Saturday 28 July 2012

The Power of Words (By: Reehab Ramadan)

I walked for a good 5 minutes, trying to compose myself before I got to my destination. I reached the building I was aiming for and began to walk up the stairs as I felt a tap on my shoulder and a whispered, “Wait!” I turned around and found a woman I didn’t know, panting, trying to catch her breath. I waited until she was able to speak and what she said next took me by complete surprise. She looked me in the eye and said, “I’ve been following you, trying to catch up to you for 5 minutes! I just wanted you to know that I admire your strength in wearing what you believe in. More power to you and may the God you believe in bless you.” And that was it. That’s all she said. She turned around and walked away, without telling me her name or wanting anything from me. Instantly my pain began to melt and I began to smile. It was her kind words that made my day so much brighter. It was her kind words that reminded me why I was doing what I was doing: God. The woman didn’t know how much I needed to hear some sort of uplifting words. She didn’t know that I was having a horrible day, but she saw an opportunity to say something good, and she seized it.
It was on that day that I realized the power of words. The power that our beloved Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) was talking about when he said: “Indeed a servant will speak a word pleasing to Allah that he thinks to be insignificant, but because of it Allah raises him by many degrees. And indeed a servant will speak a word displeasing to Allah that he thinks to be insignificant, but because of it, He will consign him to the Hellfire.” So many times we say things that we don’t think through. We don’t think about the effects of our words. Those brothers, whom I hold no grudge against alhamdulilah (praise be to God), probably forgot the conversation they had minutes after I left, not realizing the weight of their words. And that woman probably forgot the conversation we had, minutes after she left, not realizing the weight of her words. But as we can see, years later, I still have not forgotten.
It is through such an example that we can come to think that a word is never too small to be hurtful nor too small to be beneficial. We should consider any word that we speak, out of fear that this word may be the word that causes our ultimate destruction. We should rush to say any kind and helpful word that we can, out of hope that this word will be the cause of our rising in rank. May Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) cause us to be of those who are raised in rank by our words and never be condemned to hell-fire.

“Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” —Pearl Strachan

The Only Shelter in the Storm (By:Yasmin Mogahed)

It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. As soon as it starts raining, lightning shortly follows. Dark clouds replace the sun and all you can see are the waves of an ocean, once calm, surrounding you. No longer able to find your way, you reach out for help.

You begin by calling the coast guard. No reply. You try again to redirect the boat. No use. You look for the lifeboat. It’s gone. You reach for a life jacket. Torn. Finally after you’ve exhausted every means, you turn your face upward.
And ask God.
But there’s something completely unique about this moment. At this instant, you experience something you otherwise could only theorize about: true tawheed. Oneness. See, on shore, you may have called on God. But you called on Him along with so many others. You may have depended on God. But you depended on Him along with so many other handholds. But for this singular moment, everything else is closed. Everything. There is nothing left to call on. Nothing left to depend on. But Him.
And that’s the point.
Do you ever wonder why when you’re most in need, every door you seek of the creation remains closed? You knock on one, but it’s slammed shut. So you go to another. It’s also shut. You go from door to door, knocking, pounding on each one, but nothing opens. And even those doors you had once depended on, suddenly shut. Why? Why does that happen?
See, we humans have certain qualities which God knows well. We are constantly in a state of need. We are weak. But, we are also hasty and impatient. When we are in trouble, we will be pushed to seek assistance. And that’s the design. Why would we seek shelter if it’s sunny and the weather is nice? When does one seek refuge? It is when the storm hits. So Allah subahanahu wa ta`ala (exlated is He) sends the storm; He makes the need through a created situation, so that we will be driven to seek shelter.
But when we do seek assistance, because of our impatience, we seek it in what is near and what seems easy. We seek it in what we can see and hear and touch. We look for shortcuts. We seek help in the creation, including our own selves. We look for help in what seems closest. And isn’t that exactly what dunya (wordly life) is? What seems near. The word ‘dunya’ itself means ‘that which is lower’. Dunya is what seems closest. But, this is only an illusion.
There is something closer.
Think for a moment about what’s nearest to us. If asked this question, many would say it is the heart and the self that are nearest. But, Allah (swt) says:
“It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs (self) makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein,” (Qur’an 50:16).
In this verse, Allah (swt) begins by showing us that He knows our struggles. There is comfort in knowing that someone sees our struggles. He knows what our own self calls us to. But He is closer. He is closer than our own self and what it calls for.  He is closer than our jugular vein. And why the jugular? What is striking about this part of us? The jugular vein is the most important vein that brings blood to the heart. If severed, we die almost immediately. It is literally our lifeline. But Allah (swt) is closer. Allah (swt) is closer than our own life, than our own Self, than our own nafs. And He is closer than the most important pathway to our heart.
In another verse, Allah (swt) says:
“O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom ye shall (all) be gathered,” (Qur’an 8:24).
Allah (swt) knows we have a nafs. Allah knows we have a heart. Allah knows that these things drive us. But Allah tells us that He is closer to us than even these. So when we reach for other than Him, we are not only reaching for what is weaker, we are also reaching past what is closer, for what is further and more distant. Subhan Allah (Glory be to God).
So since this is our nature, as Allah (swt) knows best, He protects and redirects us by keeping all other doors of refuge closed during the storm. He knows that behind each false door is a drop. And if we enter it, we will fall. In His mercy, He keeps those false doors closed.
In His mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek Him. And then knowing that we’re likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer.  The hardship itself is ease.  By taking away all other handholds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple.
It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that’s exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Days of appearance of rashes

Mnemonic: "Very Sick Patients Must Take Double Exercise"

Days of appearance of rashes:
Varicella (chickenpox)- 1st day
Scarlet fever – 2nd day
Pox (smallpox) – 3rd day
Mumps – 4th day
Typhus – 5th day
Dengue – 6th day
Enteric fever (typhoid) – 7th day

Thursday 5 July 2012

Importance of Shab-E-Barat


The month of Shabaan is a most auspicious one.the Holy Prophet SAWW has referred to it as"MY MONTH" and during this month,HE used to fast more than in any other month besides Ramadaan.
The 15th night of Shabaan is known as SHAB-e-BARAAT,which is next to Lailatul Qadir (27th night of Ramadaan) in auspiciousness. The Holy Prophet SAWW is reported to have said: "People are not aware of the excellence of the month of Shabaan, the month that comes between the months of Rajab and Ramadaan. In this month, the action of the people are presented (to ALLAH).I wish my actions to be presented whilst I am fasting."
On this night which begins from Magrib salaah Azan, the AMAL NAMA (record book) of a person containing all his deeds of the past year are closed and kept away in preservation till the day of resurrection and new Record books are started. Also,on this night,the various angels in charge of births, deaths, etc, are brieffed and are assigned and instructed by ALMIGHTY ALLAH their various duties-the names and number of people who are to die during the coming year, births and the dates and times they are to take place during the coming year.

DEAR MUSLIM BROTHER AND SISTERS - the bountiful ALLAH in HIS infinite mercy has provided us with such an auspicious night so that we may take advantage of it and repent for our sins,and thus obtain HIS grace and is for us to take full advantage of this night and during this night, offer special prayers and repent sincerely for our past sins and ask for HIS forgiveness.
Hazret Ali has said: "o people, spend the 15th night of shabaan in divine worship and keep fast on the 15th day of shabaan. on this auspicious night, ALLAH spreads HIS mercy on the earth and calls out: 'IS THERE ANY WHO SEEKS CURE FROM ILLNESS THAT I MAY CURE HIM? Thus HE calls the needy ,and grants them their needs, up till dawn."
(ibn majah)

Also on this night the doors of mercy and forgiveness are opened wide,and those who sincerely grieve over and repent for thier past sins and seek forgiveness from ALLAH, are pardoned and forgiven by the grace of ALLAH, the mercy.

Hazret ABU BAKR said:"on the night of Shabaan, ALLAH spreads HIS mercy on the earth and pardons all the sinners except the Polytheist,the Hypocrites and those who harbour ill-feeling towards their brethren." (baihaqi)
Further,a special point must also be made to visit the cemetery on this night and spend a long time there,reading and praying for the deceased.

Finally,on the 13th,14th,and 15th of this month one must fast not only to end one's AMAL NAMA with a good deed and begin the new AMAL NAMA with a good deed, but also because the Holy Prophethas said : "O PEOPLE,LIGHTEN AND CLEANSE THY BIDIES BY WAY OF FASTING DURING SHABAAN,SO THAT IS SHALL BE EASY AND HELPFUL TO YOU FOR THE FASTING DURING RAMADAAN.WHO SO FASTS THREE DAYS DURING SHABAAN,ALL HIS PAST SINS ARE WIPED OFF."

Remember me in your prayers...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Best Friend

Ascitic Tap Procedure

Paracentesis: A Step-by-Step Procedure Guide

New onset ascites or ascites of unknown origin
Patient with a known ascites who has fever, abdominal pain, hypotension or encephalopathy
Symptomatic treatment of large ascites

Uncooperative patient
Uncorrected bleeding diathesis
Acute abdomen that requires surgery
Intra-abdominal adhesions
Distended bowel
Abdominal wall cellulitis at the site of puncture

Procedure Step-by-Step
Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain a written informed consent, if possible. Explain the risks, benefits and alternatives (RBA).

Commercial paracentesis kits are pre-assembled. If you do not have a commercial kit, this is a list of the equipment you need to perform a successful paracentesis:

16 G Angiocath (or a spinal needle) x 1
10 cc syringe x 1
One-liter vacuum bottle x 5
Thoracentesis kit tubing x 2
Sterile gloves x 2
Betadine swab x 3
Sterile drape x 2
4x4 sterile gauze x 4
Band-aid x 1

Four steps of the paracentesis procedure

1. Ultrasound scan before the procedure
2. Patient preparation
3. Procedure
4. Laboratory results

1. Ultrasound scan before the procedure

If is is very helpful to get an ultrasound scan of the ascites before the procedure. The radiologist will mark the spot for paracentesis. Two things are important:

- What is the distance from the skin to the fluid? Usually 1 cm. It gives you an idea how deep you have to go with the needle before getting fluid in the syringe.

- What is distance to the midpoint of the collection? Usually 3 cm. It gives you an idea how deep you can go with the needle in relative safety. Generally, the advice is as soon as you reach the fluid, to advance the needle just a little and then to thread in the plastic catheter, and to take the needle out.

Ultrasound marking and direction of Angiocath needle

Ultrasound report of ascites for paracentesis

2. Patient preparation

Explain the RBA (risks, benefits, alternatives) to the patient. Make sure that he understands and agrees. If the patient does not understand the procedure, he or she cannot provide an informed consent and you have to ask a relative who has a durable power of attorney for health care or is next of kin.

Explain what is going on while performing the procedure, this will alleviate both the patient's anxiety and yours.

Ask the the patient to urinate before the procedure or use a Foley to empty the bladder. Position the patient in the bed with the head elevated at 45-60 degrees to allow fluid to accumulate in lower abdomen.

3. Procedure

Preparation for the procedure:

Get all the things ready at the bedside. Briefly explain to the patient what the different parts of kit are used for. Get a trash bin nearby to dispose of the plastic envelopes of needles and tubing.

The patient should lie on his back in a slightly recumbent position toward the site of paracentesis. Percuss the area of dullness to ensure that is correspond well the the ultrasound marking. Insertion site is inferior to umbilicus and at the level of percussed dullness, usually 2-3 fingerbreadths below the umbilicus.

Clean the area with betadine in a circular fashion from the center out. Apply the sterile drapes. You will place the opened parts of the kit on the drape.

Open the 16 G Angiocath and syringe place them on the sterile drapes. Place the 1-L vacuum bottles nearby.

From this point on, you have to wear sterile gloves, so please ensure that you have everything you need in the sterile area. It is time-consuming to have to reach for, let's say additional tubing in the non-sterile area and then to remove the soiled sterile gloves and to put new ones. Make sure that you have everything you need for the procedure in the sterile area.

Try to make sure that the Angiocath fits the tubing. All needles, syringes and tubing should fit.

Procedure technique:
If the marked site is in the RLQ, pull the skin down and go in with the Angiocath, then release the skin (this is called Z-technique which creates a skin track to stop ascitic fluid from leaking out after the procedure). Aspirate as you go in. Once you reach fluid in the needle, advance the needle just a little, then thread in the plastic part while withdrawing the needle. Aspirate again to make sure that the plastic catheter is still inside the fluid collection. If you get fluid in the syringe, everything is fine, unscrew the syringe and connect the tubing to the 1-L vacuum bottle.

If you cannot get fluid after withdrawing the needle, try to reposition the catheter. If still there is no fluid, you can try to pull out and reintroduce the needle (if kept sterile). Do not push hard or deeper than the midpoint of the collection as seen on the ultrasound scan.

If you are unsuccessful in obtaining ascitic fluid, you can ask for an ultrasound-guided paracentesis.

After the procedure, ask the patient to lie in his bed for 4 hours and the nurse to check vital signs q 1 hr for 4 hours to avoid hypotension.

It is generally recommended to give 25 cc of albumin (25% solution) for every 2 liters of ascitic fluid removed. For example, if the patient had a 4-liter paracentesis, he should receive 50 cc of albumin IV (25% solution) over 2 hours. The rationale for giving albumin is to avoid intravascular fluid shift and renal failure after a large-volume paracentesis.

Persistent leak from the puncture site
Abdominal wall hematoma
Perforation of bowel
Introduction of infection
Hypotension after a large-volume paracentesis
Dilutional hyponatremia
Hepatorenal syndrome
Major blood vessel laceration
Catheter fragment left in the abdominal wall or cavity

Write a procedure note which documents the following:

Patient consent
Indications for the procedure
Relevant labs, e.g INR/PTT, platelet count
Procedure technique, sterile prep, anesthetic, amount of fluid obtained, character of fluid, estimated blood loss
Any complications
Tests ordered

4. Laboratory results

Send the sample to the lab. Usually, you send only one of the 1-L bottles. The rest of the bottles (2-3, if it was a large-volume paracentesis) are disposed of in the biohazard area.

Order the relevant tests and check them yourself or sign out for somebody to check them.

General labs:
Ammonia, CBC, CMP, albumin, amylase, lipase, INR/PTT.

Labs for paracentesis ascitic fluid:
Protein, albumin, specific gravity, glucose, bilirubin, amylase, lipase, triglyceride, LDH
Cell count and differential
C&S, Gram stain, AFB, fungal

Your responsibility does not end with performing the procedure. You have to make sure that somebody follows on the test results and acts accordingly, e.g. prescribes antibiotics if the fluid shows SBP.

FOOD AND MEDICINE! (Contributed By: Habiba Ijaz)

Pepper salt appearance in xray skull- Multiple
Pepper salt fundus--- Congenital
rubella,Congenital syphilis
CMV retinitis--- ophthalmoscopic finding--
crumble cheese and ketchup or pizza pie
Best disease is typified by a large yolk like lesion
giving characteristic EGG YOLK APPEARANCE
STRAWBERRY: Scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease
(both of them; strawberry tongue) and also
trichomonas vaginitis causing strawberry vagina.
BLUEBERRY: Rubella, CMV(congenital disease)
MULBERRY: Tuberous sclerosis (mulberry tumor),
syphilis(mulberry molar,neonatal finding)
RASPBERRY TUMOR: Umbilical adenoma
Apple peel appearance : Intestinal atresia
Apple jelly nodules: Lupus vulgaris
Lemon on stick appearance : cushing's syndrome
Apple core deformity- in carcinoma colon
(double contrast barium enema finding)
Peau'd orange skin:Breast carcinoma
Passage of grape like clots in hyaditiform mole
Apple green birefringence - Amyloidosis
Watermelon stomach : gastric antral vascular
Cucumber shaped oesophagus on barium
swallow- Achalasia cardia
Doughnut sign--> Hyperechoic ring sorrounding
gestational sac
Ewing's bone tumour--> Onion peel appearence
Pop-corn calcification in the centre of cardiac
silhouette--> Calcified aortic valve
Egg in cup appearance(XRAY)---> Constrictive

Sunday 27 May 2012

Case Review : Acute ST Elevation MI

A 46 years Male from Islamabad came to ER with complains of Epigastric  and retrosternal pain for 16 hours. The pain was constricting type , continuous, radiating to left arm and neck, and not relieved in any position. It was associated with Shortness of breath. He had 3 episodes of Vomiting and sweating. He also complains of palpitation. Headache +, LOC followed the event and he was rushed to ER. Bowel/Bladder habits were Normal.
He had no history of chest pain before but he is a smoker, 9-10 sticks per day for past 30 years. He occasionally consumed alcohol.
He doesn’t give history of HTN, or Diabetes Mellitus.
On Examination at ER:
  • GC-  patient conscious but in agony.
  • Vitals- Blood pressure- 100/80 mmHg, Pulse= 64/minute, RR=32/min , Temperature=Normal
  • Cardinal signs- JVP- raised
  1. Chest- Bilateral Normal Vesicular Breath Sound, No added sounds
  2. CVS- S1 and S2 Normal, No mumur
  3. P/A-  soft, non-tender, no organomegaly
  • ECG showed- ST-T changes specific of Antero-lateral Myocardial Infarction. Q waves.
STEMI st elevation ecg 300x129 Case Review : Acute ST Elevation MI
ST elevation in chest leads
heart attack ecg 300x149 Case Review : Acute ST Elevation MI
  • Total Count- 11,700 with N-87 and L-10, Hemoglobin=13.4 g%
  • Cardiac Enzymes= CPK MB= 109 U/L after 4 hours CPKMB=421U/L, Troponin I was positive.
Diagnosis- Anterolateral MI
Immediate Management-
  1. Oxygen
  2. Aspirin
  3. Clopidogrel
  4. Inj Morphine
  5. LMW Heparin
  6. Isosorbide dinitrate
  7. Isosorbide Mononitrate
  8. Alprazolam
  9. Cremaffin
Patient could not be Thrombolysed because it was past recommended time and Q waves in ECG were seen by arrival.
CCU course-
day1 -Patient developed hypotension . ECG showed Inferior wall extension.Inotropes were started.
day 2-Couplets were seen, Hr-120 beats/min and was controlled by beta-blocker Metoprolol low dose
day 3- Inotropes were tapered gradually. Patient’s condition improved.
ECHO done.
Planned for Coronary Angiography. Possible CABG.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Popular Medications

(Drugs listed alphabetically by generic name with brand name in parentheses) 

ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors-Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are used to treat high blood pressure. They cause the blood vessels to relax and become larger and, as a result, blood pressure is lowered. When blood pressure is reduced, the heart has an easier time pumping blood. This is especially beneficial when the heart is failing. ACE inhibitors also cause the process of hypertensive- and diabetes-related kidney diseases to slow down and prevent early deaths associated with high blood pressure. ACE inhibitors cannot be taken during pregnancy since they may cause birth defects. Generic ACE inhibitors are available.
acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol)-A pain reliever and fever reducer. The exact mechanism of action of acetaminophen is not known. Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold (that is, by requiring a greater amount of pain to develop before it is felt by a person). Acetaminophen reduces fever through its action on the heat-regulating center of the brain. Generic is available.
alprazolam (brand name: Xanax)- A benzodiazepine sedative that causes dose-related depression of the central nervous system. Alprazolam is useful in treating anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Generic is available.
amoxicillin (brand names: Amoxil, Polymox, Trimox)-An antibiotic of the penicillin type that is effective against different bacteria such as Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria gonorrhoea, Escherichia coli, Pneumococci, Streptococci, and certain strains of Staphylococci, particularly infections of the middle ear, tonsillitis, throat infections, laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Amoxicillin is also used in treating urinary tract infections, skin infections, and gonorrhea. Generic is available.
atenolol (brand name: Tenormin)-A medication that blocks the action of a portion of the involuntary nervous system that stimulates the pace of the heartbeat. By blocking the action of these nerves, atenolol reduces the heart rate and is useful in treating abnormally rapid heart rhythms. Atenolol also reduces the force of heart muscle contraction, lowers blood pressure, and is helpful in treating angina. It is also used for the prevention of migraine headaches and the treatment of certain types of tremors. Generic is available.
bupropion (brand names: Wellbutrin, Zyban, Wellbutrin SR)-An antidepressant medication that affects chemicals within the brain that nerves use to send messages to each other. These chemical messengers are called neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters that are released by nerves are taken up again by the nerves that release them for reuse (referred to as reuptake). Many experts believe that depression is caused by an imbalance among the amounts of neurotransmitters that are released. Bupropion is unrelated to other antidepressants. It works by inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, resulting in more of these chemicals being available to transmit messages to other nerves. Bupropion is unique in that its major effect is on dopamine. Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin SR are used for the management of depression. Zyban has been approved as an aid to patients who want to quit smoking. Generic is not available.
cephalexin (brand names: Keflex, Keftabs)-A semisynthetic cephalosporin antibiotic that is chemically similar to penicillin. Cephalexin is effective against a wide variety of bacterial organisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Escherichia coli, particular involving infections of the middle ear, tonsillitis, throat infections, laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Cephalexin is also used in treating urinary tract infections and skin and bone infections. Generic is available.
ciprofloxacin (brand name: Cipro)-An antibiotic that stops multiplication of bacteria by inhibiting the reproduction and repair of their genetic material (DNA). Ciprofloxacin is used to treat infections of the skin, lungs, airways, bones, and joints that are caused by susceptible bacteria. Ciprofloxacin is also frequently used to treat urinary infections caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Ciprofloxacin is effective in treating infectious diarrheas caused by E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and shigella bacteria. Generic is not available.
citalopram (brand name: Celexa)-An antidepressant medication that affects neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers within the brain. Neurotransmitters manufactured and released by nerves attach to adjacent nerves and alter their activities. Thus, neurotransmitters can be thought of as the communication system of the brain. Many experts believe that an imbalance among neurotransmitters is the cause of depression. Citalopram works by preventing the uptake of one neurotransmitter, serotonin, by nerve cells after it has been released. The reduced uptake caused by citalopram results in more free serotonin being available in the brain to stimulate nerve cells. Citalopram is in the class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Generic is not available.
clonazepam (Klonopin)-Used to treat anxiety, clonazepam works by enhancing the response to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, a neurotransmitter that inhibits the activity of many parts of the brain. It is believed that too much activity can lead to anxiety. By enhancing the response to GABA, clonazepam inhibits activity in the brain and relieves the short-term symptoms of anxiety. Clonazepam should not be taken during pregnancy, as the effects are known to cause damage to the fetus. More than half of those who take clonazepam experience the side effect of sedation. Generic clonazepam is available.
codeine (brand name: Empirin 2, 3, 4, Tylenol 2, 3, 4, Tylenol with Codeine Elixir)-Codeine is a pain reliever used to temporarily relieve mild to severe pain. Codeine has the ability to impair thinking and physical ability necessary for driving, and, when combined with alcohol, the impairment can be worsened. Those taking codeine have the ability to become dependent on the drug mentally and physically. Those patients allergic to aspirin and pregnant mothers should not take codeine. Codeine often is combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin to add to its effectiveness. Side effects of codeine include light-headedness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and sedation. Generic codeine is available.
doxycycline (brand name: Vibramycin)-A synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that is derived from tetracycline and is effective against a wide variety of bacteria, such as Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Doxycycline is particularly helpful for treating respiratory tract infections and for treating nongonococcal urethritis (due to ureaplasma), Rocky mountain spotted fever, typhus, chancroid, cholera, brucellosis, anthrax, syphilis, and acne. Generic is available.
fluoxetine (brand name: Prozac)-A class of antidepressant medications that affects chemical messengers within the brain. These chemical messengers are called neurotransmitters. Many experts believe that an imbalance in these neurotransmitters is the cause of depression. Fluoxetine is used in the treatment of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Fluoxetine is believed to work by inhibiting the release of or affecting the action of serotonin. Generic is available.
hydrocodone/acetaminophen (brand names: Vicodin, Vicodin ES, Anexsia, Lorcet, Lorcet Plus, Norco)-A narcotic pain reliever and a cough suppressant that is similar to codeine and is used for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain. The precise mechanism of pain relief by hydrocodone and other narcotics is not known. Acetaminophen is a nonnarcotic pain reliever and fever reducer. It relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold and reduces fever through its action on the heat-regulating center of the brain. Generic is available.
hydroxyzine (brand names: Vistaril, Atarax)-An antihistamine with anticholinergic (drying) and sedative properties that is used to treat allergic reactions and to relieve nasal and nonnasal symptoms such as those from seasonal allergic rhinitis. Histamine is released by the body during several types of allergic reactions and to a lesser extent during some viral infections, such as the common cold. When histamine binds to its receptors on cells, it causes changes within the cells that lead to sneezing, itching, and increased mucus production. Antihistamines compete with histamine for cell receptors; however, when they bind to the receptors, antihistamines do not stimulate the cells. In addition, antihistamines prevent histamine from binding and stimulating the cells. Generic is available.
ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Medipren, Nuprin)-A traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is effective in treating fever, pain, and inflammation in the body. As a group, NSAIDs are nonnarcotic relievers of mild to moderate pain of many causes, including injury, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Generic is available.

levothyroxine sodium (brand names: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid)-A synthetic version of the principal thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4), which is made and released by the thyroid gland. Levothyroxine sodium is used to treat hypothyroidism and to suppress thyroid hormone release in the management of cancerous thyroid nodules and growth of goiters. Thyroid hormone increases the metabolic rate of cells of all tissues in the body. Thyroid hormone helps to maintain brain function, food metabolism, and body temperature, among other effects. Generic is available.
lisinopril (brand name: Zestril, Prinivil)-Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor that works to lower blood pressure by relaxing and enlarging blood vessels. It also is used to treat heart failure. Lisinopril should be taken at the same time each day in order to ensure consistent blood levels. Pregnant mothers should avoid lisinopril, and it is important to avoid taking lisinopril within two hours of an antacid since antacid binds the lisinopril and prevents it from being absorbed into the body. Side effects of lisinopril include dizziness that is felt when the blood pressure begins to drop, and kidney damage as well. Those taking potassium supplements or diuretics that cause potassium to be retained by the body should not take lisinopril because blood potassium levels may rise to dangerously high levels. Generic lisinopril is available.
lithium (brand name: Lithobid)-Since the 1950s, lithium has been used in the treatment of bipolar disorder as well as depression. Lithium is a mineral that has a positive charge, similar to sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It works by interfering inside cells with other minerals with positive charges such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. Lithium impacts the brain by affecting both the concentrations of tryptophan and serotonin within the brain's cells, and neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that nerves use to communicate with each other. It is recommended that lithium be taken together with food. The full clinical effects of lithium are seen about 2-3 weeks after beginning treatment. Goiters of the thyroid gland develop in one out of every 25 persons taking lithium. Generic lithium is available.
lorazepam (brand names: Ativan)-An antianxiety medication in the benzodiazepine family. Lorazepam and other benzodiazepines act by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that nerves in the brain use to send messages to one another. GABA inhibits activity in many of the nerves of the brain, and it is thought that this excessive activity is what causes anxiety and other psychological disorders. Lorazepam has fewer interactions with other medications and is felt to be potentially less toxic than most of the other benzodiazepines. Lorazepam is also used to treat insomnia and panic attacks. Generic is available.
meloxicam (brand name: Mobic)-Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used in the treatment of inflammation due to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Meloxicam, like other NSAIDs, reduces the pain, tenderness and swelling caused by inflammation by preventing the formation of chemicals that contribute to inflammation. Individuals who are prone to asthma attacks, hives or have an allergy to aspirin and other NSAIDs should not take meloxicam. Aspirin should not be taken with meloxicam as such a combination raises the risk for developing ulcers of the stomach or small intestine. Generic meloxicam is available..
metformin (brand name: Glucophage)-Approved by the FDA in 1994, metformin is used to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes in adults and children. Metformin also reduces complications of diabetes including heart disease, blindness and kidney disease. When used alone, metformin does not increase insulin levels in the blood and, therefore, does not result in extremely low blood glucose levels. Metformin increases the effects that insulin has on the liver, muscle, fat, and other tissues. As a result, the reduced levels of insulin have more of an effect than they otherwise would. Metformin also has been used to prevent diabetes from worsening and also has been used to treat polycystic ovaries. Side effects of metformin include nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Generic metformin is available.
methotrexate (brand names: Rheumatrex, Trexall)-A drug that is capable of blocking the metabolism of cells (an antimetabolite). As a result of this effect, methotrexate has been found to be helpful in treating certain diseases associated with abnormally rapid cell growth, such as cancer of the breast and psoriasis. Recently, methotrexate has been shown to be effective in inducing miscarriage (for example, in patients with ectopic pregnancy). This effect of methotrexate is attributed to its action of killing the rapidly growing cells of the placenta. Methotrexate has also been found to be very helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, although its mechanism of action in this illness is not known. Methotrexate seems to work, in part, by altering aspects of immune function that may play a role in causing rheumatoid arthritis. Generic is available.
methylprednisolone (brand name: Medrol, Depo-Medrol)-Methylprednisolone is a synthetic corticosteroid that is used to reduce inflammation in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, lupus, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. The body produces corticosteroids naturally in the adrenal glands. Methylprednisolone may be used during pregnancy as it does not cause abnormalities in the fetus. However, using methylprednisolone for long periods of time can cause the body to stop producing its own corticosteroids. This can lead to a serious problem, i.e., inadequate amounts of corticosteroids, if the methylprednisolone is stopped for any reason. Generic methylprednisolone is available.
metoprolol (brand names: Lopressor, Toprol XL)-A medication that blocks the action of a portion of the involuntary nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the pace of the heart beat. By blocking the action of these nerves, metoprolol reduces the heart rate and is useful in treating abnormally rapid heart rhythms. Metoprolol also reduces the force of heart muscle contraction, lowers blood pressure, and is helpful in treating angina. Generic is available.
metronidazole (brand name: Flagyl)-Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to fight infections caused by a class of bacteria called anaerobic bacteria as well as some parasites. Metronidazole is used for infections of the small intestine, amebic liver abscesses, dysentery and trichomonas vaginal infections. It also is used to treat infections of the colon caused by the bacterium, Clostridium difficile. Taking metronidazole with alcohol is dangerous as it can cause nausea, vomiting, cramps, flushing and headache. Pregnant mothers and nursing mothers should not use metronidazole. Side effects of metronidazole, although they are few, include seizures and nerve damage that can lead to numbness and tingling of the hands and feet. Generic metronidazole is available.
naproxen (brand names: Naprosyn, Naprelan, Anaprox, Aleve)-A traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is effective in treating fever, pain, and inflammation in the body. As a group, NSAIDs are nonnarcotic relievers of mild to moderate pain of many causes, including injury, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions. Generic is available.
phentermine (brand names: Adipex-P, Fastin, Obenix, Oby-Trim)-An appetite suppressor that decreases appetite by possibly changing brain levels of serotonin. Phentermine is a nervous system stimulator like the amphetamines, causing stimulation, elevation of blood pressure, and increased heart rates. Phentermine is used for short periods, along with diet and behavior modification, to treat obesity. Generic is available.
prednisone (brand names: Deltasone, Liquid Pred, Prednisolone, Pediapred Oral Liquid, Medrol)-An oral, synthetic corticosteroid that is used for suppressing the immune system and inflammation. Synthetic corticosteroids mimic the action of cortisol (hydrocortisone), the naturally occurring corticosteroid that is produced in the body by the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids have many effects on the body, but they most often are used for their potent anti-inflammatory effects, particularly in conditions in which the immune system plays an important role. Such conditions include arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, certain skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions of the nose and eyes. Generic is available.
tramadol (brand name: Ultram)-A pain reliever (analgesic) that is used in the management of moderate to moderately severe pain. Its mode of action resembles that of narcotics, but tramadol has significantly less potential for abuse and addiction than narcotics. Tramadol is as effective as narcotics in relieving pain, but it does not depress respiration, which is a side effect of most narcotics. Generic is not available.