Sunday 1 July 2012

FOOD AND MEDICINE! (Contributed By: Habiba Ijaz)

Pepper salt appearance in xray skull- Multiple
Pepper salt fundus--- Congenital
rubella,Congenital syphilis
CMV retinitis--- ophthalmoscopic finding--
crumble cheese and ketchup or pizza pie
Best disease is typified by a large yolk like lesion
giving characteristic EGG YOLK APPEARANCE
STRAWBERRY: Scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease
(both of them; strawberry tongue) and also
trichomonas vaginitis causing strawberry vagina.
BLUEBERRY: Rubella, CMV(congenital disease)
MULBERRY: Tuberous sclerosis (mulberry tumor),
syphilis(mulberry molar,neonatal finding)
RASPBERRY TUMOR: Umbilical adenoma
Apple peel appearance : Intestinal atresia
Apple jelly nodules: Lupus vulgaris
Lemon on stick appearance : cushing's syndrome
Apple core deformity- in carcinoma colon
(double contrast barium enema finding)
Peau'd orange skin:Breast carcinoma
Passage of grape like clots in hyaditiform mole
Apple green birefringence - Amyloidosis
Watermelon stomach : gastric antral vascular
Cucumber shaped oesophagus on barium
swallow- Achalasia cardia
Doughnut sign--> Hyperechoic ring sorrounding
gestational sac
Ewing's bone tumour--> Onion peel appearence
Pop-corn calcification in the centre of cardiac
silhouette--> Calcified aortic valve
Egg in cup appearance(XRAY)---> Constrictive

1 comment:

  1. also pathognomic findings if u can...


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