Tuesday 2 April 2013

Brief Account About Books To Study For FCPS Part 1

1. FIRST THINGS FIRST! Solve all the Qbooks (MCQs) available in the market:
Let it be said that despite the fact there are lots of mistakes in those but still these are REALLY MUST and therefore should be thoroughly read and hence memorized. THIS CAN NOT BE OVER EMPHASIZED. These include MS MURAD, AZEEM SHEIKH, CHANDKIAN, QBOOK by Kaplan plus any other source you can avail to read past papers’ questions. This is of utmost significance and is the master key to unlock the examination. See, for the questions actually repeated in the exam, there is no room of mistake and thus these should be definitely attempted correctly.

2. Anatomy:
“Your anatomy has to be very good!”
i. Gross - Snell Review book (if you want to be more sure on the exam, use RJ Last.
ii. Embryology - High Yield (Very important subject, should be revised a day before the examination)
iii. Neuroanatomy - Kaplan's anatomy (Snell’s Neuroanatomy is a better choice if you have enough time)
iv. Histology - Kaplan's anatomy (sometimes only two questions from Histology but always remember that every question counts!)

Note: wherever you study it from anatomy remains the same, it’s all about learning the minutest details of things in anatomy as long as you wish to score good in anatomy portion of the exam. If you have longer time than what I had (~2 months) I would beyond any doubt recommend either RJ LAST or any other good detailed text book for gross anatomy. That’s of extreme importance.

3. Physiology:
Kaplan or BRS or both: depending upon the time you have. There is a major chunk of questions from physiology alone and thus there is definite need to master the same.

4. Pathology:
Goljan: You must solve all questions given in both Goljan & BRS. For microbiology & immunology all what is given in first aid for USMLE step 1 is fairly enough.

5. Pharmacology:
Its roughly under 5% of the total i.e. less than ten questions in total out of 200, but as every question actually counts, so never ignore this subject.

6. Misc. Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Behavioral Sciences etc:
Less than 5% of the total. No need to put extra efforts into these, just follow the stuff given in First Aid.

7. After everything mentioned above, FIRST AID for USMLE STEP 1 is mandatory to read as many times as possible: at least twice.

I am a firm believer of the fact that you must put your maximum to pass this exam. Never pay any heed to people telling u that they passed without studying at all etc. This statement with due apology is nothing but an exaggeration.


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  2. last lines are really good...thumbs up to u man


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