Saturday 28 June 2014

Blood (Physiology practice multiple choice questions for FCPS, MRCP, USMLE, and PLAB)

1) The number of oxygen molecules carried by one Hb molecule
a. 1        
b. 2
c. 4        
d. 8

Ans. c

2) Arneth count is counting of
a. lymphocytes                
b. lobes of eosinophils
c. lobes of neutrophils  
d.  reticulocytes

Ans. c

3) Majority of clotting factors are produced in
a. liver  
b. kidney
c. heart                
d. brain

Ans. a

4) Endothelial cells synthesise
a. fibrinogen     
b. factor 8
c. factor 10         
d. factor 12

Ans. b

5) Iron is stored in the body in the following except
a. spleen             
b. R.E. system
c. gall bladder   
d. bone marrow

Ans. c

6) Cellular immunity is due to
a. B lymphocytes             
b. T lymphocytes
c. neutrophils   
d. eosinophils

Ans. b

7) Action of plasmin is
a. to remove calcium     
b. antithrombin action
c.  to stimulate heparin
d. to degenerate fibrin

Ans. d

8) Osmotic pressure of plasma is mainly maintained by
a. albumin          
b. alpha globulin
c. beta globulin                
d. gamma globulin

Ans. a

9) Which is the most rare blood group
a. A Rh+              
b. AB Rh+
c. AB Rh-             
d. B Rh-

Ans. c

10) Hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood analysed
a. 45% Hb is in the plasma           
b. 45% of total blood volume is made up of plasma
c. 45% of Hb is in the RBC             
d. 45% of the total blood volume is made up of RBC's and WBC's

Ans. d

11) The normal A/G ratio in blood is
a. 1:2    
b. 2:1
c. 1:3     
d. 3:1

Ans. b

12) Which of the following statements concerning the monocyte is incorrect
a. more common in blood than eosinophils and basophils            
b. produced in the adult by the bone marrow and lymph nodes
c. unlike neutrophil does not accumulate outside circulation in area of inflammation       
d. not classified as a granulocyte

Ans. c

13) The normal non fasting blood ketone level is

a. 0.1 - 0.5 mg%                
b. 0.5- 2 mg%
c. 2- 10 mg %     
d. 100 - 500 mg%

Ans. c

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