Sunday 29 June 2014

Endocrinology (Physiology practice multiple choice questions for FCPS, MRCP, USMLE, and PLAB)

Endocrinology MCQs

1) A meal rich in proteins but low in carbohydrates does not cause hypoglycaemia because
a. glucagon secretion is stimulated by meals       
b. the meal causes compensatory increase in T4 secretion
c. cortisol in circulation prevents glucose from entering the muscles       
d. the amino acids in the meal are converted to glucose

Ans. a

2) Which of the following is incorrectly paired
a. beta cells-insulin         
b. F cells- gastrin
c. delta cells- somatostatin         
d. alpha cells- glucagon

Ans. b

3) After intravenous administration of a large dose of insulin, the return of a low blood sugar level to normal is delayed by
a. thyrotoxicosis              
b. glucagon deficiency
c.  diabetes        
d. parathormone deficiency

Ans. b

4 ) Insulin increases entry of glucose into
a. renal tubule  
b. the mucosa of the small intestine

c. neurons of motor cortex         
d. skeletal muscle cells

Ans. d

5) Glucagon is not normally found in the
a. brain                
b. pancreas
c. git      
d. adrenal glands

Ans. d

6 ) Which of the following is NOT produced by physiological amounts of glucocorticoids
a. maintenance of  normal vascular reactivity     
b. inhibition of inflammatory response
c. increased excretion of a water load   
d. inhibition of ACTH secretion

Ans. b

7) Cortisol increases blood glucose level by
a. increasing lipolysis     
b. increasing protein synthesis in muscles
c. increasing gluconeogenesis   
d.increasing  growth hormone secretion

Ans. c

8) Epinephrine and norepinephrine
a. are amino acids           
b. are both secreted by neurons in the autonomic nervous system
c. are polypeptides        
d. both activate alpha and beta adrenergic receptors

Ans. d

9) A decrease in extracellular volume is expected to cause increased secretion of all except
a. vasopressin  
b. renin
c. thyroxin          
d.  ACTH

Ans. c

10) A patient with parathyroid deficiency 10 days after thyroidectomy will show
a. a low plasma phosphate and Ca++ levels and tetanus               
b. a low plasma Ca++ levels, increased muscular excitability and Trousseaus sign
c. high plasma phosphate and Ca++ and bone demineralization                
d. increased muscular excitability, high plasma Ca++ and bone demineralization

Ans. b

11) Which of the following is not involved in regulation of plasma Ca++ levels
a. kidneys           
b. skin
c. lungs                
d. intestine

Ans. c

12) Ca++ plays an important role in following biological processes except
a. oxygen utilization       
b. contraction of cardiac muscle
c. contraction of skeletal muscle              
d. blood coagulation

Ans. a

13) Epiphyseal closure is regulated by
a. calcitonin       
b. somatomedins
c. 1,25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol               
d. thyroxine

Ans. b

14) Which of the following pituitary hormones is a polypeptide
a. MSH b. ACTh
c. beta - endorphin        
d.  growth hormone

Ans. c

15) Growth hormone acts directly on
a. stimulation of protein synthesis          
b. stimulation of cartilage formation
c. elevation of BSL          
d. stimulation of bone formation

Ans. c

16) Hypopituitarism is characterized by
a. infertility        
b. intolerance to heat
c. weight gain   
d. excessive growth of the soft tissue

Ans. a

17) Excessive growth hormone secretion in adults causes
a. acromegaly   
b. gigantism
c. increased entry of glucose in muscles               
d. hypothyroidism

Ans. a

18) Angiotensin increases blood pressure by acting on the following EXCEPT
a. aldosteron secretion                
b. vascular smooth muscle
c. parasympathetic nervous system       
d. sympathetic nervous system

Ans. c

19) Erythropoietin
a. contains iron                
b. has no effect on WBC count
c. stimulates renin secretion      
d. increases half life of RBC

Ans. b

20)  Somatostatin
a. inhibits insulin and glucagoon release               
b. stimulates insulin and glucagon release
c. stimulator of glucagon release              
d. acts as obesity hormone

Ans. a

21) Thyroid hormone stored in the lumen of follicles is in the form of
a. free T3            
b. free T4
c. attached to thyroglobulin in the gland               
d. attached to thyroid binding globulin

Ans. c

22) Secretion of growth hormone
a. increases during REM sleep   
b. increases during exercise
c. increases during starvation    
d. increases during NREM sleep

Ans. d

 23) Atrial natriuretic peptide brings
a. afferent arteriolar constriction in kidney          
b. efferent arteriolar consrtiction in kidney
c. increases renin secretion        
d. constriction of mesangial cells

Ans. b

24) Thyroid binding globulins are normal in
a. hyperthyroidism         
b. pregnancy
c. parents treated with glucocorticoids  
d. parents treated with estrogens

Ans. a

25) In starvation which of the following is reduced
a. plasma T4      
b. plasma T3
c. reverse tri-iodothyroxine       
d. D thyroxine

Ans. b

26) Hypothyroidism is associated with increased levels of
a. cholesterol    
b. albumin
c. TBG  
d. iodine

Ans. a

27) The metabolic rate is least affected by an increase in the plasma levels of
a. TSH   
b. TRH
c. TBG  
d. none of the above

Ans. c

28) The coupling of mono iodotyrosine and di-iodotyrosine and the iodination of thyroglobin is blocked by
a. TSH   
b. TRH
c. iodine              
d. thiocarbamides such as propylthiouracil

Ans. d

29) Parathyroid hormone
a. decreases Ca++ mobilization of bone                
b. increases Ca++ mobilization from bone
c. decreases circulating levels of free Ca++          
d. increases urinary excretion of Ca++

Ans. b

30) Thyrocalcitonin
a. is secreted by thyroid               
b. is secreted by hypothalamus
c. is secreted by parathyroid      
d. increases Ca++ absorption by stomach

Ans. a

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