) Normal cytogenetics
d) Monosomy 7
Correct answer : d) Monosomy 7
2.Neurocardiogenic syncope, the least useful investigation is :
a) Tilt table
b) Carotid sinus massage
c) Carotid duplex scan
d) Orthostatic blood pressure recording
Correct answer : c) Carotid duplex scan
3.A 21 year old male presents with anemia and mild hepatosplenomegaly. His hemoglobin is 5 gm/dL history of single blood transfusion is present till date. Most probable diagnosis is :
a) Thalassemia major
b) Thalassemia minor
c) Thalasseniia intermedia
d) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Correct answer : d) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
4.A boy is suffering from acute pyelonephritis. Most specific urinary finding will be
a) W.B.C. casts
b) Leucocyte esterase test
c) Nitrite test
d) Bacteria in gram stain
Correct answer : a) W.B.C. casts
5.Most common site of intracranial hemorrhage in hypertensive hemorrhage is :
a) Basal ganglia
b) Brainstem
c) Cerebellum
d) Hippocampus
Correct answer : a) Basal ganglia
6.30 year male with chronic diarrhoea, anemia, raised liver enzymes. Most likely associated with
a) Antimitochondrial antibody
b) Anti endomysial antibody
c) Anti mooth muscle antibody
d) Antinuclear antibody
Correct answer : b) Anti endomysial antibody
7.Which is useful to decrease mortality and renal failure in acute liver disease due to alcoholism
a) Pentoxifylline
b) Orlistat
c) S—Adenosyl methionine
d) Spiramycin
Correct answer : a) Pentoxifylline
8.Water hammer pulse seen in
a) Aortic stenosis
b) Aortic regurgitation
c) Aortic stenosis and Aortic regurgitation
d) Mitral regurgitation
Correct answer : b) Aortic regurgitation
9.Causes of raised J.V.P. with hypotension are all except
a) Cardiac tamponade
b) Right ventricular M.I.
c) Heart failure
d) 2nd degree A.V. block
Correct answer : d) 2nd degree A.V. block
Causes of raised JVP with hypotension:
Cardiac tamponade
Right ventricular MI
Right heart failure
Constrictive pericarditis
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
10.lnfective endocarditis due to pseudomonas is most commonly seen with
a) Intravenous drug abuse of pentazocin
b) HIV patient
c) Chronic steroid therapy
d) Elderly with community acquired pneumonia
Correct answer : a) Intravenous drug abuse of pentazocin
Pseudomonas endocarditis is seen in intravenous drug abusers and those with prosthetic heart valves.

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